
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-18 转载在 其他  



[英]Returns a key-value mapping associated with the least key greater than or equal to the given key, or null if there is no such entry. The returned entry does not support the Entry.setValue method.


代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

private static void doCheckAccess( long pointer, int size )
  long boundary = pointer + size;
  Allocation allocation = lastUsedAllocation.get();
  if ( allocation != null )
    if ( compareUnsigned( allocation.pointer, pointer ) <= 0 &&
       compareUnsigned( allocation.boundary, boundary ) > 0 &&
       allocation.freeCounter == freeCounter.get() )
  Map.Entry<Long,Allocation> fentry = allocations.floorEntry( boundary );
  if ( fentry == null || compareUnsigned( fentry.getValue().boundary, boundary ) < 0 )
    Map.Entry<Long,Allocation> centry = allocations.ceilingEntry( pointer );
    throwBadAccess( pointer, size, fentry, centry );
  //noinspection ConstantConditions
  lastUsedAllocation.set( fentry.getValue() );

代码示例来源:origin: tjake/Solandra

public ConcurrentNavigableMap<Term, LucandraTermInfo[]> skipTo(Term skip) throws IOException
  Pair<Term, Term> range = null;
  int bufferSize = termList.isEmpty() ? 1 : 3;
  // verify we've buffered sufficiently
  Map.Entry<Term, Pair<Term, Term>> tailEntry = termQueryBoundries.ceilingEntry(skip);
  boolean needsBuffering = true;
  if (tailEntry != null)
    range = tailEntry.getValue();           
    //skip term must be within a buffered range avoid rebuffering
    if (skip.compareTo(range.left) >= 0 && (!range.right.equals(emptyTerm) && skip.compareTo(range.right) < 0))
      needsBuffering = false;
  ConcurrentNavigableMap<Term, LucandraTermInfo[]> subList = emptyMap;
  if (needsBuffering)
    range = bufferTerms(skip, bufferSize);
  //" rebuffered "+needsBuffering+" "+range);
  if (skip.compareTo(range.left) >= 0 && (!range.right.equals(emptyTerm)) && skip.compareTo(range.right) <= 0)
    subList = termList.subMap(skip, true, range.right, true);
  return subList;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/accumulo

private KeyExtent getFromCache(Text row) {
 Entry<Text,KeyExtent> entry = extents.ceilingEntry(row);
 if (entry != null && entry.getValue().contains(row)) {
  return entry.getValue();
 return null;

代码示例来源:origin: the8472/mldht

public List<KBucketEntry> get(Key target, int targetSize)
  ArrayList<KBucketEntry> closestSet = new ArrayList<>(2 * targetSize);
  Map.Entry<Key, CacheBucket> ceil = cache.ceilingEntry(target);
  Map.Entry<Key, CacheBucket> floor = cache.floorEntry(target);
    if(floor != null)
      floor = cache.lowerEntry(floor.getKey());
    if(ceil != null)
      ceil = cache.higherEntry(ceil.getKey());
  } while (closestSet.size() / 2 < targetSize && (floor != null || ceil != null));
  return closestSet;

代码示例来源:origin: cinchapi/concourse

public java.util.Map.Entry<K, V> ceilingEntry(K key) {
  long[] stamps = grabAllSegmentWriteLocks();
  try {
    return sorted.ceilingEntry(key);
  finally {

代码示例来源:origin: io.github.matzoliv/async-channels-core

public static ReadPort createTimerChannel(long delay) {
  long timeout = delay + System.currentTimeMillis();
  Map.Entry<Long, TimeoutQueueEntry> tqe = timeoutsMap.ceilingEntry(timeout);
  if (tqe != null) {
    if (tqe.getKey() < (timeout + TIMEOUTS_RESOLUTION_MS)) {
      return tqe.getValue().getChannel();
  Channel c = new ManyToManyChannel(new QueueBuffer(0));
  TimeoutQueueEntry newTqe = new TimeoutQueueEntry(c, timeout);
  timeoutsMap.put(timeout, newTqe);
  return c;

