spring-cloud-alibaba Nacos common: SharedPublisher thread not closed while shutdown application in Tomcat

q8l4jmvw  于 2个月前  发布在  Spring

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Which Component
spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-nacos-config 2021.0.5.0
Tomcat 9
Nacos Config

Describe what problem you have encountered
We're using nacos config discovery feature in web application, eveytime when we stop/start or re-deploy application in Tomcat, there is a thread called 'nacos.publisher-com.alibaba.nacos.common.notify.SlowEvent' remain in JVM.

Describe what information you have read
I've invoke method 'NotifyCenter.shutdown()' in contextDestory, right before a 'configService.shutDown()' and it still not working.

I found in INSTANCE.sharePublisher.shutdown(); it will clear the BlockingQueue and set status to shutdown which means the while loop in run() will stop executing, but this thread still exist in JVM.

My question is, how should i remove this publisher thread from JVM by the time i close web application.



I found this thread is created by DefaultPulisher which is firstly initilized by NotifyCenter in it's static block. So, does it mean this DefaultPulisher thread will never be gc as it's referenced in a static block or until the classloader been destroyed?
