
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-18 转载在 其他  



[英]Copies bytes from an InputStream source to a file destination. The directories up to destination will be created if they don't already exist. destination will be overwritten if it already exists. The source stream is left open, e.g. for use with See #copyInputStreamToFile(InputStream,File) for a method that closes the input stream.


代码示例来源:origin: commons-io/commons-io

 * Copies bytes from an {@link InputStream} <code>source</code> to a file
 * <code>destination</code>. The directories up to <code>destination</code>
 * will be created if they don't already exist. <code>destination</code>
 * will be overwritten if it already exists.
 * The {@code source} stream is closed.
 * See {@link #copyToFile(InputStream, File)} for a method that does not close the input stream.
 * @param source      the <code>InputStream</code> to copy bytes from, must not be {@code null}, will be closed
 * @param destination the non-directory <code>File</code> to write bytes to
 *                    (possibly overwriting), must not be {@code null}
 * @throws IOException if <code>destination</code> is a directory
 * @throws IOException if <code>destination</code> cannot be written
 * @throws IOException if <code>destination</code> needs creating but can't be
 * @throws IOException if an IO error occurs during copying
 * @since 2.0
public static void copyInputStreamToFile(final InputStream source, final File destination) throws IOException {
  try (InputStream in = source) {
    copyToFile(in, destination);

代码示例来源:origin: gocd/gocd

public void copyTo(File output) throws IOException {
    try (InputStream in = source.getInputStream()) {
      FileUtils.copyToFile(in, output);

代码示例来源:origin: com.impetus.fabric/fabric-jdbc-driver-shaded

 * Copies bytes from an {@link InputStream} <code>source</code> to a file
 * <code>destination</code>. The directories up to <code>destination</code>
 * will be created if they don't already exist. <code>destination</code>
 * will be overwritten if it already exists.
 * The {@code source} stream is closed.
 * See {@link #copyToFile(InputStream, File)} for a method that does not close the input stream.
 * @param source      the <code>InputStream</code> to copy bytes from, must not be {@code null}, will be closed
 * @param destination the non-directory <code>File</code> to write bytes to
 *                    (possibly overwriting), must not be {@code null}
 * @throws IOException if <code>destination</code> is a directory
 * @throws IOException if <code>destination</code> cannot be written
 * @throws IOException if <code>destination</code> needs creating but can't be
 * @throws IOException if an IO error occurs during copying
 * @since 2.0
public static void copyInputStreamToFile(final InputStream source, final File destination) throws IOException {
  try (InputStream in = source) {
    copyToFile(in, destination);

代码示例来源:origin: com.github.binarywang/weixin-java-common

 * 创建临时文件.
 * @param inputStream 输入文件流
 * @param name        文件名
 * @param ext         扩展名
 * @param tmpDirFile  临时文件夹目录
public static File createTmpFile(InputStream inputStream, String name, String ext, File tmpDirFile) throws IOException {
 File resultFile = File.createTempFile(name, '.' + ext, tmpDirFile);
 resultFile.deleteOnExit();, resultFile);
 return resultFile;

代码示例来源:origin: binarywang/WxJava

 * 创建临时文件.
 * @param inputStream 输入文件流
 * @param name        文件名
 * @param ext         扩展名
 * @param tmpDirFile  临时文件夹目录
public static File createTmpFile(InputStream inputStream, String name, String ext, File tmpDirFile) throws IOException {
 File resultFile = File.createTempFile(name, '.' + ext, tmpDirFile);
 resultFile.deleteOnExit();, resultFile);
 return resultFile;

代码示例来源:origin: io.github.stephenc.docker/docker-client-shaded

 * Copies bytes from an {@link InputStream} <code>source</code> to a file
 * <code>destination</code>. The directories up to <code>destination</code>
 * will be created if they don't already exist. <code>destination</code>
 * will be overwritten if it already exists.
 * The {@code source} stream is closed.
 * See {@link #copyToFile(InputStream, File)} for a method that does not close the input stream.
 * @param source      the <code>InputStream</code> to copy bytes from, must not be {@code null}, will be closed
 * @param destination the non-directory <code>File</code> to write bytes to
 *                    (possibly overwriting), must not be {@code null}
 * @throws IOException if <code>destination</code> is a directory
 * @throws IOException if <code>destination</code> cannot be written
 * @throws IOException if <code>destination</code> needs creating but can't be
 * @throws IOException if an IO error occurs during copying
 * @since 2.0
public static void copyInputStreamToFile(final InputStream source, final File destination) throws IOException {
  try {
    copyToFile(source, destination);
  } finally {

代码示例来源:origin: org.sonarsource.typescript/sonar-typescript-plugin

public static void extract(InputStream bundle, File destination) throws IOException {
  ZipInputStream zip = new ZipInputStream(bundle);
  ZipEntry entry = zip.getNextEntry();
  if (entry == null) {
   throw new IllegalStateException("At least one entry expected.");
  while (entry != null) {
   File entryDestination = new File(destination, entry.getName());
   if (entry.isDirectory()) {
   } else {
    FileUtils.copyToFile(zip, entryDestination);
   entry = zip.getNextEntry();

代码示例来源:origin: omegat-org/omegat

FileUtils.copyToFile(zis, f);

代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.izpack/izpack-util

FileUtils.copyToFile(in, new File(sandbox, pathname));

代码示例来源:origin: gsvigruha/cosyan

public void restore(String name) throws IOException, DBException {
  MetaWriter metaWriter = metaRepo.metaRepoWriteLock();
  try {
   FileUtils.deleteDirectory(new File(config.tableDir()));
   FileUtils.deleteDirectory(new File(config.indexDir()));
   FileUtils.deleteDirectory(new File(config.metaDir()));
   FileUtils.forceDelete(new File(config.usersFile()));


   ZipInputStream stream = new ZipInputStream(
     Files.newInputStream(Paths.get(config.backupDir() + File.separator + name)));
   try {
    ZipEntry entry;
    while ((entry = stream.getNextEntry()) != null) {
     FileUtils.copyToFile(stream, new File(config.dataDir() + File.separator + entry.getName()));
   } finally {
  } finally {

