assembly Hello World直接汇编代码执行在Windows中-如此接近,但返回时存在访问冲突

whitzsjs  于 2023-10-19  发布在  Windows


尽管我理解这个理论,但我从未见过在真实的生活中这样做。所以我尝试实现一个“hello world”的例子,它只显示一个消息框。

Class DummyThing
    Sub DoNothing()
    End Sub
End Class

'Uses mem manip functions from

Module VBA
    Private Const MEM_COMMIT = &H1000
    Private Const MEM_RESERVE = &H2000
    Private Const PAGE_READWRITE = &H4
    Private Const PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE = &H40

    Declare PtrSafe Function VirtualAlloc Lib "kernel32" ( _
        ByVal lpAddress As LongPtr, _
        ByVal dwSize As Long, _
        ByVal flAllocationType As Long, _
        ByVal flProtect As Long) As LongPtr

    Declare PtrSafe Function LoadLibrary Lib "kernel32" Alias "LoadLibraryA" ( _
        ByVal lpLibFileName As String) As LongPtr

    Declare PtrSafe Function GetProcAddress Lib "kernel32" ( _
        ByVal hModule As LongPtr, _
        ByVal lpProcName As String) As LongPtr
    [ PackingAlignment (1) ] 'byte alignment instead of dword
    Type ShellcodeStruct
        push1 As Byte
        mb_ok As Byte

        push2 As Byte
        captionAddress As Long ' Address of 'Hello World' caption

        push3 As Byte
        textAddress As Long    ' Address of 'Hello World' text

        push4 As Byte
        hwnd As Byte

        callOp As Byte
        callType As Byte
        MessageBoxWAddress As Long ' Address of MessageBoxW
        popOp As Byte              ' POP EAX

        retOp As Byte              ' RET
    End Type
    Sub Main()
        Dim base As DummyThing = New DummyThing
        Dim vtable As LongPtr = MemLongPtr(ObjPtr(base)) 'deref objptr to get vtable ptr
        Dim title As String = "foo"
        Dim caption As String = "hello"
        Dim MessageBoxW As LongPtr = pMessageBoxW
        Dim code As ShellcodeStruct = GetShellCode(caption, title, VarPtr(MessageBoxW))
        Dim buffer As LongPtr = VirtualAlloc(0&, LenB(code), MEM_COMMIT Or MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE)
        If buffer = 0 Then
            Debug.Print ("    |__ VirtualAlloc() failed (Err:" + Str(Err.LastDllError) + ").")
            Exit Sub
            Debug.Print ("    |__ VirtualAlloc() OK - Got Addr: 0x" + Hex(buffer))
        End If
        CopyMemory ByVal buffer, code, LenB(code)
        MemLongPtr(vtable + PTR_SIZE * 7) = buffer 'overwrite vtable
        base.DoNothing 'invoke the overwritten vtable
    End Sub
    Function pMessageBoxW() As LongPtr
        Dim hLib As LongPtr
        Dim addrMessageBoxW As LongPtr

        hLib = LoadLibrary("User32.dll")
        Return GetProcAddress(hLib, "MessageBoxW")
    End Function
    Function GetShellCode(ByRef caption As String, ByRef text As String, ByVal addrMessageBoxW As Long) As ShellcodeStruct
        Dim sc As ShellcodeStruct

        ' Fill in the opcodes:
        sc.push1 = &H6A
        sc.mb_ok = &H0

        sc.push2 = &H68
        ' Assuming caption is a VBA string holding 'Hello World'
        sc.captionAddress = StrPtr(caption)

        sc.push3 = &H68
        ' Assuming text is another VBA string holding 'Hello World'
        sc.textAddress = StrPtr(text)

        sc.push4 = &H6A
        sc.hwnd = &H0

        sc.callOp = &HFF
        sc.callType = &H15
        sc.MessageBoxWAddress = addrMessageBoxW
        sc.popOp = &H58
        sc.retOp = &HC3
        Return sc
    End Function

End Module

注意,我使用twinBASIC而不是Python,因为当我得到一个ACCESS VIOLATION时,它不会崩溃主机。它还可以让我删除 Package 从UDT这是方便的。但我希望这也能在32位以太网中工作。

push 0               ; MB_OK
push 'Hello World'   ; Caption (address to string in memory) - StrPtr(caption)
push 'Hello World'   ; Text (address to string in memory) - StrPtr(text)
push 0               ; hWnd
call MessageBoxW     ; VBA BSTRs are wide I think - the address is hardcoded
pop eax              ; discard return code of message box - same error without this line


代码工作90% -它显示了完整的标题消息框。然而,它随后可能在ret指令上与(runtime error -2147467259: NATIVE EXCEPTION: ACCESS_VIOLATION)一起崩溃。




  1. MessageBox函数返回eax中的值,而不是堆栈。因此pop eax将堆栈弹出到eax;从堆栈中删除有效数据。顺便说一下,我们无论如何都要将HRESULT_SUCCESS的eax设置为0。
push 0              ; MB_OK
push DWORD PTR [captionAddress]   ; Address of 'Hello World' caption
push DWORD PTR [textAddress]      ; Address of 'Hello World' text
push 0              ; hWnd
call DWORD PTR [MessageBoxWAddress] ; Direct call to MessageBoxW
xor eax, eax        ; Clear EAX register, essentially setting HRESULT to S_OK (0)
ret 4               ; Return, and adjust stack by 4 bytes (for the "this" pointer)

注意ret 4将从堆栈中删除4字节的this指针,因为我们没有在其他任何地方使用它。xor eax, eax将HRESULT(我认为)设置为0
