prometheus metrics无canal监控指标,只有jvm监控指标

2guxujil  于 2个月前  发布在  其他

canal版本为1.1.6,canal进程存活,监控进程存活,但prometheus metics监控数据没有canal相关指标

# HELP canal_instance_client_bytes Total bytes sent to client.
# TYPE canal_instance_client_bytes counter
# HELP jvm_info JVM version info
# TYPE jvm_info gauge
jvm_info{version="12.0.2+10",vendor="Oracle Corporation",runtime="Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment",} 1.0
# HELP canal_instance_received_binlog_bytes Received binlog bytes
# TYPE canal_instance_received_binlog_bytes counter
# HELP canal_instance_parser_mode Parser mode(parallel/serial) of instance
# TYPE canal_instance_parser_mode gauge
# HELP canal_instance_client_empty_batches Total empty batches sent to client.
# TYPE canal_instance_client_empty_batches counter
# HELP canal_instance_store_produce_seq Produced events counter of canal instance
# TYPE canal_instance_store_produce_seq counter
# HELP canal_instance_store_consume_seq Consumed events counter of canal instance
# TYPE canal_instance_store_consume_seq counter
# HELP canal_instance_store Canal instance info
# TYPE canal_instance_store gauge
# HELP canal_instance_put_delay Traffic delay of canal instance put
# TYPE canal_instance_put_delay gauge
# HELP canal_instance_get_delay Traffic delay of canal instance get
# TYPE canal_instance_get_delay gauge
# HELP canal_instance_ack_delay Traffic delay of canal instance ack
# TYPE canal_instance_ack_delay gauge
# HELP canal_instance_put_rows Put table rows of canal instance
# TYPE canal_instance_put_rows counter
# HELP canal_instance_get_rows Got table rows of canal instance
# TYPE canal_instance_get_rows counter
# HELP canal_instance_ack_rows Acked table rows of canal instance
# TYPE canal_instance_ack_rows counter
# HELP canal_instance_sink_blocking_time Total sink blocking time in milliseconds
# TYPE canal_instance_sink_blocking_time counter
# HELP process_cpu_seconds_total Total user and system CPU time spent in seconds.
# TYPE process_cpu_seconds_total counter
process_cpu_seconds_total 4.85
# HELP process_start_time_seconds Start time of the process since unix epoch in seconds.
# TYPE process_start_time_seconds gauge
process_start_time_seconds 1.689746717521E9
# HELP process_open_fds Number of open file descriptors.
# TYPE process_open_fds gauge
process_open_fds 99.0
# HELP process_max_fds Maximum number of open file descriptors.
# TYPE process_max_fds gauge
process_max_fds 102400.0
