
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-18 转载在 JavaScript  



[英]Convert the value to a JavaScript Number value.

Returns a Java double for the JavaScript Number.

See ECMA 9.3.
见ECMA 9.3。


代码示例来源:origin: org.freemarker/freemarker

public Number getAsNumber() {
  return Double.valueOf(Context.toNumber(scriptable));

代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-druid

 public double apply(Object[] args)
  // ideally we need a close() function to discard the context once it is not used anymore
  Context cx = Context.getCurrentContext();
  if (cx == null) {
   cx = contextFactory.enterContext();
  return Context.toNumber(, scope, scope, args));

代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/pentaho-kettle

public static Long jsToInteger( Object value, Class<?> clazz ) {
 if ( Number.class.isAssignableFrom( clazz ) ) {
  return ( (Number) value ).longValue();
 } else {
  String classType = clazz.getName();
  if ( classType.equalsIgnoreCase( "java.lang.String" ) ) {
   return ( new Long( (String) value ) );
  } else if ( classType.equalsIgnoreCase( "org.mozilla.javascript.Undefined" ) ) {
   return null;
  } else if ( classType.equalsIgnoreCase( "org.mozilla.javascript.NativeNumber" ) ) {
   Number nb = Context.toNumber( value );
   return nb.longValue();
  } else if ( classType.equalsIgnoreCase( "org.mozilla.javascript.NativeJavaObject" ) ) {
   // Is it a Value?
   try {
    Value v = (Value) Context.jsToJava( value, Value.class );
    return v.getInteger();
   } catch ( Exception e2 ) {
    String string = Context.toString( value );
    return Long.parseLong( Const.trim( string ) );
  } else {
   return Long.parseLong( value.toString() );

代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/pentaho-kettle

public static Number jsToNumber( Object value, String classType ) {
 if ( classType.equalsIgnoreCase( "org.mozilla.javascript.Undefined" ) ) {
  return null;
 } else if ( classType.equalsIgnoreCase( "org.mozilla.javascript.NativeJavaObject" ) ) {
  try {
   // Is it a java Value class ?
   Value v = (Value) Context.jsToJava( value, Value.class );
   return v.getNumber();
  } catch ( Exception e ) {
   String string = Context.toString( value );
   return Double.parseDouble( Const.trim( string ) );
 } else if ( classType.equalsIgnoreCase( "org.mozilla.javascript.NativeNumber" ) ) {
  Number nb = Context.toNumber( value );
  return nb.doubleValue();
 } else {
  Number nb = (Number) value;
  return nb.doubleValue();

代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/pentaho-kettle

return null;
} else if ( classType.equalsIgnoreCase( "org.mozilla.javascript.NativeNumber" ) ) {
 Number nb = Context.toNumber( value );
 return new BigDecimal( nb.doubleValue() );
} else if ( classType.equalsIgnoreCase( "org.mozilla.javascript.NativeJavaObject" ) ) {

代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/pentaho-kettle

int iValue = (int) Context.toNumber( ArgList[2] );
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.setTime( dIn );

代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/pentaho-kettle

public static Object abs( Context actualContext, Scriptable actualObject, Object[] ArgList,
 Function FunctionContext ) {
 if ( ArgList.length == 1 ) {
  try {
   if ( isNull( ArgList[0] ) ) {
    return new Double( Double.NaN );
   } else if ( isUndefined( ArgList[0] ) ) {
    return Context.getUndefinedValue();
   } else {
    return new Double( Math.abs( Context.toNumber( ArgList[0] ) ) );
  } catch ( Exception e ) {
   return null;
 } else {
  throw Context.reportRuntimeError( "The function call abs requires 1 argument." );

