
dauxcl2d  于 2个月前  发布在  Python



你是否在TF nightly版本中复现了这个bug?







Ubuntu 22.04


  • 无响应*




  • 无响应*


  • 无响应*


  • 无响应*


  • 无响应*




import tensorflow as tf
import os
import numpy as np
from tensorflow.python.ops import bincount_ops

    arg_0_tensor = tf.random.uniform([3, 1], minval=-256, maxval=257, dtype=tf.int32)
    arg_0 = tf.identity(arg_0_tensor)
    weights = None
    minlength = 2
    maxlength = 0
    dtype = "float32"
    axis = -1
    binary_output = True
    out = bincount_ops.bincount(
except Exception as e:
    print("Error:" + str(e))
import tensorflow as tf
import os
import numpy as np
from tensorflow.python.ops import bincount_ops
  arg_0_tensor = tf.random.uniform([3, 1], minval=-256, maxval=257, dtype=tf.int32)
  arg_0 = tf.identity(arg_0_tensor)
  weights = None
  minlength = 4
  maxlength = 0
  dtype = "float32"
  axis = -1
  binary_output = True
  out = bincount_ops.bincount(arg_0,weights=weights,minlength=minlength,maxlength=maxlength,dtype=dtype,axis=axis,binary_output=binary_output,)
except Exception as e:


