Link to Minimal Reproduction
Steps to Reproduce
Use the following configuration item in the official editor, the polyline update animation animationEasingUpdate: 'linear' is invalid
function randomData(i = 0) { value = Math.random() * 99; return { name: now.toString(), value: [ - i * 1000, Math.round(value)] }; } let data = []; let now = new Date(); let value = Math.random() * 99; for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { data.unshift(randomData(i)); } console.log(data); option = { xAxis: { type: 'time', boundaryGap: false, min: 'dataMin', splitLine: { show: false } }, yAxis: { type: 'value', min: 'dataMin', max: 'dataMax', boundaryGap: [0, '100%'], splitLine: { show: false } }, series: [ { id: 'data', type: 'line', clip: false, symbol: 'none', data: data, cursor: 'default', emphasis: { disabled: true }, }, { id: 'point', type: 'effectScatter', coordinateSystem: 'cartesian2d', data: [{ value: [], symbolSize: 10 }], showEffectOn: 'render', rippleEffect: { period: 3, scale: 3, brushType: 'stroke' }, itemStyle: { color: '#000', shadowBlur: 10, shadowColor: '#333' }, tooltip: { show: false }, cursor: 'default', zlevel: 1, } ], animationDurationUpdate: 1000, animationEasingUpdate: 'linear' }; setInterval(function () { const newData = randomData(); data.push(newData); myChart.setOption({ series: [ { id: 'data', data: data, }, { id: 'point', data: [{ value: [newData.value[0], newData.value[1]] }] } ], xAxis: { max: newData.value[0]+1000 }, }); }, 1000);
Current Behavior
Use the following configuration item in the official editor, the polyline update animation animationEasingUpdate: 'linear' is invalid
Expected Behavior
The data with id: 'data and id: 'point' is expected, and the data updates are synchronized to achieve the effect of slow flow of points and lines at the same time
just like this
- OS: mac
- Browser: chrome
- Framework:
Any additional comments?
No response
@helgasoft@plainheart can u help me
achieve the effect of slow flow of points and lines at the same time
That depends on the data itself and the update frequency.
I think ECharts does decent animation - Demo Code .
achieve the effect of slow flow of points and lines at the same time
That depends on the data itself and the update frequency. I think ECharts does decent animation - Demo Code .
i think line-chart update data did not flow linear, it just covered by outside the coordinate area when i delete xAxis: { max: new Date(+now + oneDay) }.
when i add: xAxis: { max: new Date(+now + oneDay) },line-chart update can not be flow linear
thanks @helgasoft
Has this problem been solved? I have encountered this problem now. The animation becomes invalid after the time max+1000
@minghangben Has this problem been solved? I have encountered this problem now. The animation becomes invalid after the time max+1000