Tengine-2.3.2 has been released !!!

yk9xbfzb  于 22天前  发布在  其他


⚠️⚠️⚠️ Fixed vulnerabilities in its HTTP/2 module ( CVE-2019-9511 , CVE-2019-9513 , CVE-2019-9516 ).

New features

  • dubbo_pass module support the back-end HTTP to Dubbo protocol.
  • VNSWRR algorithm for upstream module. It is an efficient load balancing algorithm that is smooth, decentralized, and high-performance compared to Nginx's official SWRR algorithm.
  • dynamic_resolve module support IPv6.

Changes with Tengine 2.3.2

Changes with Tengine 2.3.2                                         20 Aug 2019

    *) Security: fixed CVE-2019-9511, CVE-2019-9513 and CVE-2019-9516. (wangfakang)
    *) Feature: added dubbo_pass directive to
       support the back-end HTTP to Dubbo protocol. (MenqqiWu)
    *) Feature: added vnswrr algorithm for upstream module. (wangfakang)
    *) Feature: support IPv6 for dynamic_resolve module. (wangfakang)
    *) Change: support dynamic build and add some debug log for
       proxy_connect module. (chobits)
    *) Change: updated the code from Nginx-1.17.3 version. (wangfakang)
    *) Change: updated the health_check module document. (zhangqx2010)
    *) Change: updated README document. (Lin-Buo-Ren)
    *) Bugfix: fixed JSON format for health_check module. (IYism)
    *) Bugfix: ensured 'init_worker_by_lua*' does not
       mutate another NGINX module's main_conf. (wangfakang)
    *) Bugfix: fixed compilation error of dyups module
       compiled with a higher version of OpenSSL. (wangfakang)

Tengine-2.3.2 PR

For all PR for 2.3.2 version, see milestone 2.3.2 . Thanks to all the contributors involved in Tengine development.

Tengine-2.3.2 Release Log

For Release and source code download, see release log 2.3.2 , you can try it.



2-month version updates, comments for contributors
Expect release



Update next version?