# HELP process_virtual_memory_bytes Virtual memory size in bytes.
# TYPE process_virtual_memory_bytes gauge
process_virtual_memory_bytes 7.222276096E9
# HELP process_resident_memory_bytes Resident memory size in bytes.
# TYPE process_resident_memory_bytes gauge
process_resident_memory_bytes 3.03214592E8
# HELP jvm_memory_bytes_used Used bytes of a given JVM memory area.
# TYPE jvm_memory_bytes_used gauge
jvm_memory_bytes_used{area="heap",} 3.7342208E7
jvm_memory_bytes_used{area="nonheap",} 3.6083304E7
# HELP jvm_memory_bytes_committed Committed (bytes) of a given JVM memory area.
# TYPE jvm_memory_bytes_committed gauge
jvm_memory_bytes_committed{area="heap",} 2.147483648E9
jvm_memory_bytes_committed{area="nonheap",} 4.0566784E7
# HELP jvm_memory_bytes_max Max (bytes) of a given JVM memory area.
# TYPE jvm_memory_bytes_max gauge
jvm_memory_bytes_max{area="heap",} 3.221225472E9
jvm_memory_bytes_max{area="nonheap",} -1.0
# HELP jvm_memory_bytes_init Initial bytes of a given JVM memory area.
# TYPE jvm_memory_bytes_init gauge
jvm_memory_bytes_init{area="heap",} 2.147483648E9
jvm_memory_bytes_init{area="nonheap",} 7667712.0
# HELP jvm_memory_pool_bytes_used Used bytes of a given JVM memory pool.
# TYPE jvm_memory_pool_bytes_used gauge
jvm_memory_pool_bytes_used{pool="CodeHeap 'non-nmethods'",} 1274880.0
jvm_memory_pool_bytes_used{pool="Metaspace",} 2.4951296E7
jvm_memory_pool_bytes_used{pool="CodeHeap 'profiled nmethods'",} 5962368.0
jvm_memory_pool_bytes_used{pool="Compressed Class Space",} 2731624.0
jvm_memory_pool_bytes_used{pool="G1 Eden Space",} 8388608.0
jvm_memory_pool_bytes_used{pool="G1 Old Gen",} 2.6856448E7
jvm_memory_pool_bytes_used{pool="G1 Survivor Space",} 2097152.0
jvm_memory_pool_bytes_used{pool="CodeHeap 'non-profiled nmethods'",} 1163136.0
# HELP jvm_memory_pool_bytes_committed Committed bytes of a given JVM memory pool.
# TYPE jvm_memory_pool_bytes_committed gauge
jvm_memory_pool_bytes_committed{pool="CodeHeap 'non-nmethods'",} 2555904.0
jvm_memory_pool_bytes_committed{pool="Metaspace",} 2.6083328E7
jvm_memory_pool_bytes_committed{pool="CodeHeap 'profiled nmethods'",} 6356992.0
jvm_memory_pool_bytes_committed{pool="Compressed Class Space",} 3014656.0
jvm_memory_pool_bytes_committed{pool="G1 Eden Space",} 1.11149056E8
jvm_memory_pool_bytes_committed{pool="G1 Old Gen",} 2.03423744E9
jvm_memory_pool_bytes_committed{pool="G1 Survivor Space",} 2097152.0
jvm_memory_pool_bytes_committed{pool="CodeHeap 'non-profiled nmethods'",} 2555904.0