Error:maxlength: Tensor conversion requested dtype int32 for Tensor with dtype float32: <tf.Tensor: shape=(), dtype=float32, numpy=0.5696368>
Error:arr: Tensor conversion requested dtype int32 for Tensor with dtype int64: <tf.Tensor: shape=(10000,), dtype=int64, numpy=array([-123,  137,  225, ..., -163,  -81,   75])>
Error:Unsupported value for argument axis=-3. Only 0 and -1 are currently supported.
Error:Attempt to convert a value (None) with an unsupported type (<class 'NoneType'>) to a Tensor.
Error:Attempt to convert a value (None) with an unsupported type (<class 'NoneType'>) to a Tensor.
Error:{{function_node __wrapped__Bincount_device_/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0}} Input arr must be non-negative! [Op:Bincount]
Error:Attempt to convert a value (None) with an unsupported type (<class 'NoneType'>) to a Tensor.
Error:arr: Tensor conversion requested dtype int32 for Tensor with dtype int8: <tf.Tensor: shape=(10000,), dtype=int8, numpy=array([105, -62, 101, ..., 105, -43, -41], dtype=int8)>
Error:arr: Tensor conversion requested dtype int32 for Tensor with dtype int64: <tf.Tensor: shape=(10000,), dtype=int64, numpy=array([-159, -131,  160, ...,  169,   71,  -14])>
Error:Attempt to convert a value (None) with an unsupported type (<class 'NoneType'>) to a Tensor.
Error:arr: Tensor conversion requested dtype int32 for Tensor with dtype bool: <tf.Tensor: shape=(), dtype=bool, numpy=False>
Error:arr: Tensor conversion requested dtype int32 for Tensor with dtype int64: <tf.Tensor: shape=(10000,), dtype=int64, numpy=array([ 162,  215, -202, ...,  -21,  -92,  236])>
Error:Attempt to convert a value (None) with an unsupported type (<class 'NoneType'>) to a Tensor.
Error:Attempt to convert a value (None) with an unsupported type (<class 'NoneType'>) to a Tensor.
Error:{{function_node __wrapped__Bincount_device_/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0}} Input arr must be non-negative! [Op:Bincount]
Error:{{function_node __wrapped__Bincount_device_/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0}} Input arr must be non-negative! [Op:Bincount]
Error:{{function_node __wrapped__Bincount_device_/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0}} Input arr must be non-negative! [Op:Bincount]
Error:Value for attr 'T' of uint32 is not in the list of allowed values: int32, int64, float, double
	; NodeDef: {{node Bincount}}; Op<name=Bincount; signature=arr:int32, size:int32, weights:T -> bins:T; attr=T:type,allowed=[DT_INT32, DT_INT64, DT_FLOAT, DT_DOUBLE]> [Op:Bincount]
Error:Attempt to convert a value (None) with an unsupported type (<class 'NoneType'>) to a Tensor.
Error:arr: Tensor conversion requested dtype int32 for Tensor with dtype int64: <tf.Tensor: shape=(10000,), dtype=int64, numpy=array([-98, 135, 191, ..., 129, 218, 106])>
Error:Attempt to convert a value (None) with an unsupported type (<class 'NoneType'>) to a Tensor.
Error:Attempt to convert a value (None) with an unsupported type (<class 'NoneType'>) to a Tensor.
Error:arr: Tensor conversion requested dtype int32 for Tensor with dtype int64: <tf.Tensor: shape=(1000,), dtype=int64, numpy=
array([ -60,  157,  215,   79,  195,   18, -112,  -82, -116,   31,  220,
        218,  175,   -7, -152,  -37, -190, -253,   58,   63,  128,  117,
       -189,   -4,  -97,    9,  237,  -33, -235, -211,    2, -244,  104,
          5, -158,  144,  165,  -19,  -42,  234,  -65, -207,  -15,   81,
        206,  135, -119,   97,  173,  254,  254,  122, -175,  229, -256,
         61,  204,  -32, -213, -238,  -23, -221,  -60, -229,  243,   -9,
         50, -243,  -34,  103, -233,  183,  171,  228, -122,  234,   94,
        161, -255,  184,  -84,  215,  -62,   69,  202,   64, -159, -256,
       -133,  127, -133,  135, -105,  129,  114,   49, -217, -209,  133,
        252,   25,   66,   24,  208, -222, -206,  -84,   58,   55, -130,
         42,  -23,   94,   68,  119,  -53, -191, -146,  129,   98,  -74,
        172,  143,  -93,  121,  175,  196, -245,  -79,   26,   46,  132,
        -37,  141,  118, -160,  -74,  108,  -62, -241,  130, -173,  241,
         71,  242,   34,  237,   -4, -230, -122, -221, -185,  246,   39,
        -58,   42,    2, -252,  108, -246, -135,  211,   66,   18,  196,
       -146,  172,  -87,  119,  -91, -137, -120,  146, -139,  116,  -25,
       -244,   19,   52, -241,  229,  177, -187,  -89, -189,   41, -175,
         31,  183,  191,   64,  113,   68,  114, -186,  -73, -115,  -38,
       -248, -228,   51,   -1,   60,  150,  124,  169,  -21,  202,  -71,
        112,  192,  182,   34,  -95,  152,   58,  179,   23,  133,   38,
        218, -154,   39,  -70,  -57, -230, -164,   14,  199, -182,  101,
       -241,  -91, -133,  -13,  240,   76,  142,  -16,    3,   22,  249,
       -197, -101,   -1,  155, -184,  178, -146,   92,  -70, -154, -145,
       -112, -135, -233,  -95,   -7, -204,  -99,  149, -201,  -94,  -15,
         89,   31,  127,  -14, -145, -191,  -11,   23,  -73,  238,  -11,
        -93,  199,  145,  119,   18,  114,  240,  118, -101,   -6,   63,
