[英]Returns the (local) name of the element (without any namespace prefix).
代码示例来源:origin: jaxen/jaxen
public String getElementName(Object obj)
Element elem = (Element) obj;
return elem.getName();
代码示例来源:origin: jaxen/jaxen
public String getElementQName(Object obj)
Element elem = (Element) obj;
String prefix = elem.getNamespacePrefix();
if ( prefix == null || prefix.length() == 0 )
return elem.getName();
return prefix + ":" + elem.getName();
代码示例来源:origin: org.freemarker/freemarker
public List operate(Object node, String localName, Namespace namespace) {
if (node instanceof Element) {
return((Element) node).getChildren(localName, namespace);
} else if (node instanceof Document) {
Element root = ((Document) node).getRootElement();
if (root != null &&
root.getName().equals(localName) &&
root.getNamespaceURI().equals(namespace.getURI())) {
return Collections.singletonList(root);
} else
return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
// With 2.1 semantics it makes more sense to just return a null and let the core
// throw an InvalidReferenceException and the template writer can use ?exists etcetera. (JR)
return null;
throw new TemplateModelException("_namedChildren can not be applied on " + node.getClass());
代码示例来源:origin: org.freemarker/freemarker
public List operate(Object node) {
if (node instanceof Element) {
Element element = (Element) node;
return Collections.singletonList(element.getNamespace().getURI() + element.getName());
} else if (node instanceof Attribute) {
Attribute attribute = (Attribute) node;
return Collections.singletonList(attribute.getNamespace().getURI() + attribute.getName());
// With 2.1 semantics it makes more sense to just return a null and let the core
// throw an InvalidReferenceException and the template writer can use ?exists etcetera. (JR)
return null;
// throw new TemplateModelException("_cname can not be applied on " + node.getClass());
代码示例来源:origin: kiegroup/optaplanner
protected void assertElementName(Element element, String name) {
if (!element.getName().equals(name)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Element name (" + element.getName()
+ ") should be " + name + ".");
代码示例来源:origin: jaxen/jaxen
if (el.getName().equals(localName) == false) {
return JaxenConstants.EMPTY_ITERATOR;
代码示例来源:origin: org.freemarker/freemarker
void getChildren(Object node, String localName, String namespaceUri, List result) {
if (node instanceof Element) {
Element e = (Element) node;
if (localName == null) {
} else {
result.addAll(e.getChildren(localName, Namespace.getNamespace("", namespaceUri)));
} else if (node instanceof Document) {
Element root = ((Document) node).getRootElement();
if (localName == null || (equal(root.getName(), localName) && equal(root.getNamespaceURI(), namespaceUri))) {
代码示例来源:origin: com.thoughtworks.xstream/xstream
public String peekNextChild() {
List list = currentElement.getChildren();
if (null == list || list.isEmpty()) {
return null;
return decodeNode(((Element) list.get(0)).getName());
代码示例来源:origin: com.thoughtworks.xstream/xstream
public String getNodeName() {
return decodeNode(currentElement.getName());
代码示例来源:origin: jaxen/jaxen
public String toString()
return ( "[xmlns:" + jdomNamespace.getPrefix() + "=\"" +
jdomNamespace.getURI() + "\", element=" +
jdomElement.getName() + "]" );
代码示例来源:origin: voldemort/voldemort
public List<StoreDefinition> readStoreList(Reader input, boolean verifySchema) {
try {
SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();
Document doc = builder.build(input);
if(verifySchema) {
Validator validator = schema.newValidator();
validator.validate(new JDOMSource(doc));
Element root = doc.getRootElement();
throw new MappingException("Invalid root element: "
+ doc.getRootElement().getName());
List<StoreDefinition> stores = new ArrayList<StoreDefinition>();
for(Object store: root.getChildren(STORE_ELMT))
stores.add(readStore((Element) store));
for(Object view: root.getChildren(VIEW_ELMT))
stores.add(readView((Element) view, stores));
return stores;
} catch(JDOMException e) {
throw new MappingException(e);
} catch(SAXException e) {
throw new MappingException(e);
} catch(IOException e) {
throw new MappingException(e);
代码示例来源:origin: org.freemarker/freemarker
public List operate(Object node) {
if (node instanceof Element)
return Collections.singletonList(((Element) node).getName());
else if (node instanceof Attribute)
return Collections.singletonList(((Attribute) node).getName());
else if (node instanceof EntityRef)
return Collections.singletonList(((EntityRef) node).getName());
else if (node instanceof ProcessingInstruction)
return Collections.singletonList(((ProcessingInstruction) node).getTarget());
else if (node instanceof DocType)
return Collections.singletonList(((DocType) node).getPublicID());
