quivr 依赖关系 Jmeter 板

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这是一个关于更新Renovate的依赖项和检测到的依赖项的问题。要了解更多信息,请阅读Dependency Dashboard文档。



  • chore(deps): update dependency dataclasses-json to v0.6.7
  • chore(deps): update dependency debugpy to v1.8.2
  • chore(deps): update dependency fastapi to v0.111.1
  • chore(deps): update dependency fastavro to v1.9.5
  • chore(deps): update dependency flashrank to v0.2.8
  • chore(deps): update dependency fonttools to v4.53.1
  • chore(deps): update dependency google-api-core to v2.19.1
  • chore(deps): update dependency google-auth-oauthlib to v1.2.1
  • chore(deps): update dependency google-cloud-vision to v3.7.3
  • chore(deps): update dependency googleapis-common-protos to v1.63.2
  • chore(deps): update dependency langchain to v0.2.11
  • chore(deps): update dependency langchain-cohere to v0.1.9
  • chore(deps): update dependency langchain-community to v0.2.10
  • chore(deps): update dependency langchain-core to v0.2.24
  • chore(deps): update dependency langchain-openai to v0.1.19
  • chore(deps): update dependency langchain-text-splitters to v0.2.2
  • chore(deps): update dependency langsmith to v0.1.93
  • chore(deps): update dependency llama-cpp-python to v0.2.83
  • chore(deps): update dependency llama-index to v0.10.58
  • chore(deps): update dependency llama-index-agent-openai to v0.2.9
  • chore(deps): update dependency llama-index-cli to v0.1.13
  • chore(deps): update dependency llama-index-core to v0.10.58
  • chore(deps): update dependency llama-index-embeddings-openai to v0.1.11
  • chore(deps): update dependency llama-index-llms-openai to v0.1.27
  • chore(deps): update dependency llama-index-multi-modal-llms-openai to v0.1.8
  • chore(deps): update dependency llama-index-program-openai to v0.1.7
  • chore(deps): update dependency llama-index-readers-file to v0.1.31
  • chore(deps): update dependency llama-index-readers-llama-parse to v0.1.6
  • chore(deps): update dependency llama-parse to v0.4.9
  • chore(deps): update dependency matplotlib to v3.9.1
  • chore(deps): update dependency onnxruntime to v1.18.1
  • chore(deps): update dependency opencv-python to v4.10.0.84
  • chore(deps): update dependency openpyxl to v3.1.5
  • chore(deps): update dependency orjson to v3.10.6
  • chore(deps): update dependency pdfplumber to v0.11.2
  • chore(deps): update dependency postgrest to v0.16.9
  • chore(deps): update dependency prompt-toolkit to v3.0.47
  • chore(deps): update dependency protobuf to v4.25.4
  • chore(deps): update dependency pycocotools to v2.0.8
  • chore(deps): update dependency pydantic-settings to v3.2


  • llama-index-legacy ==0.9.48
  • llama-index-llms-openai ==0.1.22
  • llama-index-multi-modal-llms-openai ==0.1.6
  • llama-index-program-openai ==0.1.6
  • llama-index-question-gen-openai ==0.1.3
  • llama-index-readers-file ==0.1.23
