kubernetes 工作节点加入错误-错误执行阶段kubelet-start:错误上传crisocket:等待条件超时

zujrkrfu  于 11个月前  发布在  Kubernetes

我尝试在AWS/EC2上使用Ubuntu VM运行18.04(所以不是EKS)构建一个自管理的kubernetes群集。我已经成功构建了与ELB/Classic LB集成的主群集(我无法与NLB一起工作),以允许我在转移到入口控制器(如nginx或istio)之前通过type=LoadBalancer公开服务,以完成更多的L7任务。
如果我在主节点上运行kubectl get node,主节点和工作节点都显示为Ready。
有人知道为什么吗?我不想在清 debugging 误之前继续,即使我的主节点和工作节点都是“就绪”的。谢谢!

I0326 11:53:48.564188    4751 join.go:395] [preflight] found NodeName empty; using OS hostname as NodeName
I0326 11:53:48.564426    4751 initconfiguration.go:104] detected and using CRI socket: /var/run/dockershim.sock
[preflight] Running pre-flight checks
I0326 11:53:48.564662    4751 preflight.go:90] [preflight] Running general checks
I0326 11:53:48.564821    4751 checks.go:249] validating the existence and emptiness of directory /etc/kubernetes/manifests
I0326 11:53:48.564946    4751 checks.go:286] validating the existence of file /etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf
I0326 11:53:48.565004    4751 checks.go:286] validating the existence of file /etc/kubernetes/bootstrap-kubelet.conf
I0326 11:53:48.565050    4751 checks.go:102] validating the container runtime
I0326 11:53:48.623727    4751 checks.go:128] validating if the "docker" service is enabled and active
I0326 11:53:48.694853    4751 checks.go:335] validating the contents of file /proc/sys/net/bridge/bridge-nf-call-iptables
I0326 11:53:48.695050    4751 checks.go:335] validating the contents of file /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
I0326 11:53:48.695164    4751 checks.go:649] validating whether swap is enabled or not
I0326 11:53:48.695282    4751 checks.go:376] validating the presence of executable conntrack
I0326 11:53:48.695382    4751 checks.go:376] validating the presence of executable ip
I0326 11:53:48.695487    4751 checks.go:376] validating the presence of executable iptables
I0326 11:53:48.695608    4751 checks.go:376] validating the presence of executable mount
I0326 11:53:48.695691    4751 checks.go:376] validating the presence of executable nsenter
I0326 11:53:48.695805    4751 checks.go:376] validating the presence of executable ebtables
I0326 11:53:48.695874    4751 checks.go:376] validating the presence of executable ethtool
I0326 11:53:48.695961    4751 checks.go:376] validating the presence of executable socat
I0326 11:53:48.696007    4751 checks.go:376] validating the presence of executable tc
I0326 11:53:48.696101    4751 checks.go:376] validating the presence of executable touch
I0326 11:53:48.696213    4751 checks.go:520] running all checks
I0326 11:53:48.766440    4751 checks.go:406] checking whether the given node name is reachable using net.LookupHost
I0326 11:53:48.767324    4751 checks.go:618] validating kubelet version
I0326 11:53:48.858929    4751 checks.go:128] validating if the "kubelet" service is enabled and active
I0326 11:53:48.871674    4751 checks.go:201] validating availability of port 10250
I0326 11:53:48.871944    4751 checks.go:286] validating the existence of file /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt
I0326 11:53:48.872045    4751 checks.go:432] validating if the connectivity type is via proxy or direct
I0326 11:53:48.872194    4751 join.go:465] [preflight] Discovering cluster-info
I0326 11:53:48.872309    4751 token.go:78] [discovery] Created cluster-info discovery client, requesting info from "internal-k8-lb-1843285331.eu-west-1.elb.amazonaws.com:6443"
I0326 11:53:48.901218    4751 token.go:116] [discovery] Requesting info from "internal-k8-lb-1843285331.eu-west-1.elb.amazonaws.com:6443" again to validate TLS against the pinned public key
I0326 11:53:48.913626    4751 token.go:133] [discovery] Cluster info signature and contents are valid and TLS certificate validates against pinned roots, will use API Server "internal-k8-lb-1843285331.eu-west-1.elb.amazonaws.com:6443"