        -52,  -50,   69,  -77,  -16,  -91, -245,  -98,  -72,  -27,   46,
        241,   11,  239,  212,  252, -124, -213,  -19,  104, -203,   70,
        147,   94,  -28,   99, -129,   20,  -66,  175,  -88,  244,   35,
        117, -136,  -14,   38, -216,   15,   69,  -50, -206,  -95, -203,
          9,  -15,  -40,  183,  176,  210,  100,   73,  -13,  -76,  -52,
       -249, -131,  255,  118,  175, -166, -211,   20,  211,  148,  164,
        249,  252,  -67,  164, -240, -174,  184,  -64, -223,   35,   41,
       -151,   57, -140,   86,   93, -206, -188, -126,  117,  -50, -246,
        -18, -251, -145,   79, -193, -120,  -50,  -32,  118, -215,  -55,
         -9,   62,  190,  -61,   -3,  231,  133, -226,   11, -205, -155,
       -115,  125,  239, -186,   50,  179,  217,   48,  214,  171,  246,
       -243,  201,   50,  180,  -35,   52,    1, -215,  183, -247, -138,
        160,  249,  101,  150,  -99,   43, -210, -180,  -44,  -12,   59,
        124,   27, -247,   27,  -19,  -12, -172, -165,  190,  231,   52,
        206,  170,  236, -132,  -54,  163, -188,  235,  -64,  101,  227,
       -188,   54, -119,  251, -199,  249,   26, -237, -170,   29,   87,
        183, -139, -160, -119,  130,  195, -148,  -85,  217,   53, -186,
        243, -239,  132,  242,  -56,  118,  102, -173,  209,  -79,  -80,
        224,  -92,  143,  127, -117,   72,  -81, -159,  110,  -45,    5,
        -97,  154,  123,  -36, -144,  198, -119, -187,   37,  178,   16,
        197,  240,   31,   26,  -85,   60, -226, -145,  -31,  221, -181,
        193,  -10, -112, -197, -203,  166, -111,  -93, -189, -131, -226,
        155, -124, -136,   92,   97,  124,   52,  209,   21,  -81,   12,
        -71, -221,   54, -183,   96,   87, -202,  135,  -83,  233,   56,
        256,  -27,  -69,  -42,  242, -151,  -61,  209,  194, -137, -211,
        197,   33,   24,   95,    1,   49, -168,  220, -188,  205,  206,
        214,   59,  -55,  131, -182,  108,  211,   15,   -4,   82,  -86,
       -135,   67,  -44,  141,  -52, -205,   90,  -32, -128, -112,  213,
       -181, -134,   13,  195,  248,  -81,   59, -148,  -83,  132,   -7,
        158,   20,  202,  154, -147, -155,    8,  -65,   59,  229,  -16,
       -221, -227, -130, -104,  -15, -194,   53,   80,   33,  128,  165,
        153, -151,  -83, -188,   72, -104,   15,  -62,  -31,  213,   -4,
        156, -170,   12,  -70,  131,  154, -126, -230,   16,  195, -178,
       -252,    0,   20,  -19,  192, -181,   85,  168,  195, -164,  156,
       -176,  -81, -126, -123,   96,   30,   79,  247,  -27,   54,  120,
        100,  126,  108, -117,  122,   78, -108,  226,   77,   10,   53,
       -208,  -35, -239, -149,  -84,   14,   98, -179,   75,  172,  -43,
       -209,  -36,  239, -118, -232, -200, -230, -167,   -9, -224,  195,
        -48,  224,  152,  -20,   -8,  112,  -89,  159,   47,  -27, -212,
         51,  169,  121,  192, -236, -254, -252, -240,   95,  217,  -17,
        -88,   70,  191,   59, -185,  234,   71,   83,  -61, -147,  176,
        -61,   28,   44, -225,    8, -186,   77,  103, -186, -243,   72,
         54,    0,  210,   88,   52, -182,  247, -181,   31,  164,   25,
       -144,   54,  -57,  203,   15,   42,  207,  -89,   12, -109,   28,
       -242,  110,  170,  -25,  182,   20,   73, -135, -104,  221, -146,
       -199, -186, -231,  -28,  -68,    9,  158,   57,   78, -116, -167,
         -1,  117, -250, -118,   19,  171,   15,  -73, -102,  137,  178,
        166,  255,  -59,  208,  -77, -217,  239,  -67,   84, -167,  194,
        161,  222,  -97, -193,  248, -145,   25, -139,  -35,  226,   21,
         91,  -98,  189,  -96,  -14, -214,  218,  236,  -32, -156,   49,
       -108,   81,   -7, -160,   74,   17, -221, -160,  130,   39,   97,
       -108,   55,  -23, -104,  191, -216, -175,  134,  109,   43, -102,
       -166,   73, -142,  240,   78, -112,  145,   67,   74, -207,  180,
        100,  163, -148, -202, -122,   55,   70, -142, -197,  -87, -254,
        -62, -129,  -65, -106, -204,  140,   30,  160,  -13, -167, -103,
        250,  -57, -123,  169,  -64, -183,   19,  -76, -207, -153, -128,
        111,  -85,  -58, -148, -104,   91,  183,  212,  126,  122,   60,
       -207,  -62, -201,  175,  221,  195, -189,  -31, -193, -216,  165,
         36,  240, -202,  156, -237,  -94, -138,  -82, -130,  -73, -145,
         24,   21,  237,   57, -213,  -31,  187,   99, -173, -139,  181,
       -171,  -62,  171,  178, -245,  -75, -235,   20,   -7,  -15,   91,
        199,  -37, -245, -237,  164, -181,  -42,  119,   -1,  114, -200,
        209,  -42,   12,  113,  -31,   31, -162,  191,   83,  217,   70,
         -2, -155,   57,   11,  232,  -89,  163, -243, -113,  194,   95,
       -156,  251,  -76, -154, -225, -126,  234,  148,  -96, -105])>
Error:Attempt to convert a value (None) with an unsupported type (<class 'NoneType'>) to a Tensor.
Error:Attempt to convert a value (None) with an unsupported type (<class 'NoneType'>) to a Tensor.
Segmentation fault


@nimashiri 一旦合并PR,这个问题就会被关闭。






@dmc1778 跟进问题负责人是一个好主意,他们可以帮助将问题分配给正确的人。
@sachinprasadhs 你可以和TF Ops团队一起寻找正确的人吗?
