detail | 详细描述 | 詳細な説明
环境:vulkan + ncnn + NVIDIA2080TI + windows10 + VS2017
运行命令:benchncnn.exe 1 1 0 -1 时能正常运行,
运行命令:benchncnn.exe 1 1 0 0 时报错
compile_spirv_module failed -1
create_shader_module failed
compile spir-v module failed
ERROR: 0:11: 'constant_id' : only allowed when generating SPIR-V
ERROR: 0:11: '' : compilation terminated
ERROR: 2 compilation errors. No code generated.
compile_spirv_module failed -1
create_shader_module failed
binding_count not match, expect 423 but got 2 + 0
push_constant_count not match, expect -927185520 but got 10
编译NCNN 时候已经添加了Vulkan的支持,SPIRV.lib库也已经编译出来,nvidia驱动已经更新成vulkan支持的版本。
same problem :(
Did you solve this problem?
you need linked to SPIRV.lib
I'm having the same problem. @zhoujinhai can you give some more details about how to make that link, please?