Link to Minimal Reproduction
No response
Steps to Reproduce
option = {
tooltip: {
trigger: 'axis',
confine: true,
enterable: true,
extraCssText: 'max-height:70%;max-width:70%;overflow:auto;',
transitionDuration: 0.4,
grid: { top: 32, left: 32, right: 32, bottom: 32, containLabel: true },
series: [
nameProp: 'gbPDefaultRtnCumulative',
name: 'a收益率(%)',
type: 'line',
stack: null,
max: null,
tooltipFormat: null,
noHight: false,
defaultSelect: null,
lineHidden: null,
dataNameProp: null,
sortOrder: 1,
seriesConfig: null,
markLineConfig: null,
yAxisIndex: 1,
data: [
connectNulls: true,
symbol: 'circle',
symbolSize: 2
nameProp: 'gbBRtnCumulative',
name: 'b收益率(%)',
type: 'line',
stack: null,
max: null,
tooltipFormat: null,
noHight: false,
defaultSelect: null,
lineHidden: null,
dataNameProp: null,
sortOrder: 2,
seriesConfig: null,
markLineConfig: null,
yAxisIndex: 1,
data: [
connectNulls: true,
symbol: 'circle',
symbolSize: 2
nameProp: 'gbPTotalNav',
name: 'a总净值(亿元)',
type: 'line',
stack: null,
max: null,
tooltipFormat: null,
noHight: false,
defaultSelect: null,
lineHidden: null,
dataNameProp: null,
sortOrder: 3,
seriesConfig: { area: true },
markLineConfig: null,
yAxisIndex: 0,
data: [
connectNulls: true,
symbol: 'none',
symbolSize: 2,
areaStyle: { opacity: 0.3 },
lineStyle: { width: 0 }
title: { text: null },
legend: {
type: 'scroll',
top: 'auto',
bottom: 0,
left: 'center',
orient: 'horizontal',
show: true,
data: [
{ name: 'a总净值(亿元)', icon: 'roundRect' }
textStyle: { lineHeight: 20 },
selected: {}
xAxis: [
axisStyle: null,
type: 'category',
dataProps: 'endDate',
name: null,
data: [
yAxis: [
type: 'value',
dataProps: null,
name: 'a总净值(亿元)',
alignTicks: true,
scale: true,
nameTextStyle: { align: 'center' }
type: 'value',
dataProps: null,
name: '收益率(%)',
scale: true,
nameTextStyle: { align: 'center' }
Current Behavior
Expected Behavior
- OS:
- Browser:
- Framework:
Any additional comments?
No response
@SmileStabber It seems you are not using English, I've helped translate the content automatically. To make your issue understood by more people and get helped, we'd like to suggest using English next time. 🤗
[Bug] yAxis set alignTicks: true, there may be numerical precision problems
Is there any update on this issue report?