Dubbo supports the communication mode based on the gRPC protocol through Triple. For this reason, Dubbo has developed a compiling plug-in for proto files based on jprotoc. Due to the activeness of jprotoc, currently Dubbo compiler cannot run well on the latest protobuf version. Therefore, we need to consider implementing a new compiler with reference to gRPC.
Hi, I am currently working on this proposal.
But I am curious, if only one proposal could be accepted for on issue?
Hi, I am currently working on this proposal. But I am curious, if only one proposal could be accepted for on issue?
One person can submit more that one proposal. One proposal can only be taken by only one person.
Excuse me, is there any limitation on the implementation? The function of dubbo is to achieve a similar parser. cc https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/blob/main/src/google/protobuf/compiler/parser.cc ? Just read the Proto file and get what's in it?
就像这个库做的事情一样吗 https://github.com/emicklei/proto
https://github.com/grpc/grpc-java/tree/master/compiler/src 和这个一样
https://github.com/grpc/grpc-java/tree/master/compiler/src 和这个一样
我理解的是否可以独立写一个程序在Proto语法层面解析出 proto文件里的 services、messages以及comment,而不依赖protoc 也可以承接这个提案 #11895