使用SQLite zeroblob作为仅附加文本缓冲区?

ikfrs5lh  于 2023-10-23  发布在  SQLite

看来,这样做的方法是使用增量blob I/O;所以,我添加了一个固定大小的zeroblob,打开了blob通道,开始向它写入文本。它终于可以处理多字节字符了。

sqlite> select * from pieces;
id  buffer  start  len
--  ------  -----  ---
1     o     0      5  
2     a     68     10 
3     o     28     13

我知道“更好”的问题已经结束了,但我所说的更好是指在Tcl中将blob阅读到内存中并循环通过它将片段追加到列表中并最终连接它们方面最有效的,而不是将blob转换为文本并在SQL中使用substr()group_concat()做同样的事情。在Tcl中可能有另一个循环选项,在开始字节上使用chan seek,在字符长度上使用chan read numChars(请参见不完整的方法2)。在这种情况下,可能只需要跟踪开始字节而不是字节长度;但是寻找和阅读与其他方法相比有多有效呢?
也许,跟踪字节和字符不是问题。字节位置是blob的末尾,因为这总是一个只附加缓冲区;而且,根据SQLite文档,blob不必像字符串那样被读入内存来确定它的长度。(编辑:先前的陈述是不准确的,因为尽管关于斑点长度本身是真的,但是zeroblob的长度将始终是原始大小;因此,blob的长度不是最后一次写入的结束位置。)并且一个块的字节长度是[string length [encoding convertto utf-8 $string]]

require sqlite3
set dbname blobs
if { [catch {sqlite3 db $dbname} result] } {
  chan puts stdout "result: $result"
chan puts stdout "Successfully opened database named '${dbname}'."
chan puts stdout "Version is [ db version ]."

db eval {
   create table if not exists textblobs (
      id integer primary key,
      textblob blob
   insert into textblobs values(5, zeroblob(2000));
   create table pieces (
      id integer primary key,
      start integer,
      len integer
   insert into pieces values
set fdBlob [db incrblob textblobs textblob 5]
chan configure $fdBlob -translation binary -encoding utf-8 -buffering none

set testStr {--inserted Hebrew בְּרֵאשִׁ֖ית of char length 50--}
# NOTE These would be four different
# events passed to this code.
chan puts -nonewline $fdBlob "Hello there"
chan puts -nonewline $fdBlob $testStr
chan puts -nonewline $fdBlob ", friends"
chan puts -nonewline $fdBlob "!"

chan puts stdout "\$testStr: $testStr"
chan puts stdout "\[string length \$testStr\]: [string length $testStr]"
chan puts stdout "\[string length \[encoding convertto utf-8 \$testStr]\]:\
    [string length [encoding convertto utf-8 $testStr]]"

chan puts "\[chan seek \$fdBlob 0 start\]: [chan seek $fdBlob 0 start]"
chan puts stdout "copy \$fdBlob stdout -size 2000 written below"
chan copy $fdBlob stdout -size 2000
chan puts stdout ""

chan puts "\[chan seek \$fdBlob 0 start\]: [chan seek $fdBlob 0 start]"
set readblob [chan read $fdBlob]
chan puts stdout "\[chan read \$fdBlob\]: $readblob"
#chan puts stdout "\[encoding convertfrom utf-8 \$readblob\]:\
   [encoding convertfrom utf-8 $readblob]"

chan puts stdout "\[string length \$readblob\]: [string length $readblob]"
#chan puts stdout "\[string bytelength \$readblob\]:\
   [string bytelength $readblob]"

# Method 1
# Result of query is {0 5 61 10 28 13}.
set SQL {\
  group_concat(start || ' ' || len, ' ') as pcMap
from pieces
order by id;\

db eval $SQL {
  foreach {start len} $pcMap {
    lappend pieces [string range $readblob $start [expr {$start + $len - 1}]]
chan puts "Tcl pieces: [join $pieces {}]"

# Method 2
# Does not work currently because chan seek
# is based on bytes not characters; but could
# build the piece table map based on start
# byte and character length, and loop in Tcl
# similar to Method 1, chan seeling to the 
# start byte and chan reading the char length.
chan seek $fdBlob 62 start
chan puts stdout "chan read of 10 characters from seek 62:\
   [chan read $fdBlob 10]"

# Method 3
# Could also build piece table based on bytes
# because substr works on blobs, the difference
# being start and length refer to bytes rather
# than characters; and would nt need to cast
# blobs as text. The issue may be that cannot
# search blobs when want to search this text;
# or, perhaps, the search terms can be converted
# from text to binary and search the blobs.
set SQL {\
select group_concat(piece,'') as pieces
  select substr(cast (textblob as text), start+1, len) as piece
  from textblobs, pieces
db eval $SQL {
  chan puts stdout "SQL pieces: $pieces"
chan close $fdBlob
db close;


Successfully opened database named 'blobs'.
Version is 3.42.0.
id: 5, textblob: 
$testStr: --inserted Hebrew בְּרֵאשִׁ֖ית of char length 50--
[string length $testStr]: 50
[string length [encoding convertto utf-8 $testStr]]: 62
[chan seek $fdBlob 0 start]: 
copy $fdBlob stdout -size 2000 written below
Hello there--inserted Hebrew בְּרֵאשִׁ֖ית of char length 50--, friends!
[chan seek $fdBlob 0 start]: 
[chan read $fdBlob]: Hello there--inserted Hebrew בְּרֵאשִׁ֖ית of char length 50--, friends!
[string length $readblob]: 1988
Tcl pieces: Hello, friends! בְּרֵאשִׁ֖ית
chan read of 10 characters from seek 62: length 50-
SQL pieces: Hello, friends! בְּרֵאשִׁ֖ית


如果你想让SQLite以某种方式索引你的字符串(例如,用全文搜索引擎),把它放在blob中是没有帮助的。如果在将字符串写入blob之前,您可以知道整个字符串,那么最好这样做;在大多数现代计算机上,长达100 MB的字符串不会有丝毫的压力。这是相当多的文本,它是每字符串/blob。