代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/pentaho-kettle

public static Object[] createRowCopy( Context actualContext, Scriptable actualObject, Object[] ArgList,
 Function FunctionContext ) {
 if ( ArgList.length == 1 ) {
  try {
   int newSize = (int) Math.round( Context.toNumber( ArgList[0] ) );
   Object scmO = actualObject.get( "row", actualObject );
   Object[] row = (Object[]) Context.jsToJava( scmO, ( new Object[] {} ).getClass() );
   return RowDataUtil.createResizedCopy( row, newSize );
  } catch ( Exception e ) {
   throw Context.reportRuntimeError( "Unable to create a row copy: " + Const.CR + e.toString() );
 } else {
  throw Context
   .reportRuntimeError( "The function call createRowCopy requires a single arguments : the new size of the row" );

代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/pentaho-kettle

public static Object floor( Context actualContext, Scriptable actualObject, Object[] ArgList,
 Function FunctionContext ) {
 if ( ArgList.length == 1 ) {
  try {
   if ( isNull( ArgList[0] ) ) {
    return new Double( Double.NaN );
   } else if ( isUndefined( ArgList[0] ) ) {
    return Context.getUndefinedValue();
   } else {
    return new Double( Math.floor( Context.toNumber( ArgList[0] ) ) );
  } catch ( Exception e ) {
   return null;
   // throw Context.reportRuntimeError(e.toString());
 } else {
  throw Context.reportRuntimeError( "The function call floor requires 1 argument." );

代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/pentaho-kettle

public static Object ceil( Context actualContext, Scriptable actualObject, Object[] ArgList,
 Function FunctionContext ) {
 if ( ArgList.length == 1 ) {
  try {
   if ( isNull( ArgList[0] ) ) {
    return Double.NaN;
   } else if ( isUndefined( ArgList[0] ) ) {
    return Context.getUndefinedValue();
   } else {
    return Math.ceil( Context.toNumber( ArgList[ 0 ] ) );
  } catch ( Exception e ) {
   return null;
 } else {
  throw Context.reportRuntimeError( "The function call ceil requires 1 argument." );

代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/pentaho-kettle

public static int indexOf( Context actualContext, Scriptable actualObject, Object[] ArgList,
 Function FunctionContext ) {
 int returnIndex = -1;
 if ( ArgList.length == 2 || ArgList.length == 3 ) {
  if ( !isNull( ArgList ) && !isUndefined( ArgList ) ) {
   String string = Context.toString( ArgList[0] );
   String subString = Context.toString( ArgList[1] );
   int fromIndex = 0;
   if ( ArgList.length == 3 ) {
    fromIndex = (int) Math.round( Context.toNumber( ArgList[2] ) );
   returnIndex = string.indexOf( subString, fromIndex );
 } else {
  throw Context.reportRuntimeError( "The function call indexOf requires 2 or 3 arguments" );
 return returnIndex;

代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/pentaho-kettle

} else {
 if ( classType.equalsIgnoreCase( "org.mozilla.javascript.NativeDate" ) ) {
  dbl = Context.toNumber( value );
 } else if ( classType.equalsIgnoreCase( "org.mozilla.javascript.NativeJavaObject" )
  || classType.equalsIgnoreCase( "java.util.Date" ) ) {

代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/pentaho-kettle

public static Object isNum( Context actualContext, Scriptable actualObject, Object[] ArgList,
 Function FunctionContext ) {
 if ( ArgList.length == 1 ) {
  try {
   if ( isNull( ArgList[0] ) ) {
    return null;
   } else if ( isUndefined( ArgList[0] ) ) {
    return Context.getUndefinedValue();
   double sArg1 = Context.toNumber( ArgList[0] );
   if ( Double.isNaN( sArg1 ) ) {
    return Boolean.FALSE;
   } else {
    return Boolean.TRUE;
  } catch ( Exception e ) {
   return Boolean.FALSE;
 } else {
  throw Context.reportRuntimeError( "The function call isNum requires 1 argument." );

代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/pentaho-kettle

int from = (int) Math.round( Context.toNumber( ArgList[1] ) );
 sRC = sRC.substring( from );
} catch ( Exception e ) {
 int from = (int) Math.round( Context.toNumber( ArgList[1] ) );
 int len = (int) Math.round( Context.toNumber( ArgList[2] ) );