代码示例来源:origin: org.neo4j/neo4j-unsafe

private static void doCheckAccess( long pointer, int size )
  long boundary = pointer + size;
  Allocation allocation = lastUsedAllocation.get();
  if ( allocation != null )
    if ( compareUnsigned( allocation.pointer, pointer ) <= 0 &&
       compareUnsigned( allocation.boundary, boundary ) > 0 &&
       allocation.freeCounter == freeCounter.get() )
  Map.Entry<Long,Allocation> fentry = allocations.floorEntry( boundary );
  if ( fentry == null || compareUnsigned( fentry.getValue().boundary, boundary ) < 0 )
    Map.Entry<Long,Allocation> centry = allocations.ceilingEntry( pointer );
    throwBadAccess( pointer, size, fentry, centry );
  //noinspection ConstantConditions
  lastUsedAllocation.set( fentry.getValue() );

代码示例来源:origin: org.infinispan/infinispan-hibernate-cache-commons

private int randomFamilyId(ThreadLocalRandom random) {
 Map.Entry<Integer, AtomicInteger> first = familyIds.firstEntry();
 Map.Entry<Integer, AtomicInteger> last = familyIds.lastEntry();
 if (first == null || last == null) return 0;
 Map.Entry<Integer, AtomicInteger> ceiling = familyIds.ceilingEntry(random.nextInt(first.getKey(), last.getKey() + 1));
 return ceiling == null ? 0 : ceiling.getKey();

代码示例来源:origin: io.github.pcmind/leveldb

public LookupResult get(LookupKey key)
  requireNonNull(key, "key is null");
  InternalKey internalKey = key.getInternalKey();
  Entry<InternalKey, Slice> entry = table.ceilingEntry(internalKey);
  if (entry == null) {
    return null;
  InternalKey entryKey = entry.getKey();
  if (entryKey.getUserKey().equals(key.getUserKey())) {
    if (entryKey.getValueType() == ValueType.DELETION) {
      return LookupResult.deleted(key);
    else {
      return LookupResult.ok(key, entry.getValue());
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: indeedeng/lsmtree

  protected Entry<K, V> computeNext() {
    final Map.Entry<K, Object> entry;
    if (!initialized) {
      initialized = true;
      if (start == null) {
        entry = map.firstEntry();
      } else if (startInclusive) {
        entry = map.ceilingEntry(start);
      } else {
        entry = map.higherEntry(start);
    } else {
      entry = map.higherEntry(key);
    if (entry == null) {
      return endOfData();
    key = entry.getKey();
    final Object value = entry.getValue();
    if (value == deleted) return Entry.createDeleted(key);
    return Entry.create(key, (V)value);

代码示例来源:origin: the8472/mldht

Map.Entry<Key, CacheAnchorPoint> anchor = anchors.ceilingEntry(parent);
if(anchor == null || !parent.isPrefixOf(anchor.getValue()) || current.entries.size()+next.entries.size() < DHTConstants.MAX_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS)

代码示例来源:origin: the8472/mldht

Map.Entry<Key, CacheAnchorPoint> anchorEntry = anchors.ceilingEntry(targetBucket.prefix);

代码示例来源:origin: semanticvectors/semanticvectors

if (termDic.get(obsem).ceilingEntry(test) != null) {
  String testConcept = termDic.get(obsem).ceilingEntry(test).getValue();
    testConcept     = termDic.get("dsyn").ceilingEntry(test).getValue();

代码示例来源:origin: semanticvectors/semanticvectors

if (termDic.ceilingEntry(test) != null) {
  String testTerm = termDic.ceilingEntry(test).getValue();
    if (! testTerm.equals(coterm))
    randomTerm = elementalTermVectors.getVector(testTerm);

