Determine Username in Azure SQL Server if user is a User assigend managed identity

g2ieeal7  于 2023-10-15  发布在  SQL Server

I connect Azure SQL Server using a user assigned managed identity from a webapp. This works fine so fare, and our logging process shall log all activities of this app (and others) in the database.

To determine the username of the current acting user, i can usuallly use in any stored procedure something like


which will return the username of the connected user.

The username of the managed identity is in my case "octservice". But when "octservice" connects, and i log its activities, the @ORIGINAL_LOGIN() Function does not returns its username, it returns something like ClientID@TenantID from the Azure AD.

How can i anyway determine the username, like it appears in SSMS ? The ClientID@TenantID is not the USER_ID of this user.



I had the same problem when I wanted to drop the current user from the db_owner role after applying EFcore-migrations.

My Solution is to first check whether the value returned by SELECT SUSER_NAME() AS Value is the name of an azure identity using a regex:


then looking up the username from the table sys.database_principals :

SELECT name AS Value from sys.database_principals WHERE sid = SUSER_SID()

With that name, I was able to create SQL statement to drop the role member:

ALTER ROLE [db_owner] DROP MEMBER [{Value}]


Try SELECT SYSTEM_USER() ? It's a synonym for SUSER_SNAME() . I've seen it referenced once or twice with regard to managed identity.