代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/pentaho-kettle

public static String fillString( Context actualContext, Scriptable actualObject, Object[] ArgList,
 Function FunctionContext ) {
 if ( ArgList.length == 2 ) {
  try {
   if ( isNull( ArgList, new int[] { 0, 1 } ) ) {
    return null;
   } else if ( isUndefined( ArgList, new int[] { 0, 1 } ) ) {
    return (String) Context.getUndefinedValue();
   String fillChar = Context.toString( ArgList[0] );
   int count = (int) Context.toNumber( ArgList[1] );
   if ( fillChar.length() != 1 ) {
    throw Context.reportRuntimeError( "Please provide a valid Char to the fillString" );
   } else {
    char[] chars = new char[count];
    while ( count > 0 ) {
     chars[--count] = fillChar.charAt( 0 );
    return new String( chars );
  } catch ( Exception e ) {
   throw Context.reportRuntimeError( e.toString() );
 } else {
  throw Context.reportRuntimeError( "The function call fillString requires 2 arguments." );

代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/pentaho-kettle

return (String) Context.getUndefinedValue();
double sArg1 = Context.toNumber( ArgList[0] );
if ( Double.isNaN( sArg1 ) ) {
 throw Context.reportRuntimeError( "The first Argument must be a Number." );
 return (String) Context.getUndefinedValue();
double sArg1 = Context.toNumber( ArgList[0] );
if ( Double.isNaN( sArg1 ) ) {
 throw Context.reportRuntimeError( "The first Argument must be a Number." );
 return (String) Context.getUndefinedValue();
double sArg1 = Context.toNumber( ArgList[0] );
if ( Double.isNaN( sArg1 ) ) {
 throw Context.reportRuntimeError( "The first Argument must be a Number." );

代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/pentaho-kettle

public static String lpad( Context actualContext, Scriptable actualObject, Object[] ArgList,
 Function FunctionContext ) {
 // (String valueToPad, String filler, int size) {
 try {
  if ( ArgList.length == 3 ) {
   if ( isNull( ArgList, new int[] { 0, 1, 2 } ) ) {
    return null;
   } else if ( isUndefined( ArgList, new int[] { 0, 1, 2 } ) ) {
    return (String) Context.getUndefinedValue();
   String valueToPad = Context.toString( ArgList[0] );
   String filler = Context.toString( ArgList[1] );
   int size = (int) Context.toNumber( ArgList[2] );
   while ( valueToPad.length() < size ) {
    valueToPad = filler + valueToPad;
   return valueToPad;
 } catch ( Exception e ) {
  throw Context.reportRuntimeError( "The function call lpad requires 3 arguments." );
 return null;

代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/pentaho-kettle

public static String rpad( Context actualContext, Scriptable actualObject, Object[] ArgList,
 Function FunctionContext ) {
 try {
  if ( ArgList.length == 3 ) {
   if ( isNull( ArgList, new int[] { 0, 1, 2 } ) ) {
    return null;
   } else if ( isUndefined( ArgList, new int[] { 0, 1, 2 } ) ) {
    return (String) Context.getUndefinedValue();
   String valueToPad = Context.toString( ArgList[0] );
   String filler = Context.toString( ArgList[1] );
   int size = (int) Context.toNumber( ArgList[2] );
   while ( valueToPad.length() < size ) {
    valueToPad = valueToPad + filler;
   return valueToPad;
 } catch ( Exception e ) {
  throw Context.reportRuntimeError( "The function call rpad requires 3 arguments." );
 return null;

代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/pentaho-kettle

} else {
 if ( classname.equalsIgnoreCase( "org.mozilla.javascript.NativeDate" ) ) {
  dbl = Context.toNumber( result );
 } else if ( classname.equalsIgnoreCase( "org.mozilla.javascript.NativeJavaObject" ) ) {

代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/pentaho-kettle

iTranStat = (int) Context.toNumber( data.scope.get( "trans_Status", data.scope ) );
} else {

