echarts Set symbol for the end point of mark line when drawing horizontal or vertical mark lines alongside x or y axis.

vmdwslir  于 2个月前  发布在  Echarts

What problem does this feature solve?

I want to draw a horizontal mark line which is parallel to the y-axis. It should be ranged from the min value to the max value of the y-axis. What I did is:

markLine: {
   data: [ { name: 'xxxx', xAxis: 2 } ]

With this approach, I am not able to set symbol styles for the endpoint of this mark line. Because when I provide an array with only xAxis, the mark line won't be shown.

markLine: {
   data: [ 
      [ { name: 'xxxx', xAxis: 2 , symbol: 'rect'} ,
        { name: 'xxxx', xAxis: 2, symbol: 'arrow' }]

I don't want to provide specific yAxis values for both of them.

What does the proposed API look like?

Mark line should allow us to provide styles for the start point and endpoint of a mark line is this case.



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Have a nice day! 🍵



Hey, I'm having a similar problem, are there any updates?



Hi, I'd love to see this resolved, too. Is this considered a worthy feature by the maintainers?



I managed to find a workaround which makes this use case work, but an elegant implementation would certainly be welcome (and probably more future-proof). The trick is to define a global symbol for all markLines in series and then disable the start point in the data array:

  type: 'line',
  name: 'myLine',
  markLine: {
    symbol: 'your custom symbol',
    data: [
        name: 'name',
        xAxis: 1,
        symbol: 'none', // <- disable the start point symbol here

The downside to this approach, though, is that you can only define one symbol per set of data, so if you need to render more markLines with different symbols, you need to add them as multiple entries to the series. Please someone correct me if there is a better solution.



I managed to find a workaround which makes this use case work, but an elegant implementation would certainly be welcome (and probably more future-proof). The trick is to define a global symbol for all markLines in series and then disable the start point in the data array:

  type: 'line',
  name: 'myLine',
  markLine: {
    symbol: 'your custom symbol',
    data: [
        name: 'name',
        xAxis: 1,
        symbol: 'none', // <- disable the start point symbol here

The downside to this approach, though, is that you can only define one symbol per set of data, so if you need to render more markLines with different symbols, you need to add them as multiple entries to the series. Please someone correct me if there is a better solution.

thanks for sharing, it works for me too