return null;
// With 2.1 semantics it makes more sense to just return a null and let the core
// throw an InvalidReferenceException and the template writer can use ?exists etcetera. (JR)
// throw new TemplateModelException("_name can not be applied on " + node.getClass());
代码示例来源:origin: org.freemarker/freemarker
public Object exec(List arguments) {
Set names = new HashSet(arguments);
List list = new LinkedList(nodes);
Iterator it = list.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Object node = it.next();
String name = null;
if (node instanceof Element)
name = ((Element) node).getName();
else if (node instanceof Attribute)
name = ((Attribute) node).getName();
else if (node instanceof ProcessingInstruction)
name = ((ProcessingInstruction) node).getTarget();
else if (node instanceof EntityRef)
name = ((EntityRef) node).getName();
else if (node instanceof DocType)
name = ((DocType) node).getPublicID();
if (name == null || !names.contains(name))
return createNodeListModel(list, namespaces);
代码示例来源:origin: voldemort/voldemort
public Cluster readCluster(Reader input, boolean verifySchema) {
try {
SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(false);
Document doc = builder.build(input);
if(verifySchema) {
Validator validator = this.schema.newValidator();
validator.validate(new JDOMSource(doc));
Element root = doc.getRootElement();
throw new MappingException("Invalid root element: "
+ doc.getRootElement().getName());
String name = root.getChildText(CLUSTER_NAME_ELMT);
List<Zone> zones = new ArrayList<Zone>();
for(Element node: (List<Element>) root.getChildren(ZONE_ELMT))
List<Node> servers = new ArrayList<Node>();
for(Element node: (List<Element>) root.getChildren(SERVER_ELMT))
return new Cluster(name, servers, zones);
} catch(JDOMException e) {
throw new MappingException(e);
} catch(SAXException e) {
throw new MappingException(e);
} catch(IOException e) {
throw new MappingException(e);
代码示例来源:origin: hsz/idea-gitignore
* Loads {@link UserTemplate} objects from the {@link Element}.
* @param element source
* @return {@link UserTemplate} list
public static List<UserTemplate> loadTemplates(@NotNull Element element) {
final String key = KEY.USER_TEMPLATES.toString();
final List<UserTemplate> list = ContainerUtil.newArrayList();
if (!key.equals(element.getName())) {
element = element.getChild(key);
for (Element template : element.getChildren()) {
list.add(new UserTemplate(
return list;
代码示例来源:origin: kiegroup/optaplanner
private void readRequiredEmployeeSizes(NurseRoster nurseRoster, Element coverRequirementsElement) {
List<Element> coverRequirementElementList = (List<Element>) coverRequirementsElement.getChildren();
for (Element element : coverRequirementElementList) {
if (element.getName().equals("DayOfWeekCover")) {
Element dayOfWeekElement = element.getChild("Day");
DayOfWeek dayOfWeek = null;
} else if (element.getName().equals("DateSpecificCover")) {
Element dateElement = element.getChild("Date");
List<Element> coverElementList = (List<Element>) element.getChildren("Cover");
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown cover entity (" + element.getName() + ").");
代码示例来源:origin: org.freemarker/freemarker
String getLocalName(Object node) {
if (node instanceof Element) {
return ((Element) node).getName();
if (node instanceof Attribute) {
return ((Attribute) node).getName();
if (node instanceof EntityRef) {
return ((EntityRef) node).getName();
if (node instanceof ProcessingInstruction) {
return ((ProcessingInstruction) node).getTarget();
if (node instanceof DocType) {
return ((DocType) node).getElementName();
return null;
代码示例来源:origin: jshiell/checkstyle-idea
private void extractPropertyNames(final Element element, final List<String> propertyNames) {
if (!"property".equals(element.getName())) {
final String value = element.getAttributeValue("value");
if (value == null) {
final int propertyStart = value.indexOf("${");
final int propertyEnd = value.indexOf('}');
if (propertyStart >= 0 && propertyEnd >= 0) {
final String propertyName = value.substring(
propertyStart + 2, propertyEnd);
代码示例来源:origin: banq/jdonframework
String[] childrenNames = new String[childCount];
for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
childrenNames[i] = ((Element) children.get(i)).getName();
代码示例来源:origin: apache/oozie
private void checkActionNode(NodeDef node) throws WorkflowException {
try {
Element action = XmlUtils.parseXml(node.getConf());
ActionService actionService = Services.get().get(ActionService.class);
boolean supportedAction = actionService.hasActionType(action.getName());
if (!supportedAction) {
throw new WorkflowException(ErrorCode.E0723, node.getName(), action.getName());
} catch (JDOMException ex) {
throw new WorkflowException(ErrorCode.E0700, "JDOMException: " + ex.getMessage());