TypeScript 在转换和解析过程中崩溃(来自Assert/调试失败)

gk7wooem  于 5个月前  发布在  TypeScript

🔎 Search Terms

Debug Failure,modifierVisitor

🕗 Version & Regression Information

  • This is a crash
  • This changed between versions 5.2__ and _5.3(Both versions 4.7-5.2 and 5.2-5.4.5 reported Debug Failure errors, but the error information is different)
  • No response*

💻 Code

I did not use tsc to execute any ts programs, but instead used the command "node --max-old-space-size=10240 $(which tsc)" to increase the memory of node.js. When the version of tsc is between 5.3 and 5.4.5, the debugging error message is in “error message 1 "of "Actual behavior", and when the version of tsc is between 4.7 and 5.2, the debugging error message is in "error message 2" of "Actual behavior". I did not test versions before version 4.7 (The relevant version and configuration information are written in "Additional information about the issue")
(The relevant version and configuration information are written in "Additional information about the issue")









我在Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS平台上修改了tsconfig.json,并使用了tsc测试程序的5.4.5版本。



非常感谢你们找到这些@Roise-yue!我将这些文件复制到这个评论中,以便于跟踪 - 转换崩溃是由于在某些地方使用了accessor关键字:

// @target: esnext
// @noTypesAndSymbols: true

abstract class C1 {
    accessor accessor a: any;
    readonly accessor b: any;
    declare accessor c: any;
    accessor public d: any;
    accessor private e: any;
    accessor protected f: any;
    accessor abstract g: any;
    accessor static h: any;
    accessor i() {}
    accessor get j() { return false; }
    accessor set k(v: any) {}
    accessor constructor() {}
    accessor l?: any;
    accessor readonly m: any;
    accessor declare n: any;

class C2 extends C1 {
    accessor override g: any;

interface I1 {
    accessor a: number;

accessor class C3 {}
accessor interface I2 {}
accessor namespace N1 {}
accessor enum E1 {}   // Error location
accessor var V1: any;
accessor type T1 = never;
accessor function F1() {}
accessor import "x";
accessor import {} from "x";
accessor export { V1 };
accessor export default V1;
accessor import N2 = N1;


// @importHelpers: true
// @target: es5
// @module: commonjs
// @moduleResolution: classic
// @experimentalDecorators: true
// @emitDecoratorMetadata: true
// @filename: external.ts
export * from "./other";
export class A { }
export class B extends A { }

declare var dec: any;

class C {
    method(@dec x: number) {    // Error location

const o = { a: 1 };
const y = { ...o };
const { ...x } = y;

// @filename: other.ts
export const x = 1;

// @filename: script.ts
class A { }
class B extends A { }

declare var dec: any;

class C {
    method(@dec x: number) {

// @filename: tslib.d.ts
export {}
