"name": "processingPriority",
"type": [
"doc": "",
"default": null,
"since": "1.0"
"name": "flags",
"type": [
"type": "array",
"items": "string",
"java-class": "java.util.List"
"doc": "Mandatory. Empty list allowed, see below for allowed values, List of <<TransactionFlags, allowed ENUM values>>",
"default": null,
"since": "1.0"
"name": "customerData",
"type": [
"doc": "",
"default": null,
"since": "1.0"
"name": "account",
"type": [
"type": "record",
"name": "TransactionAccount",
"fields": [
"name": "id",
"type": [
"doc": "Mandatory. Unique ID (needs to match the one used by WebAPI)",
"default": null,
"since": "1.0"
使用下面的函数,我可以生成这样的Excel文件:excel file
// ... my existing code
function downloadAsExcel() {
// ... my existing code
function getTypeAsString(type, parentName = '') {
if (Array.isArray(type)) {
return type.map(t => getTypeAsString(t)).join(', ');
} else if (typeof type === 'object' && type !== null) {
if (type.type === 'record' && Array.isArray(type.fields)) {
const fields = type.fields.map(field => {
const fieldName = field.name;
const fieldComments = field.doc ? ` (${field.doc})` : '';
return `${parentName}.${fieldName}${fieldComments}:${getTypeAsString(field.type, `${parentName}.${fieldName}`)}`;
}).join(', ');
return `{${fields}}`;
} else {
const objKeys = Object.keys(type).map(key => {
if (typeof type[key] === 'object' && type[key] !== null) {
return `${key}:${getTypeAsString(type[key], `${parentName}.${key}`)}`;
} else {
return `${key}:${type[key]}`;
}).join(', ');
return `{${objKeys}}`;
} else {
return typeof type === 'undefined' ? 'null' : type.toString();
function processNestedAttributes(fields, nestedLevel = 0, parentName = '') {
let nestedRows = [];
fields.forEach(field => {
const typeValue = getTypeAsString(field.type, `${parentName}.${field.name}`);
if (typeof field.type === 'object' && field.type !== null && field.type.type === 'record' && Array.isArray(field.type.fields)) {
field.type = `{Nested Table}`;
nestedRows.push([field.name, 'null', typeValue, field.doc, field.default, field.since, nestedLevel]);
const nestedFieldRows = processNestedAttributes(field.type.fields, nestedLevel + 1, `${parentName}.${field.name}`);
nestedRows = nestedRows.concat(nestedFieldRows);
} else {
if (typeValue === 'null') {
nestedRows.push([field.name, typeValue, '', field.doc, field.default, field.since, nestedLevel]);
} else {
nestedRows.push([field.name, 'other', typeValue, field.doc, field.default, field.since, nestedLevel]);
return nestedRows;
for (var i = 0; i < jsonContent.fields.length; i++) {
const field = jsonContent.fields[i];
if (typeof field.type === 'object' && field.type !== null && field.type.type === 'record' && Array.isArray(field.type.fields)) {
field.type = `{Nested Table}`;
dataRows.push([field.name, 'null', getTypeAsString(field.type), field.doc, field.default, field.since, 0]);
const nestedRows = processNestedAttributes(field.type.fields, 1, field.name);
dataRows = dataRows.concat(nestedRows);
} else {
const typeValue = getTypeAsString(field.type);
if (typeValue === 'null') {
dataRows.push([field.name, typeValue, '', field.doc, field.default, field.since, 0]);
} else {
dataRows.push([field.name, 'other', typeValue, field.doc, field.default, field.since, 0]);
// ... my existing code
// ... my existing code