SQL Server SQL Query to Count IDs with Consecutive Status Followed by a keyword

kjthegm6  于 2023-10-15  发布在  其他

I have the following data in my database:

I'm trying to write an SQL query that will count the Retailer IDs where the FSL Status is "Imputed" for three consecutive months, followed immediately by a "Projected" status. I want to include only those cases where the "Projected" status occurs right after three consecutive "Imputed" statuses.

Can someone help me construct this SQL query?



It's not elegant but it works:

select count(distinct a.RetailerId)
from MyTable a
inner join MyTable b
  on a.RetailerId = b.RetailerId
  and dateadd(month, -1, a.Period) = b.Period
  and b.[FSL Status] = 'Imputed'
inner join MyTable c
  on b.RetailerId = c.RetailerId
  and dateadd(month, -1, b.Period) = c.Period
  and c.[FSL Status] = 'Imputed'
inner join MyTable d
  on c.RetailerId = d.RetailerId
  and dateadd(month, -1, c.Period) = d.Period
  and d.[FSL Status] = 'Imputed'
where a.[FSL Status] = 'Projected'

In the select I put a count distinct, but Count(*) could be enough. You know the data, you choose.



You can make use of cumulative sum sum() over (order by ...) to identify the required group (3 Imputed + 1 Projected).

cte identify the grp . cte2 counts number of rows within the grp

with cte as
  select *, 
         grp = sum(case when Status = 'Imputed'   then 0
                        when Status = 'Projected' then 1
               over (partition by RetailerID 
                         order by Period desc)
  from   yourTable
cte2 as
  select *, cnt = count(*) over (partition by RetailerID, grp)
  from   cte
select *
from   cte2
where  cnt >= 4   -- 1 Projected & 3 Imputed
order by RetailerID, Period
