
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-19 转载在 其他  



[英]Copies file to the selected folder. This implementation simply copies the file by stream content. Uses the extension of the source file.


代码示例来源:origin: org.netbeans.api/org-openide-filesystems

/** Copies file to the selected folder.
* This implementation simply copies the file by stream content.
* Uses the extension of the source file.
* @param source source file object
* @param destFolder destination folder
* @param newName file name (without extension) of destination file
* @return the created file object in the destination folder
* @exception IOException if <code>destFolder</code> is not a folder or does not exist; the destination file already exists; or
*      another critical error occurs during copying
public static FileObject copyFile(FileObject source, FileObject destFolder, String newName)
throws IOException {
  return copyFile(source, destFolder, newName, source.getExt());

代码示例来源:origin: org.netbeans.api/org-openide-filesystems

/** Copies content of one folder into another.
* @param source source folder
* @param target target folder
* @exception IOException if it fails
private static void copyContent(FileObject source, FileObject target)
throws IOException {
  FileObject[] srcArr = source.getChildren();
  copyAttrs(source, target); //added
  for (int i = 0; i < srcArr.length; i++) {
    FileObject child = srcArr[i];
    if (MultiFileSystem.isMaskFile(child)) {
    if (target.getFileObject(child.getName(), child.getExt()) == null) {
      if (child.isData()) {
        FileObject fo = FileUtil.copyFile(child, target, child.getName(), child.getExt());
        if (fo != null) {
          copyAttrs(child, fo);
      } else {
        FileObject targetChild = target.createFolder(child.getName());
        copyContent(child, targetChild);

代码示例来源:origin: it.tidalwave.northernwind/it-tidalwave-northernwind-core-filesystem-basic

public void copyTo (final @Nonnull ResourceFile targetFolder)
 throws IOException
  FileUtil.copyFile(delegate, ((ResourceFileNetBeansPlatform)targetFolder).delegate, delegate.getName());

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.squirrel-sql.thirdpary-non-maven/openide

/** Copies file to the selected folder.
* This implementation simply copies the file by stream content.
* Uses the extension of the source file.
* @param source source file object
* @param destFolder destination folder
* @param newName file name (without extension) of destination file
* @return the created file object in the destination folder
* @exception IOException if <code>destFolder</code> is not a folder or does not exist; the destination file already exists; or
*      another critical error occurs during copying
public static FileObject copyFile(FileObject source, FileObject destFolder,
                 String newName) throws IOException {
  return copyFile(source, destFolder, newName, source.getExt());

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.squirrel-sql.thirdparty-non-maven/openide

/** Copies file to the selected folder.
* This implementation simply copies the file by stream content.
* Uses the extension of the source file.
* @param source source file object
* @param destFolder destination folder
* @param newName file name (without extension) of destination file
* @return the created file object in the destination folder
* @exception IOException if <code>destFolder</code> is not a folder or does not exist; the destination file already exists; or
*      another critical error occurs during copying
public static FileObject copyFile(FileObject source, FileObject destFolder,
                 String newName) throws IOException {
  return copyFile(source, destFolder, newName, source.getExt());

代码示例来源:origin: nl.cloudfarming.client/sensor-api

 * Copy queue to sensor project dir.
 * @param copyQueue List of files to copy to the archive dir.
 * @Param destination FileObject to copy the files to.
 * @throws IOException
protected void copy(List<FileObject> copyQueue, FileObject destination) throws IOException {
  for (FileObject file : copyQueue) {
    try {
      FileUtil.copyFile(file, destination, file.getName());
    } catch (SyncFailedException ex) {
      //Do nothing file already exists

代码示例来源:origin: nl.cloudfarming.client/isobus-project

 * Copy queue to sensor project dir.
 * @param copyQueue List of files to copy to the archive dir.
 * @Param destination FileObject to copy the files to.
 * @throws IOException
 * @deprecated Move to Util
public static void copy(List<FileObject> copyQueue, FileObject destination) throws IOException {
  for (FileObject file : copyQueue) {
    try {
      org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil.copyFile(file, destination, file.getName());
    } catch (SyncFailedException ex) {
      //Do nothing file already exists