  • llama-index-readers-llama-parse ==0.1.4
  • llama-parse ==0.4.4
  • llamaindex-py-client ==0.1.19
  • lxml ==5.2.2
  • lxml-html-clean ==0.1.1
  • markdown ==3.6
  • markdown-it-py ==3.0.0
  • markupsafe ==2.1.5
  • marshmallow ==3.21.3
  • matplotlib ==3.9.0
  • mccabe ==0.7.0
  • mdurl ==0.1.2
  • monotonic ==1.6
  • mpmath ==1.3.0
  • msal ==1.28.0
  • msg-parser ==1.2.0
  • multidict ==6.0.5
  • multiprocess ==0.70.16
  • mypy-extensions ==1.0.0
  • nest-asyncio ==1.6.0
  • networkx ==3.3
  • newspaper3k ==0.2.8
  • nltk ==3.8.1
  • nodeenv ==1.9.1
  • numpy ==1.26.4
  • oauthlib ==3.2.2
  • olefile ==0.47
  • omegaconf ==2.3.0
  • onnx ==1.16.1
  • onnxruntime ==1.18.0
  • openai ==1.31.1
  • opencv-python ==
  • openpyxl ==3.1.3
  • ordered-set ==4.1.0
  • orjson ==3.10.3
  • packaging ==23.2
  • pandas ==1.5.3
  • pandasai ==2.1.1
  • pathspec ==0.12.1
  • pdf2image ==1.17.0
  • pdfminer.six ==20231228
  • pdfplumber ==0.11.0
  • pikepdf ==9.0.0
  • pillow ==10.3.0
  • pillow-heif ==0.16.0
  • platformdirs ==4.2.2
  • playwright ==1.44.0
  • pluggy ==1.5.0
  • portalocker ==2.8.2
  • postgrest ==0.16.8
  • posthog ==3.5.0
  • prometheus-client ==0.20.0
  • prompt-toolkit ==3.0.46
  • proto-plus ==1.23.0
  • protobuf ==4.25.3
  • psutil ==5.9.8
  • psycopg2 ==2.9.9
  • psycopg2-binary ==2.9.9
  • py ==1.11.0
  • pyarrow ==16.1.0
  • pyarrow-hotfix ==0.6
  • pyasn1 ==0.6.0
  • pyasn1-modules ==0.4.0
  • pycocotools ==2.0.7
  • pycodestyle ==2.11.1
  • pycparser ==2.22
  • pycurl ==7.45.3
  • pydantic ==2.7.3
  • pydantic-core ==2.18.4
  • pydantic-settings ==2.3.1
  • pyee ==11.1.0
  • pyflakes ==3.2.0
  • pygments ==2.18.0
  • pyinstrument ==4.6.2
  • pyjwt ==2.8.0
  • pypandoc ==1.13
  • pyparsing ==3.1.2
  • pypdf ==4.2.0
  • pypdfium2 ==4.30.0
  • pyreqwest-impersonate ==0.4.7
  • pyright ==1.1.366
  • pysbd ==0.3.4
  • pytesseract ==0.3.10
  • pytest ==8.2.2
  • pytest-celery ==1.0.0
  • pytest-docker-tools ==3.1.3
  • pytest-dotenv ==0.5.2
  • pytest-mock ==3.14.0
  • python-dateutil ==2.9.0.post0
  • python-docx ==1.1.2
  • python-dotenv ==1.0.1
  • python-iso639 ==2024.4.27
  • python-jose ==3.3.0
  • python-magic ==0.4.27
  • python-multipart ==0.0.9
  • python-pptx ==0.6.23
  • pytz ==2024.1
  • pyyaml ==6.0.1
  • ragas ==0.1.9
  • rapidfuzz ==3.9.3
  • realtime ==1.0.5
  • redis ==5.0.5
  • regex ==2024.5.15
  • requests ==2.32.3
  • requests-file ==2.1.0
  • requests-oauthlib ==2.0.0
  • requests-toolbelt ==1.0.0
  • resend ==2.0.0
  • retry ==0.9.2
  • rich ==13.7.1
  • rsa ==4.9
  • s3transfer ==0.10.1
  • safetensors ==0.4.3
  • scipy ==1.13.1
  • sentry-sdk ==2.5.0
  • setuptools ==70.0.0
  • sgmllib3k ==1.0.0
  • shellingham ==1.5.4
  • six ==1.16.0
  • smmap ==5.0.1
  • sniffio ==1.3.1
  • soupsieve ==2.5
  • sqlalchemy ==2.0.30
  • starlette ==0.37.2
