I have the following table in SQL Server, which keeps track of the users in a group, or what groups does a user belong to. Many-Many relationship.
CREATE TABLE a_group_user(
user_id INT FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES dbo.appuser(user_id),
group_id INT FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES dbo.usergroup(group_id),
PRIMARY KEY(user_id, group_id)
A user can belong to multiple groups. For example:
user_id | group_id
1 | 1
1 | 3
2 | 3
In my business logic, I want to be able to add one group to another group. For this, I wrote a simple query which adds group 3 users to group 1 (Edit: group 3 should be emptied in the process):
UPDATE dbo.a_group_user
SET group_id = 1
WHERE group_id = 3
However, this gives me a primary key constraint violation error as expected, since changing the group_id to 1 for user_id of 1 with an existing group_id of 3 will result in duplicate records.
The error:
Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK__a_group___A4E94E55A054C364'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.a_group_user'. The duplicate key value is (1, 1).
Please help me out
You have to delete the record from this table if user exists in both the groups and then update
3 to 1 for all. You need to use multiple queries as follows:oxiaedzo2#
You need to delete the existing group memberships and then insert the new group memberships. Here's an example:
Step 1: Delete existing group memberships for the specified users and group
Step 2: Insert new group memberships