
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-18 转载在 其他  



[英]Accessor for the BootstrapCacheLoader associated with this cache. For testing purposes.


代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.ehcache/ehcache

 * Sets the bootstrap cache loader.
 * @param bootstrapCacheLoader the loader to be used
 * @throws CacheException if this method is called after the cache is initialized
public void setBootstrapCacheLoader(BootstrapCacheLoader bootstrapCacheLoader) throws CacheException {
  if (!cacheStatus.isUninitialized()) {
    throw new CacheException("A bootstrap cache loader can only be set before the cache is initialized. "
        + configuration.getName());
  BootstrapCacheLoader oldValue = getBootstrapCacheLoader();
  this.bootstrapCacheLoader = bootstrapCacheLoader;
  firePropertyChange("BootstrapCacheLoader", oldValue, bootstrapCacheLoader);

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.ehcache.internal/ehcache-core

 * Sets the bootstrap cache loader.
 * @param bootstrapCacheLoader the loader to be used
 * @throws CacheException if this method is called after the cache is initialized
public void setBootstrapCacheLoader(BootstrapCacheLoader bootstrapCacheLoader) throws CacheException {
  if (!cacheStatus.isUninitialized()) {
    throw new CacheException("A bootstrap cache loader can only be set before the cache is initialized. "
        + configuration.getName());
  BootstrapCacheLoader oldValue = getBootstrapCacheLoader();
  this.bootstrapCacheLoader = bootstrapCacheLoader;
  firePropertyChange("BootstrapCacheLoader", oldValue, bootstrapCacheLoader);


 * Sets the bootstrap cache loader.
 * @param bootstrapCacheLoader the loader to be used
 * @throws CacheException if this method is called after the cache is initialized
public void setBootstrapCacheLoader(BootstrapCacheLoader bootstrapCacheLoader) throws CacheException {
  if (!cacheStatus.isUninitialized()) {
    throw new CacheException("A bootstrap cache loader can only be set before the cache is initialized. "
        + configuration.getName());
  BootstrapCacheLoader oldValue = getBootstrapCacheLoader();
  this.bootstrapCacheLoader = bootstrapCacheLoader;
  firePropertyChange("BootstrapCacheLoader", oldValue, bootstrapCacheLoader);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.ehcache

 * Sets the bootstrap cache loader.
 * @param bootstrapCacheLoader the loader to be used
 * @throws CacheException if this method is called after the cache is initialized
public void setBootstrapCacheLoader(BootstrapCacheLoader bootstrapCacheLoader) throws CacheException {
  if (!cacheStatus.isUninitialized()) {
    throw new CacheException("A bootstrap cache loader can only be set before the cache is initialized. "
        + configuration.getName());
  BootstrapCacheLoader oldValue = getBootstrapCacheLoader();
  this.bootstrapCacheLoader = bootstrapCacheLoader;
  firePropertyChange("BootstrapCacheLoader", oldValue, bootstrapCacheLoader);