代码示例来源:origin: eu.agrosense.client/util

   * Copy queue to specified dir.
   * @param copyQueue List of files to copy to the specified destination dir.
   * @Param destination FileObject to copy the files to.
   * @throws IOException
  public static void copy(Set<FileObject> copyQueue, FileObject destination) throws IOException {
    for (FileObject file : copyQueue) {
      try {
        org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil.copyFile(file, destination, file.getName());
      } catch (SyncFailedException ex) {
        //Do nothing file already exists

代码示例来源:origin: org.netbeans.modules/org-netbeans-modules-profiler

private void exportSnapshot(FileObject selectedSnapshot, FileObject targetFolder, String fileName, String fileExt) {
  if (checkFileExists(new SelectedFile(targetFolder, fileName, fileExt))) {
    try {
      FileUtil.copyFile(selectedSnapshot, targetFolder, fileName, fileExt);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, Bundle.ResultsManager_SnapshotExportFailedMsg(e.getMessage()), e);

代码示例来源:origin: nl.cloudfarming.client/field-project

 * Copy sourcefiles to import-folder
 * @param dataObject 
public void importSources(DataObject dataObject) {
  FileObject importFolder = getImportFolder(true);
  Iterator<FileObject> files = dataObject.files().iterator();     
    FileObject current =;
    try {
      String newFileName = FileUtil.findFreeFileName(importFolder, current.getName(), current.getExt());
      FileUtil.copyFile(current, importFolder, newFileName);
    } catch (IOException ex) {

代码示例来源:origin: nl.cloudfarming.client/import

 * Copies the specified fileObject to the specified targetFolder. Tries to
 * get a free filename for the file object
 * @param targetFolder the folder the fileObject must be copied to
 * @param toCopy the file to be copied
 * @return the copied fileObject or null if it could not be copied
private FileObject copy(FileObject targetFolder, FileObject toCopy) {
  try {
    String newFileName = FileUtil.findFreeFileName(targetFolder, toCopy.getName(), toCopy.getExt());
    return FileUtil.copyFile(toCopy, targetFolder, newFileName);
  } catch (IOException ex) {
    LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not copy file {0} with the exception {1}", new Object[]{toCopy.getName(), ex});
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: org.netbeans.modules/org-netbeans-modules-php-project

private boolean doCopy(FileObject source, File target) throws IOException {
  LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Copying file {0} -> {1}", new Object[] {getPath(source), target});
  File targetParent = target.getParentFile();
  if (source.isData()) {
    FileObject parent = FileUtil.createFolder(targetParent);
    FileUtil.copyFile(source, parent, source.getName(), source.getExt());
    LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "File {0} copied to {1}", new Object[] {getPath(source), target});
  } else {
    String[] childs = target.list();
    if (childs == null || childs.length == 0) {
    LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Folder {0} created", target);
  return target.exists();

代码示例来源:origin: eu.agrosense.client/import

 * Copies the specified FileObject to the specified targetFolder.
 * <p>
 * Tries to get a free filename for the file object</p>
 * @param targetFolder the folder the fileObject must be copied to
 * @param toCopy the file to be copied
 * @return the copied fileObject or null if it could not be copied
private FileObject copy(FileObject targetFolder, FileObject toCopy) {
  try {
    String newFileName = FileUtil.findFreeFileName(targetFolder, toCopy.getName(), toCopy.getExt());
    return FileUtil.copyFile(toCopy, targetFolder, newFileName);
  } catch (IOException ex) {
    LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not copy file {0} with the exception {1}", new Object[]{toCopy.getName(), ex});
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: org.netbeans.modules/org-netbeans-modules-j2ee-sun-appsrv81

static void copyTemplate(Project proj) throws IOException {
  FileObject projDir = proj.getProjectDirectory();
  FileObject jnlpBuildFile = projDir.getFileObject("nbproject/extendArchiveGF.xml"); // NOI18N
  if (jnlpBuildFile == null) {
    FileObject templateFO = FileUtil.getConfigFile("Templates/SunResources/extendArchiveGF.xml"); // NOI18N
    if (templateFO != null) {
      FileUtil.copyFile(templateFO, projDir.getFileObject("nbproject"), "extendArchiveGF"); // NOI18N

代码示例来源:origin: org.netbeans.modules/org-netbeans-modules-testng-maven

private FileObject copy(FileObject source) throws IOException {
  FileObject fo = p.getProjectDirectory();
  FileObject folder = FileUtil.createFolder(fo, "target/nb-private"); //NOI18N
  FileObject cfg = folder.getFileObject("testng-suite", "xml"); //NOI18N
  if (cfg != null) {
  return FileUtil.copyFile(source, folder, "testng-suite"); //NOI18N

