numpy 当从python中的系统声音中听到特定频率(组合)时,有什么方法可以做出响应吗?

wa7juj8i  于 12个月前  发布在  Python


import sounddevice as sd
import numpy as np

# Parameters
target_frequencies = [440, 350]  # Frequencies to detect (440Hz and 350Hz)
duration = 15  # Duration in seconds
sample_rate = 44100  # Sample rate

# Callback function for audio input
def audio_callback(indata, frames, time, status):
    # Convert audio data to mono
    mono_data = np.mean(indata, axis=1)
    # Compute the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
    fft_data = np.fft.fft(mono_data)
    freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(len(fft_data), 1 / sample_rate)
    # Find the indices of the target frequencies
    target_indices = [np.argmin(np.abs(freqs - freq)) for freq in target_frequencies]
    # Check if the target frequencies are present
    if all(abs(fft_data[index]) > 10000 for index in target_indices):
        print("yo yo yo")

# Start recording
with sd.InputStream(callback=audio_callback, channels=2, samplerate=sample_rate):
    print("Listening for tones...")
    sd.sleep(int(duration * 1000))  # Record for the desired duration
    print("Recording finished")




对于您的应用程序来说,检测最大光谱分量是不够的,并且 * 肯定 * 不足以检测任何高于10,000的任意值的此类分量。相反,您需要某种启发式方法来比较您关心的带内频谱能量与总能量,如果超过阈值,则认为您的音调存在。(此外,您需要检查总能量,以区分“一些声音”和“背景噪音”;我没有展示这一点)。
在这种情况下,频率桶大小的合理值是10 Hz,因为您感兴趣的两个频率的最大公因数是10,这足以将这些音调与DVB-POTS系统中的其他音调区分开来。

import librosa
import numpy as np

print('Loading canned tone...')
canned, rate = librosa.load('US_dial_tone.mp3', mono=True)

# Ignore next-highest DTMF tone of 697 Hz and up
# From the Precise Tone Plan (,
# ignore 480 and 620 Hz
freq_bucket_size = 10  # greatest common factor of 350 and 440
n = rate//freq_bucket_size
target_frequencies = 350, 440
target_idx = [f//freq_bucket_size for f in target_frequencies]

canned = canned[:len(canned) - len(canned)%n]
for chunk in canned.reshape((-1, n)):
    ampl = np.abs(np.fft.rfft(chunk))
    total_energy = ampl[1:].sum()
    tone_energy = ampl[target_idx].sum()
    match = tone_energy / total_energy
    if match > 0.5:
        print(f'Tone matched at {match:.1%} energy')
Loading canned tone...
Tone matched at 90.4% energy
Tone matched at 91.3% energy
Tone matched at 89.7% energy
Tone matched at 90.5% energy
Tone matched at 91.1% energy
Tone matched at 91.0% energy
Tone matched at 89.7% energy
Tone matched at 90.8% energy
Tone matched at 92.1% energy
Tone matched at 90.8% energy
Tone matched at 89.7% energy
Tone matched at 90.1% energy
Tone matched at 92.5% energy
Tone matched at 91.7% energy
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Tone matched at 91.3% energy
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Tone matched at 91.2% energy
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Tone matched at 92.5% energy
Tone matched at 91.8% energy
Tone matched at 90.3% energy
Tone matched at 93.1% energy
Tone matched at 93.2% energy
Tone matched at 91.3% energy
Tone matched at 91.8% energy
Tone matched at 93.2% energy
Tone matched at 92.6% energy
Tone matched at 92.9% energy
Tone matched at 93.3% energy
Tone matched at 93.8% energy
Tone matched at 94.1% energy
Tone matched at 92.2% energy
Tone matched at 92.9% energy
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Tone matched at 93.8% energy
Tone matched at 93.6% energy
Tone matched at 93.0% energy
Tone matched at 94.0% energy
Tone matched at 92.1% energy
Tone matched at 91.9% energy
Tone matched at 93.4% energy
Tone matched at 93.2% energy
Tone matched at 91.3% energy
Tone matched at 92.9% energy
Tone matched at 92.8% energy
Tone matched at 91.1% energy
Tone matched at 91.4% energy
Tone matched at 90.1% energy
