[英]Returns the value property of the input element that backs this widget. This is the value that will be associated with the CheckBox name and submitted to the server if a FormPanel that holds it is submitted and the box is checked.
Don't confuse this with #getValue, which returns true or false if the widget is checked.
代码示例来源:origin: com.google.gwt/gwt-servlet
boolean checked = getValue();
boolean enabled = isEnabled();
String formValue = getFormValue();
String uid = inputElem.getId();
String accessKey = inputElem.getAccessKey();
代码示例来源:origin: bedatadriven/activityinfo
private CheckBox controlForId(ResourceId id) {
for (CheckBox checkBox : controls) {
if (checkBox.getFormValue().equals(id.asString())) {
return checkBox;
throw new IllegalArgumentException(id.asString());
代码示例来源:origin: com.googlecode.gwt-test-utils/gwt-test-utils
* Verifies that the actual {@link CheckBox} form value is equal to the given one.
* @param expected the given form value to compare the actual form value to.
* @return this assertion object.
* @throws AssertionError if the actual form value is not equal to the given one.
* @see CheckBox#getFormValue()
public S formValueEquals(String expected) {
String formValue = actual.getFormValue();
if (areEqual(formValue, expected))
return myself;
throw propertyComparisonFailed("form value", formValue, expected);
代码示例来源:origin: bedatadriven/activityinfo
private ReferenceValue updatedValue() {
final Set<RecordRef> value = Sets.newHashSet();
for (CheckBox control : controls) {
if (control.getValue()) {
return new ReferenceValue(value);
代码示例来源:origin: bedatadriven/activityinfo
private EnumValue updatedValue() {
final Set<ResourceId> value = Sets.newHashSet();
for (CheckBox control : controls) {
if (control.getValue()) {
return new EnumValue(value);
代码示例来源:origin: gwt-test-utils/gwt-test-utils
* Verifies that the actual {@link CheckBox} form value is equal to the given one.
* @param expected the given form value to compare the actual form value to.
* @return this assertion object.
* @throws AssertionError if the actual form value is not equal to the given one.
* @see CheckBox#getFormValue()
public S formValueEquals(String expected) {
String formValue = actual.getFormValue();
if (areEqual(formValue, expected))
return myself;
throw propertyComparisonFailed("form value", formValue, expected);
代码示例来源:origin: bedatadriven/activityinfo
public Promise<Void> setValue(ReferenceValue value) {
Set<RecordRef> ids = value.getReferences();
for (CheckBox entry : controls) {
RecordRef ref = RecordRef.fromQualifiedString(entry.getFormValue());
return Promise.done();
代码示例来源:origin: bedatadriven/activityinfo
public Promise<Void> setValue(EnumValue value) {
for (CheckBox entry : controls) {
entry.setValue(containsIgnoreCase(value.getResourceIds(), entry.getFormValue()));
return Promise.done();
代码示例来源:origin: com.vaadin.external.gwt/gwt-user
boolean checked = getValue();
boolean enabled = isEnabled();
String formValue = getFormValue();
String uid = inputElem.getId();
String accessKey = inputElem.getAccessKey();
代码示例来源:origin: net.wetheinter/gwt-user
boolean checked = getValue();
boolean enabled = isEnabled();
String formValue = getFormValue();
String uid = inputElem.getId();
String accessKey = inputElem.getAccessKey();