
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-18 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: com.thoughtworks.xstream/xstream

public void appendErrors(ErrorWriter errorWriter) {
  errorWriter.add("xpath", currentElement.getPath());

代码示例来源:origin: hibernate/hibernate-orm

private static void copyIntegerAttribute(AnnotationDescriptor annotation, Element element, String attributeName) {
  String attribute = element.attributeValue( attributeName );
  if ( attribute != null ) {
    String annotationAttributeName = getJavaAttributeNameFromXMLOne( attributeName );
    annotation.setValue( annotationAttributeName, attribute );
    try {
      int length = Integer.parseInt( attribute );
      annotation.setValue( annotationAttributeName, length );
    catch ( NumberFormatException e ) {
      throw new AnnotationException(
          element.getPath() + attributeName + " not parseable: " + attribute + " (" + SCHEMA_VALIDATION + ")"

代码示例来源:origin: hibernate/hibernate-orm

private EntityListeners getEntityListeners(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
  Element element = tree != null ? tree.element( "entity-listeners" ) : null;
  if ( element != null ) {
    List<Class> entityListenerClasses = new ArrayList<>();
    for ( Element subelement : (List<Element>) element.elements( "entity-listener" ) ) {
      String className = subelement.attributeValue( "class" );
      try {
                XMLContext.buildSafeClassName( className, defaults )
      catch ( ClassLoadingException e ) {
        throw new AnnotationException(
            "Unable to find " + element.getPath() + ".class: " + className, e
    AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( EntityListeners.class );
    ad.setValue( "value", entityListenerClasses.toArray( new Class[entityListenerClasses.size()] ) );
    return AnnotationFactory.create( ad );
  else if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) {
    return getPhysicalAnnotation( EntityListeners.class );
  else {
    return null;

代码示例来源:origin: hibernate/hibernate-orm

private void addTargetClass(Element element, AnnotationDescriptor ad, String nodeName, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
  String className = element.attributeValue( nodeName );
  if ( className != null ) {
    Class clazz;
    try {
      clazz = classLoaderAccess.classForName( XMLContext.buildSafeClassName( className, defaults ) );
    catch ( ClassLoadingException e ) {
      throw new AnnotationException(
          "Unable to find " + element.getPath() + " " + nodeName + ": " + className, e
    ad.setValue( getJavaAttributeNameFromXMLOne( nodeName ), clazz );

代码示例来源:origin: hibernate/hibernate-orm

private void getMapKeyClass(List<Annotation> annotationList, Element element, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
  String nodeName = "map-key-class";
  Element subelement = element != null ? element.element( nodeName ) : null;
  if ( subelement != null ) {
    String mapKeyClassName = subelement.attributeValue( "class" );
    AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( MapKeyClass.class );
    if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( mapKeyClassName ) ) {
      Class clazz;
      try {
        clazz = classLoaderAccess.classForName(
            XMLContext.buildSafeClassName( mapKeyClassName, defaults )
      catch ( ClassLoadingException e ) {
        throw new AnnotationException(
            "Unable to find " + element.getPath() + " " + nodeName + ": " + mapKeyClassName, e
      ad.setValue( "value", clazz );
    annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) );

代码示例来源:origin: hibernate/hibernate-orm

private Column getColumn(Element element, boolean isMandatory, Element current) {
  //Element subelement = element != null ? element.element( "column" ) : null;
  if ( element != null ) {
    AnnotationDescriptor column = new AnnotationDescriptor( Column.class );
    copyStringAttribute( column, element, "name", false );
    copyBooleanAttribute( column, element, "unique" );
    copyBooleanAttribute( column, element, "nullable" );
    copyBooleanAttribute( column, element, "insertable" );
    copyBooleanAttribute( column, element, "updatable" );
    copyStringAttribute( column, element, "column-definition", false );
    copyStringAttribute( column, element, "table", false );
    copyIntegerAttribute( column, element, "length" );
    copyIntegerAttribute( column, element, "precision" );
    copyIntegerAttribute( column, element, "scale" );
    return (Column) AnnotationFactory.create( column );
  else {
    if ( isMandatory ) {
      throw new AnnotationException( current.getPath() + ".column is mandatory. " + SCHEMA_VALIDATION );
    return null;

代码示例来源:origin: org.dom4j/dom4j

public String getPath(Element context) {
  // From XPaths perspective, entities are included in text
  Element parent = getParent();
  return ((parent != null) && (parent != context)) ? (parent
      .getPath(context) + "/text()") : "text()";

代码示例来源:origin: org.dom4j/dom4j

public String getPath(Element context) {
  Element parent = getParent();
  return ((parent != null) && (parent != context)) ? (parent
      .getPath(context) + "/processing-instruction()")
      : "processing-instruction()";