I0326 11:53:48.913749    4751 discovery.go:51] [discovery] Using provided TLSBootstrapToken as authentication credentials for the join process
I0326 11:53:48.913840    4751 join.go:479] [preflight] Fetching init configuration
I0326 11:53:48.913948    4751 join.go:517] [preflight] Retrieving KubeConfig objects
[preflight] Reading configuration from the cluster...
[preflight] FYI: You can look at this config file with 'kubectl -n kube-system get cm kubeadm-config -o yaml'
I0326 11:53:48.929632    4751 interface.go:400] Looking for default routes with IPv4 addresses
I0326 11:53:48.929749    4751 interface.go:405] Default route transits interface "eth0"
I0326 11:53:48.930180    4751 interface.go:208] Interface eth0 is up
I0326 11:53:48.930365    4751 interface.go:256] Interface "eth0" has 2 addresses :[ fe80::47a:b6ff:fe55:969d/64].
I0326 11:53:48.930482    4751 interface.go:223] Checking addr
I0326 11:53:48.930569    4751 interface.go:230] IP found
I0326 11:53:48.930674    4751 interface.go:262] Found valid IPv4 address for interface "eth0".
I0326 11:53:48.930758    4751 interface.go:411] Found active IP
I0326 11:53:48.940030    4751 preflight.go:101] [preflight] Running configuration dependant checks
I0326 11:53:48.940151    4751 controlplaneprepare.go:211] [download-certs] Skipping certs download
I0326 11:53:48.940238    4751 kubelet.go:110] [kubelet-start] writing bootstrap kubelet config file at /etc/kubernetes/bootstrap-kubelet.conf
I0326 11:53:48.941312    4751 kubelet.go:118] [kubelet-start] writing CA certificate at /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt
I0326 11:53:48.942266    4751 kubelet.go:139] [kubelet-start] Checking for an existing Node in the cluster with name "ip-172-31-27-238" and status "Ready"
I0326 11:53:48.946297    4751 kubelet.go:153] [kubelet-start] Stopping the kubelet
[kubelet-start] Writing kubelet configuration to file "/var/lib/kubelet/config.yaml"
[kubelet-start] Writing kubelet environment file with flags to file "/var/lib/kubelet/kubeadm-flags.env"
[kubelet-start] Starting the kubelet
[kubelet-start] Waiting for the kubelet to perform the TLS Bootstrap...
I0326 11:53:54.169977    4751 kubelet.go:188] [kubelet-start] preserving the crisocket information for the node
I0326 11:53:54.170123    4751 patchnode.go:30] [patchnode] Uploading the CRI Socket information "/var/run/dockershim.sock" to the Node API object "ip-172-31-27-238" as an annotation
I0326 11:53:54.170218    4751 cert_rotation.go:137] Starting client certificate rotation controller
[kubelet-check] Initial timeout of 40s passed.
timed out waiting for the condition
error uploading crisocket




sudo kubeadm reset
sudo systemctl enable docker
sudo systemctl enable kubelet
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart docker
sudo netstat -lnp| grep 1025
sudo rm -rf /etc/kubernetes/kubelet. conf/etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt
sudo kubeadm join ipaddress:6443 --token



注意:kubeadm init之后的步骤仅在其输出中提供。

  1. kubeadm重置
  2. swapoff -a =>所有节点。
  3. systemctl restart kubelet
  4. iptables -F
  5. rm -rf /var/lib/cni/
  6. systemctl重启容器d
  7. systemctl daemon-reload
  8. kubeadm init --apiserver-advertising-address= --pod-network-cidr=>仅在主服务器上
  9. mkdir -p $HOME/.kube ==> master only sudo cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config ==> master only sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g)$HOME/.kube/config ==> master only
  10. kubeadm join:6443 --token<anz9am.2g29wqdibmgez1nm>--discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha 256:db 5d 7404 b804583 cffe 15 ea 70096 ff 7989977 ad 1f 336 be 4d 912 d51 eebb 265 d5 f ==>仅在工作节点上
