Element UI version
OS/Browsers version
Chrome Version 83.0.4103.97 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Vue version
Reproduction Link
Steps to reproduce
- click go to bar then close the drawer repeatedly
- watch the animation.
- sometimes after the button was just clicked, the draw showed first, animate then.
it's because el-drawer use to implement animation. but view router will cause el-drawer to unmount and mount during an expected animation, this results in a confliction.
I write a component using plain CSS to replace el-drawer but cause a new bug that hard to maintain the z-index between my component and Element UI components.
I think we need a better implementation.
What is Expected?
smoothly animation.
What is actually happening?
the animation was broken by vue-router
I have encountered this problem
Hi, I had the same problem. So I create a data variable 'show: false', then on mounted method I set true. Works fine for me
const Bar = { data: function () { return { show: false } }, mounted() { this.show = true; }, template: '<el-drawer @close="$router.back()" :visible="show">foo</el-drawer>' }