I'm trying to pick up some work that someone else has done which for the most part does work apart from when leap years are concerned. The below SQL is in an existing report but returns the value as 37 months when run for the periods show in the SQL. If these dates change to 2020 - 2023, it correctly shows 36 months as there was no leap year in that period. The period of 2023-2026 does have a leap year in 2024. Could anyone advise please. Keeping the code below as close to the original as possible would be great as I need to put this back into a larger piece for a report that runs the SQL.
select case
when ('01/06/2020' ='' AND '31/05/2023' ='')
then 'N/A'
'01/06/2020' + ' to ' + '31/05/2023' + ' (' + cast( convert(int, round(datediff(d,convert(datetime,'01/06/2020',103),convert(datetime,'31/05/2023',103))/30.0, 0)) AS varchar) + ' months )' end
This is the current SQL
select case
when ('01/06/2020' ='' AND '31/05/2023' ='')
then 'N/A'
'01/06/2020' + ' to ' + '31/05/2023' + ' (' + cast( convert(int, round(datediff(d,convert(datetime,'01/06/2020',103),convert(datetime,'31/05/2023',103))/30.0, 0)) AS varchar) + ' months )' end
Use a built in function to calculate the time difference between the two dates. As Thom A and Vishal Hadawale already suggested use DATEDIFF.
But I think you can throw away the CASE in your query as it will always go to the else, because '01/06'2020' can never be equal to ''.
As you've mentioned that the expected result is 36 as the difference is 35 Months 30 Days.
If you want every month to count as full: (e.g. 02/05/2023 counts the same as 31/05/2023)
If only end_dates from the 15th upward should count:
It seems like the existing SQL code calculates the difference between two dates in days and then converts it to months by dividing by 30.0. However, this approach may not be accurate for periods that include leap years.
To handle leap years more accurately, you can use the DATEDIFF function with the 'month' parameter, which considers the number of months between two dates. Here's an updated version of the SQL code:
This version uses DATEDIFF with the 'month' parameter, which considers leap years and calculates the difference in months accurately.
Make sure to test this code with different date ranges to verify its correctness for various scenarios, including those involving leap years.