vscode ``` Workspace edit metadata needsConfirmation results in all checkboxes unchecked ```

bz4sfanl  于 2个月前  发布在  Vscode

The WorkspaceEdit that has metadata with needsConfirmation set to true shows the Refactor Preview which is great but all checkboxes are unchecked. I'd rather have all checkboxes checked.
I went through various git issues where showing Refactor View was first implemented. All screenshots show all changes check-marked. I also saw this one #144893 which also shows all changes check-marked and the request to check/uncheck a group of changes which would be useful.
However, I always have all changes unchecked and wonder how they could be all checked by default?
I'd appreciate a code snippet
For example i have this:

const edit: VSCode.WorkspaceEdit = new VSCode.WorkspaceEdit();
            const folders = VSCode.workspace.workspaceFolders;
            if (!folders || folders.length === 0) {
                VSCode.window.showInformationMessage('Open a folder first');
            const newFile = VSCode.Uri.joinPath(folders[0].uri, 'foo.txt');
                { overwrite: true }, 
                { label: 'New text', needsConfirmation: true }
            const initialContent = new TextEdit(new Range(new Position(0,0), new Position(0, 0)), "Hello World\nOne more line");
            edit.set(newFile, [initialContent]);
            VSCode.workspace.applyEdit(edit, { isRefactoring: true });

How can i make checkboxes checked for the above?
