
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-18 转载在 其他  



[英]Instantiate a single datanode object. This must be run by invoking DataNode#runDatanodeDaemon() subsequently.


代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-hdfs

/** Instantiate a single datanode object. This must be run by invoking
 *  {@link DataNode#runDatanodeDaemon()} subsequently. 
public static DataNode instantiateDataNode(String args[],
                  Configuration conf) throws IOException {
 return instantiateDataNode(args, conf, null);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-hdfs

/** Instantiate & Start a single datanode daemon and wait for it to finish.
 *  If this thread is specifically interrupted, it will stop waiting.
public static DataNode createDataNode(String args[], Configuration conf,
  SecureResources resources) throws IOException {
 DataNode dn = instantiateDataNode(args, conf, resources);
 if (dn != null) {
 return dn;

代码示例来源:origin: io.fabric8/fabric-hadoop

/** Instantiate a single datanode object. This must be run by invoking
 *  {@link DataNode#runDatanodeDaemon(DataNode)} subsequently. 
public static DataNode instantiateDataNode(String args[],
                  Configuration conf) throws IOException {
 return instantiateDataNode(args, conf, null);


/** Instantiate a single datanode object. This must be run by invoking
 *  {@link DataNode#runDatanodeDaemon()} subsequently. 
public static DataNode instantiateDataNode(String args[],
                  Configuration conf) throws IOException {
 return instantiateDataNode(args, conf, null);

代码示例来源:origin: io.prestosql.hadoop/hadoop-apache

/** Instantiate a single datanode object. This must be run by invoking
 *  {@link DataNode#runDatanodeDaemon()} subsequently. 
public static DataNode instantiateDataNode(String args[],
                  Configuration conf) throws IOException {
 return instantiateDataNode(args, conf, null);

代码示例来源:origin: org.jvnet.hudson.hadoop/hadoop-core

/** Instantiate & Start a single datanode daemon and wait for it to finish.
 *  If this thread is specifically interrupted, it will stop waiting.
public static DataNode createDataNode(String args[],
                Configuration conf) throws IOException {
 DataNode dn = instantiateDataNode(args, conf);
 return dn;

代码示例来源:origin: io.fabric8/fabric-hadoop

/** Instantiate & Start a single datanode daemon and wait for it to finish.
 *  If this thread is specifically interrupted, it will stop waiting.
 *  LimitedPrivate for creating secure datanodes
public static DataNode createDataNode(String args[],
     Configuration conf, SecureResources resources) throws IOException {
 DataNode dn = instantiateDataNode(args, conf, resources);
 return dn;

代码示例来源:origin: com.facebook.hadoop/hadoop-core

/** Instantiate & Start a single datanode daemon and wait for it to finish.
 *  If this thread is specifically interrupted, it will stop waiting.
public static DataNode createDataNode(String args[], Configuration conf) 
 throws IOException {
 DataNode dn = instantiateDataNode(args, conf);
 if (dn != null) {
 return dn;


/** Instantiate & Start a single datanode daemon and wait for it to finish.
 *  If this thread is specifically interrupted, it will stop waiting.
public static DataNode createDataNode(String args[], Configuration conf,
  SecureResources resources) throws IOException {
 DataNode dn = instantiateDataNode(args, conf, resources);
 if (dn != null) {
 return dn;

代码示例来源:origin: io.prestosql.hadoop/hadoop-apache

/** Instantiate & Start a single datanode daemon and wait for it to finish.
 *  If this thread is specifically interrupted, it will stop waiting.
public static DataNode createDataNode(String args[], Configuration conf,
  SecureResources resources) throws IOException {
 DataNode dn = instantiateDataNode(args, conf, resources);
 if (dn != null) {
 return dn;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-hdfs-test

NetUtils.addStaticResolution(hosts[i - curDatanodesNum], "localhost");
DataNode dn = DataNode.instantiateDataNode(dnArgs, dnConf);
if(dn == null)
 throw new IOException("Cannot start DataNode in "


 * Stores the information related to a namenode in the cluster
public static class NameNodeInfo {
 final NameNode nameNode;
 final Configuration conf;
 final String nameserviceId;
 final String nnId;
 StartupOption startOpt;
 NameNodeInfo(NameNode nn, String nameserviceId, String nnId,
   StartupOption startOpt, Configuration conf) {
  this.nameNode = nn;
  this.nameserviceId = nameserviceId;
  this.nnId = nnId;
  this.startOpt = startOpt;
  this.conf = conf;
 public void setStartOpt(StartupOption startOpt) {
  this.startOpt = startOpt;


DataNode dn = DataNode.instantiateDataNode(dnArgs, dnConf, secureResources);
if(dn == null)
 throw new IOException("Cannot start DataNode in "