  • storage3 ==0.7.6
  • strenum ==0.4.15
  • striprtf ==0.0.26
  • supabase ==2.5.0
  • supafunc ==0.4.6
  • sympy ==1.12.1
  • tabulate ==0.9.0
  • tavily-python ==0.3.3
  • tenacity ==8.3.0
  • tiktoken ==0.7.0
  • timm ==1.0.3
  • tinysegmenter ==0.3
  • tldextract ==5.1.2
  • tokenizers ==0.15.2
  • torch ==2.3.1
  • torchvision ==0.18.1
  • tornado ==6.4
  • tqdm ==4.66.4
  • transformers ==4.39.3
  • typer ==0.12.3
  • types-requests ==
  • typing-extensions ==4.12.1
  • typing-inspect ==0.9.0
  • tzdata ==2024.1
  • ujson ==5.10.0
  • unidecode ==1.3.8
  • unstructured ==0.14.4
  • unstructured-client ==0.23.0
  • unstructured-inference ==0.7.33
  • unstructured.pytesseract ==0.3.12
  • uritemplate ==4.1.1
  • urllib3 ==2.2.1
  • uvicorn ==0.30.1
  • uvloop ==0.19.0
  • vine ==5.1.0
  • watchdog ==4.0.1
  • watchfiles ==0.22.0
  • wcwidth ==0.2.13
  • webencodings ==0.5.1
  • websockets ==12.0
  • wrapt ==1.16.0
  • xlrd ==2.0.1
  • xlsxwriter ==3.2.0
  • xxhash ==3.4.1
  • yarl ==1.9.4
  • zipp ==3.19.2poetrybackend/api/pyproject.toml
  • python ^3.11
  • langchain *
  • litellm *
  • openai *
  • gitpython *
  • pdf2image *
  • nest-asyncio *
  • pypdf *
  • supabase *
  • tiktoken *
  • fastapi *
  • python-multipart *
  • uvicorn *
  • pypandoc *
  • docx2txt *
  • python-jose *
  • asyncpg *
  • pyright *
  • resend *
  • html5lib *
  • beautifulsoup4 *
  • newspaper3k *
  • xlrd *
  • redis *
  • flower *
  • boto3 *
  • botocore *
  • python-dotenv *
  • pytesseract *
  • async-generator *
  • posthog *
  • jq *
  • pytest *
  • watchdog *
  • langchain-community *
  • langchain-openai *
  • pydantic-settings *
  • langfuse *
  • pandasai *
  • colorlog *
  • psycopg2-binary *
  • celery *
  • unstructured *
  • llama-parse *
  • llama-index *
  • lxml *
  • ragas *
  • datasets *
  • fpdf2 *
  • unidecode *
  • langchain-cohere *
  • pyinstrument *
  • playwright *
  • langgraph *
  • tavily-python *
  • duckduckgo-search *
  • google-api-python-client *
  • google-auth-httplib2 *
  • google-auth-oauthlib *
  • msal *
  • sentry-sdk ^2.5.0
  • sqlmodel ^0.0.19
  • megaparse 0.0.19
  • mypy ^1.10.0
  • pre-commit ^3.7.1
  • ipykernel *
  • ruff ^0.4.8
  • pytest-asyncio ^0.23.7
  • flake8 *
  • flake8-black *
  • pytest *
  • pytest-dotenv *
  • pytest-mock *
  • pytest-celery *


  • python ^3.11
  • pydantic ^2.7.4
  • langchain-core ^0.2.10
  • httpx ^0.27.0
  • rich ^13.7.1
  • tiktoken ^0.7.0
  • aiofiles >=23.0.0,<25.0.0
  • faiss-cpu ^1.8.0.post1
  • langchain-community ^0.2.6
  • langchain-openai ^0.1.14
  • mypy ^1.10.0
  • pre-commit ^3.7.1
  • ipykernel *
  • ruff ^0.4.8
  • flake8 *
  • flake8-black *
  • pytest-cov ^5.0.0
  • pytest-asyncio ^0.23.7
  • pytest ^8.2.2
  • pytest-xdist ^3.6.1
  • Check this box to trigger a request for Renovate to run again on this repository