# HELP jvm_memory_pool_bytes_max Max bytes of a given JVM memory pool.
# TYPE jvm_memory_pool_bytes_max gauge
jvm_memory_pool_bytes_max{pool="CodeHeap 'non-nmethods'",} 5832704.0
jvm_memory_pool_bytes_max{pool="Metaspace",} -1.0
jvm_memory_pool_bytes_max{pool="CodeHeap 'profiled nmethods'",} 1.22912768E8
jvm_memory_pool_bytes_max{pool="Compressed Class Space",} 1.073741824E9
jvm_memory_pool_bytes_max{pool="G1 Eden Space",} -1.0
jvm_memory_pool_bytes_max{pool="G1 Old Gen",} 3.221225472E9
jvm_memory_pool_bytes_max{pool="G1 Survivor Space",} -1.0
jvm_memory_pool_bytes_max{pool="CodeHeap 'non-profiled nmethods'",} 1.22912768E8
# HELP jvm_memory_pool_bytes_init Initial bytes of a given JVM memory pool.
# TYPE jvm_memory_pool_bytes_init gauge
jvm_memory_pool_bytes_init{pool="CodeHeap 'non-nmethods'",} 2555904.0
jvm_memory_pool_bytes_init{pool="Metaspace",} 0.0
jvm_memory_pool_bytes_init{pool="CodeHeap 'profiled nmethods'",} 2555904.0
jvm_memory_pool_bytes_init{pool="Compressed Class Space",} 0.0
jvm_memory_pool_bytes_init{pool="G1 Eden Space",} 1.13246208E8
jvm_memory_pool_bytes_init{pool="G1 Old Gen",} 2.03423744E9
jvm_memory_pool_bytes_init{pool="G1 Survivor Space",} 0.0
jvm_memory_pool_bytes_init{pool="CodeHeap 'non-profiled nmethods'",} 2555904.0
# HELP canal_instance_client_packets Total packets sent to client.
# TYPE canal_instance_client_packets counter
# HELP canal_instance_client_request_latency Client request latency.
# TYPE canal_instance_client_request_latency histogram
# HELP jvm_classes_loaded The number of classes that are currently loaded in the JVM
# TYPE jvm_classes_loaded gauge
jvm_classes_loaded 4828.0
# HELP jvm_classes_loaded_total The total number of classes that have been loaded since the JVM has started execution
# TYPE jvm_classes_loaded_total counter
jvm_classes_loaded_total 4828.0
# HELP jvm_classes_unloaded_total The total number of classes that have been unloaded since the JVM has started execution
# TYPE jvm_classes_unloaded_total counter
jvm_classes_unloaded_total 0.0
# HELP canal_instance_traffic_delay Traffic delay of canal instance in milliseconds
# TYPE canal_instance_traffic_delay gauge
# HELP canal_instance_transactions Transactions counter of canal instance
# TYPE canal_instance_transactions counter
# HELP canal_instance Canal instance
# TYPE canal_instance gauge
# HELP canal_instance_subscriptions Canal instance subscriptions
# TYPE canal_instance_subscriptions gauge
# HELP jvm_buffer_pool_used_bytes Used bytes of a given JVM buffer pool.
# TYPE jvm_buffer_pool_used_bytes gauge
jvm_buffer_pool_used_bytes{pool="mapped",} 0.0
jvm_buffer_pool_used_bytes{pool="direct",} 584918.0
# HELP jvm_buffer_pool_capacity_bytes Bytes capacity of a given JVM buffer pool.
# TYPE jvm_buffer_pool_capacity_bytes gauge
jvm_buffer_pool_capacity_bytes{pool="mapped",} 0.0
jvm_buffer_pool_capacity_bytes{pool="direct",} 584917.0
# HELP jvm_buffer_pool_used_buffers Used buffers of a given JVM buffer pool.
# TYPE jvm_buffer_pool_used_buffers gauge
jvm_buffer_pool_used_buffers{pool="mapped",} 0.0
jvm_buffer_pool_used_buffers{pool="direct",} 25.0
# HELP canal_instance_client_request_error Total client request errors.
# TYPE canal_instance_client_request_error counter
# HELP jvm_gc_collection_seconds Time spent in a given JVM garbage collector in seconds.
# TYPE jvm_gc_collection_seconds summary
jvm_gc_collection_seconds_count{gc="G1 Young Generation",} 2.0
jvm_gc_collection_seconds_sum{gc="G1 Young Generation",} 0.023
jvm_gc_collection_seconds_count{gc="G1 Old Generation",} 0.0
jvm_gc_collection_seconds_sum{gc="G1 Old Generation",} 0.0
# HELP jvm_threads_current Current thread count of a JVM
# TYPE jvm_threads_current gauge
jvm_threads_current 29.0
# HELP jvm_threads_daemon Daemon thread count of a JVM
# TYPE jvm_threads_daemon gauge
jvm_threads_daemon 14.0
# HELP jvm_threads_peak Peak thread count of a JVM
# TYPE jvm_threads_peak gauge
jvm_threads_peak 35.0
# HELP jvm_threads_started_total Started thread count of a JVM
# TYPE jvm_threads_started_total counter
jvm_threads_started_total 35.0
# HELP jvm_threads_deadlocked Cycles of JVM-threads that are in deadlock waiting to acquire object monitors or ownable synchronizers
# TYPE jvm_threads_deadlocked gauge
jvm_threads_deadlocked 0.0
# HELP jvm_threads_deadlocked_monitor Cycles of JVM-threads that are in deadlock waiting to acquire object monitors
# TYPE jvm_threads_deadlocked_monitor gauge
jvm_threads_deadlocked_monitor 0.0