代码示例来源:origin: org.netbeans.api/org-netbeans-modules-project-ant-ui

@Messages({"# {0} - file location", "FileChooserAccessory_no_such_file=Cannot copy nonexistent path {0} to libraries folder."})
private void copyFiles(List<File> files, FileObject newRoot) throws IOException {
  List<File> fs = new ArrayList<File>();
  for (File file : files) {
    FileObject fo = FileUtil.toFileObject(file);
    if (fo == null) {
      throw Exceptions.attachLocalizedMessage(new FileNotFoundException(file.toString()), FileChooserAccessory_no_such_file(file));
    FileObject newFO;
    if (fo.isFolder()) {
      newFO = copyFolderRecursively(fo, newRoot);
    } else {
      FileObject foExists = newRoot.getFileObject(fo.getName(), fo.getExt());
      if (foExists != null) {
      newFO = FileUtil.copyFile(fo, newRoot, fo.getName(), fo.getExt());
  copiedRelativeFiles = getRelativeFiles(fs);

代码示例来源:origin: org.netbeans.api/org-netbeans-modules-j2eeserver

private void copyFolder(FileObject source, FileObject dest) throws IOException {
  assert source.isFolder() : "Source is not a folder"; // NOI18N
  assert dest.isFolder() : "Source is not a folder"; // NOI18N
  for (FileObject child : source.getChildren()) {
    if (child.isFolder()) {
      FileObject created = FileUtil.createFolder(dest, child.getNameExt());
      copyFolder(child, created);
    } else {
      FileUtil.copyFile(child, dest, child.getName(), child.getExt());

代码示例来源:origin: org.netbeans.modules/org-netbeans-modules-cnd-makeproject

private static void doCopy(Project original, FileObject from, FileObject toParent) throws IOException {
  if (!VisibilityQuery.getDefault().isVisible(from)) {
    //Do not copy invisible files/folders.
    return ;
  if (!original.getProjectDirectory().equals(FileOwnerQuery.getOwner(from).getProjectDirectory())) {
    return ;
  if (SharabilityQuery.getSharability(from) == SharabilityQuery.Sharability.NOT_SHARABLE) {
  if (from.isFolder()) {
    FileObject copy = toParent.createFolder(from.getNameExt());
    for (FileObject kid : from.getChildren()) {
      doCopy(original, kid, copy);
  } else {
    assert from.isData();
    FileObject target = FileUtil.copyFile(from, toParent, from.getName(), from.getExt());

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.squirrel-sql.thirdparty-non-maven/openide

/** Copies content of one folder into another.
* @param source source folder
* @param target target folder
* @exception IOException if it fails
private static void copyContent (FileObject source, FileObject target) throws IOException {
  FileObject[] srcArr = source.getChildren ();
  copyAttrs (source, target);//added
  for (int i = 0; i < srcArr.length; i++) {
    FileObject child = srcArr[i];
    if (MultiFileSystem.isMaskFile (child) ) continue;
    if (target.getFileObject (child.getName (), child.getExt ()) == null) {
      if (child.isData ()) {
        FileObject fo = FileUtil.copyFile (child, target, child.getName (), child.getExt ());
        if (fo != null) copyAttrs (child, fo);
      } else {
        FileObject targetChild = target.createFolder (child.getName ());
        copyContent (child, targetChild);                    

代码示例来源:origin: org.netbeans.api/org-netbeans-modules-project-ant-ui

@Override public void run() throws IOException {
    assert sourceFolder.isFolder() : sourceFolder;
    assert destination.isFolder() : destination;
    FileObject destinationSubFolder = destination.getFileObject(sourceFolder.getName());
    if (destinationSubFolder == null) {
      destinationSubFolder = destination.createFolder(sourceFolder.getName());
    for (FileObject fo : sourceFolder.getChildren()) {
      if (fo.isFolder()) {
        copyFolderRecursively(fo, destinationSubFolder);
      } else {
        FileObject foExists = destinationSubFolder.getFileObject(fo.getName(), fo.getExt());
        if (foExists != null) {
        FileUtil.copyFile(fo, destinationSubFolder, fo.getName(), fo.getExt());