代码示例来源:origin: org.dom4j/dom4j

public String getPath(Element context) {
  Element parent = getParent();
  return ((parent != null) && (parent != context)) ? (parent
      .getPath(context) + "/text()") : "text()";

代码示例来源:origin: org.dom4j/dom4j

public String getPath(Element context) {
  Element parent = getParent();
  return ((parent != null) && (parent != context)) ? (parent
      .getPath(context) + "/comment()") : "comment()";

代码示例来源:origin: org.dom4j/dom4j

public String getPath(Element context) {
  StringBuffer path = new StringBuffer(10);
  Element parent = getParent();
  if ((parent != null) && (parent != context)) {
  return path.toString();

代码示例来源:origin: org.dom4j/dom4j

public String getPath(Element context) {
  StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
  Element parent = getParent();
  if ((parent != null) && (parent != context)) {
  String uri = getNamespaceURI();
  String prefix = getNamespacePrefix();
  if ((uri == null) || (uri.length() == 0) || (prefix == null)
      || (prefix.length() == 0)) {
  } else {
  return result.toString();

代码示例来源:origin: org.hibernate/hibernate-annotations

private static void copyIntegerAttribute(AnnotationDescriptor annotation, Element element, String attributeName) {
  String attribute = element.attributeValue( attributeName );
  if ( attribute != null ) {
    String annotationAttributeName = getJavaAttributeNameFromXMLOne( attributeName );
    annotation.setValue( annotationAttributeName, attribute );
    try {
      int length = Integer.parseInt( attribute );
      annotation.setValue( annotationAttributeName, length );
    catch (NumberFormatException e) {
      throw new AnnotationException(
          element.getPath() + attributeName + " not parseable: " + attribute + " (" + SCHEMA_VALIDATION + ")"

代码示例来源:origin: org.hibernate/hibernate-annotations

private void addTargetClass(Element element, AnnotationDescriptor ad, String nodeName, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
  String className = element.attributeValue( nodeName );
  if ( className != null ) {
    Class clazz;
    try {
      clazz = ReflectHelper.classForName(
          XMLContext.buildSafeClassName( className, defaults ),
    catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
      throw new AnnotationException(
          "Unable to find " + element.getPath() + " " + nodeName + ": " + className, e
    ad.setValue( getJavaAttributeNameFromXMLOne(nodeName), clazz );

代码示例来源:origin: org.hibernate/hibernate-annotations

"Unable to find " + element.getPath() + ".class: " + className, e

代码示例来源:origin: org.dom4j/dom4j

public String getPath(Element context) {
  if (this == context) {
    return ".";
  Element parent = getParent();
  if (parent == null) {
    return "/" + getXPathNameStep();
  } else if (parent == context) {
    return getXPathNameStep();
  return parent.getPath(context) + "/" + getXPathNameStep();

代码示例来源:origin: org.hibernate/hibernate-annotations

private Column getColumn(Element element, boolean isMandatory, Element current) {
  //Element subelement = element != null ? element.element( "column" ) : null;
  if ( element != null ) {
    AnnotationDescriptor column = new AnnotationDescriptor( Column.class );
    copyStringAttribute( column, element, "name", false );
    copyBooleanAttribute( column, element, "unique" );
    copyBooleanAttribute( column, element, "nullable" );
    copyBooleanAttribute( column, element, "insertable" );
    copyBooleanAttribute( column, element, "updatable" );
    copyStringAttribute( column, element, "column-definition", false );
    copyStringAttribute( column, element, "table", false );
    copyIntegerAttribute( column, element, "length" );
    copyIntegerAttribute( column, element, "precision" );
    copyIntegerAttribute( column, element, "scale" );
    return (Column) AnnotationFactory.create( column );
  else {
    if ( isMandatory ) {
      throw new AnnotationException( current.getPath() + ".column is mandatory. " + SCHEMA_VALIDATION );
    return null;

代码示例来源:origin: dom4j/dom4j

public String getPath(Element context) {
  Element parent = getParent();
  return ((parent != null) && (parent != context)) ? (parent
      .getPath(context) + "/comment()") : "comment()";

代码示例来源:origin: org.dom4j/

public String getPath(Element context) {
  // From XPaths perspective, entities are included in text
  Element parent = getParent();
  return ((parent != null) && (parent != context)) ? (parent
      .getPath(context) + "/text()") : "text()";

代码示例来源:origin: dom4j/dom4j

public String getPath(Element context) {
  StringBuffer path = new StringBuffer(10);
  Element parent = getParent();
  if ((parent != null) && (parent != context)) {
  return path.toString();

