
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-18 转载在 其他  



[英]Determines whether or not a character is considered a space. A character is considered a space in Kettle if it is a space, a tab, a newline or a cariage return.


代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/pentaho-kettle

 * Determines whether or not a character is considered a space. A character is considered a space in Kettle if it is a
 * space, a tab, a newline or a cariage return.
 * @param c
 *          The character to verify if it is a space.
 * @return true if the character is a space. false otherwise.
 * @deprecated Use {@link Const#isSpace(char)} instead
public static final boolean isSpace( char c ) {
 return Const.isSpace( c );

代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/pentaho-kettle

 * Checks whether or not a String consists only of spaces.
 * @param str
 *          The string to check
 * @return true if the string has nothing but spaces.
public static boolean onlySpaces( String str ) {
 for ( int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++ ) {
  if ( !isSpace( str.charAt( i ) ) ) {
   return false;
 return true;

代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/pentaho-kettle

 * Left trim: remove spaces to the left of a String.
 * @param source
 *          The String to left trim
 * @return The left trimmed String
public static String ltrim( String source ) {
 if ( source == null ) {
  return null;
 int from = 0;
 while ( from < source.length() && isSpace( source.charAt( from ) ) ) {
 return source.substring( from );

代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/pentaho-kettle

 * Right trim: remove spaces to the right of a string
 * @param source
 *          The string to right trim
 * @return The trimmed string.
public static String rtrim( String source ) {
 if ( source == null ) {
  return null;
 int max = source.length();
 while ( max > 0 && isSpace( source.charAt( max - 1 ) ) ) {
 return source.substring( 0, max );

代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/pentaho-kettle

 * Trims a string: removes the leading and trailing spaces of a String.
 * @param str
 *          The string to trim
 * @return The trimmed string.
public static String trim( String str ) {
 if ( str == null ) {
  return null;
 int max = str.length() - 1;
 int min = 0;
 while ( min <= max && isSpace( str.charAt( min ) ) ) {
 while ( max >= 0 && isSpace( str.charAt( max ) ) ) {
 if ( max < min ) {
  return "";
 return str.substring( min, max + 1 );

代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/big-data-plugin

private int removeTrailingSpaces( StringBuilder buffer, int pos ) {
 while ( pos >= 0 && Const.isSpace( data.buffer.charAt( pos ) ) ) {
 return pos;
