在我的centos Linux环境中,我运行一个gunicorn flask web服务器,随后在同一个端口上通过Chrome浏览器启动客户端。当我想用这些设置启动客户端时,页面无法正常打开。
google-chrome-stable \
--no-first-run \
--password-store=basic \
--disable-gpu \
--new-window \
--no-default-browser-check \
--no-default-browser-setting \
--user-data-dir="$user_data_dir" \
--disk-cache-dir="$user_data_dir/cache" \
"http://localhost:$port" &
我尝试了所有其他可能影响这种Chrome。此问题发生在版本114上,但不是在装有Chrome 94的计算机上。对我来说,不可能改变版本。
The log errors you provided indicate several areas where Chrome is experiencing issues. Let's break down these issues:
DBus Issue:
[15081:15081:0809/145748.532428:ERROR:object_proxy.cc(590)] Failed to call method: org.freedesktop.portal.Settings.Read: object_path= /org/freedesktop/portal/desktop: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: No such interface 'org.freedesktop.portal.Settings' on object at path /org/freedesktop/portal/desktop
This error is related to the DBus service. It indicates that Chrome is trying to interact with a service through DBus and failing because the service doesn't recognize the method being called.
Manifest Fetching Error:
[15081:15081:0809/145748.555489:VERBOSE1:extension_downloader.cc(732)] Failed to fetch manifest ...
This error suggests that Chrome couldn't fetch an extension manifest from Google's servers. This could be due to a network issue, or perhaps this particular installation of Chrome is trying to fetch something that doesn't exist or is not accessible.
Gaia Authentication Error:
[15081:15081:0809/145748.555730:VERBOSE1:gaia_auth_fetcher.cc(816)] Got authentication error
[15081:15081:0809/145748.555815:VERBOSE1:gaia_auth_fetcher.cc(817)] net_error: net::ERR_FAILED
Gaia is Google's authentication service. This suggests there's an issue with authentication, but it might not be directly related to your issue of a blank page. It might just be a side effect of running Chrome in a scripted manner without a proper user session.
Network Service Crashed:
[15081:15081:0809/145748.566833:ERROR:network_service_instance_impl.cc(558)] Network service crashed, restarting service.
This is a significant error. The network service crashing could very well result in pages not loading, as Chrome's network service is essential for making web requests.
Account Reconcilor Errors:
[15081:15081:0809/145749.975742:VERBOSE1:account_reconcilor.cc(555)] ...
These errors seem related to account management within Chrome. Like the Gaia error, it may not be directly related to your issue but rather a side effect of the environment in which you're running Chrome.
just another stackoverflow question that was not proposed by initial search and during the post of the question