java 有人能帮我构建一个可以与MongoDB一起使用的@Query吗

rmbxnbpk  于 2023-09-29  发布在  Java


Class AbcRequest{
List<Filters> filters;

Class Filters{
String abcCode;
List<String> abcType;

Class abcController{
getFilters(List<String>someList, boolean status, AbcRequest request){
for(Filters filter: request.getFilters(){
String abcCode = filter.getAbcCode();
List<String> abcTypes = filter.getAbcType();

我的查询应该有这样的条件:where((someList in('a ','b')and status='false' and abcCode='8' and abcType in('done ','pending')OR(someList in('a ','b')and status='false' and abcCode='6' and abcType in('pending '))
如何编写MongoDB @Query来从存储库方法中获取这样的查询。它是许多“AND”和“OR”的组合,例如:--其中(a AND b AND c AND d)OR(a AND e AND f AND d)
我知道如何在@Query中使用简单的OR:-例如构建一个查询(其中A=10 OR B=10)@Query('$or':[{A:10},{B:10}])




Query query = new Query();
        Criteria criteria = new Criteria();
        Criteria a = new Criteria();
        // B is the same as a
        Criteria b = new Criteria();


We specify the targetUserId variable with the user_id you want to filter by.

We add a $match stage at the beginning of the aggregation pipeline to filter documents with the specified user_id.

The rest of the aggregation pipeline remains the same as before, calculating the sum of account balances for the specified user.

We then check if the result contains data for the specified user and print the user's total balance, or print a message if the user is not found or has no accounts.

Make sure to replace 'mongodb://localhost:27017/your-database-name' with your actual MongoDB connection string and adjust the schema to match your data structure if needed.

// Connect to the MongoDB database using the Liquid ORM's Database module
const db = await Database.connect('mongodb');

// Access the "bank_accounts" collection within the database
const accountsCollection = db.collection('bank_accounts');

// Define an aggregation pipeline to filter and group account data
const aggregationPipeline = [
    // Stage 1: Match documents where the user_id matches the currently targetUserId 
    $match: {
      user_id: targetUserId,
    // Stage 2: Group the matched documents by user_id and calculate the total balance
    $group: {
      _id: '$user_id', // Group by user_id
      totalBalance: { $sum: { $toDouble: '$account_balance' } }, // Calculate the sum of account_balance

// Execute the aggregation pipeline and store the result in the "result" variable
const result = await accountsCollection.aggregate(aggregationPipeline).toArray();

console.log("result" ,result);

// Check if there are accounts found for the user
if (result.length > 0) {
  // Log the total account balance for the user
  console.log('Total account balance:', result[0].totalBalance);

  // Update the "total_balance" field in the UserModel for the user
  await UserModel.query().where("slug", request.user().slug).update({"total_balance": result[0].totalBalance});
} else {
  // Log a message indicating that no accounts were found for the user
  console.log('No accounts found.');
