[英]Deletes the path if it is empty. A path can only be empty if it is a directory which does not contain any other directories/files.
代码示例来源:origin: apache/flink
public void testDeletePathIfEmpty() throws IOException {
final FileSystem localFs = FileSystem.getLocalFileSystem();
final File dir = tmp.newFolder();
final Path dirPath = new Path(dir.toURI());
// deleting an empty directory should work
assertTrue(FileUtils.deletePathIfEmpty(localFs, dirPath));
// deleting a non existing directory should work
assertTrue(FileUtils.deletePathIfEmpty(localFs, dirPath));
// create a non-empty dir
final File nonEmptyDir = tmp.newFolder();
final Path nonEmptyDirPath = new Path(nonEmptyDir.toURI());
new FileOutputStream(new File(nonEmptyDir, "filename")).close();
assertFalse(FileUtils.deletePathIfEmpty(localFs, nonEmptyDirPath));
代码示例来源:origin: apache/flink
* Test that {@link FileUtils#deletePathIfEmpty(FileSystem, Path)} deletes the path if it is
* empty. A path can only be empty if it is a directory which does not contain any
* files/directories.
public void testDeletePathIfEmpty() throws IOException {
File file = temporaryFolder.newFile();
File directory = temporaryFolder.newFolder();
File directoryFile = new File(directory, UUID.randomUUID().toString());
Path filePath = new Path(file.toURI());
Path directoryPath = new Path(directory.toURI());
Path directoryFilePath = new Path(directoryFile.toURI());
FileSystem fs = FileSystem.getLocalFileSystem();
// verify that the files have been created
// delete the single file
assertFalse(FileUtils.deletePathIfEmpty(fs, filePath));
// try to delete the non-empty directory
assertFalse(FileUtils.deletePathIfEmpty(fs, directoryPath));
// delete the file contained in the directory
assertTrue(fs.delete(directoryFilePath, false));
// now the deletion should work
assertTrue(FileUtils.deletePathIfEmpty(fs, directoryPath));
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.flink/flink-runtime_2.10
FileUtils.deletePathIfEmpty(fs, basePath);
} catch (Exception ignored) {
LOG.debug("Could not delete the parent directory {}.", basePath, ignored);
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.flink/flink-runtime_2.10
* Discard the state by deleting the file that stores the state. If the parent directory
* of the state is empty after deleting the state file, it is also deleted.
* @throws Exception Thrown, if the file deletion (not the directory deletion) fails.
public void discardState() throws Exception {
getFileSystem().delete(filePath, false);
try {
FileUtils.deletePathIfEmpty(getFileSystem(), filePath.getParent());
} catch (Exception ignored) {}
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.flink/flink-runtime_2.10
* Discard the state by deleting the file that stores the state. If the parent directory
* of the state is empty after deleting the state file, it is also deleted.
* @throws Exception Thrown, if the file deletion (not the directory deletion) fails.
public void discardState() throws Exception {
FileSystem fs = getFileSystem();
fs.delete(filePath, false);
if (fs.getKind() == FileSystemKind.FILE_SYSTEM) {
try {
FileUtils.deletePathIfEmpty(fs, filePath.getParent());
} catch (Exception ignored) {}
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.flink/flink-runtime_2.10
FileUtils.deletePathIfEmpty(fs, basePath);
} catch (Exception parentDirDeletionFailure) {
LOG.debug("Could not delete the parent directory {}.", basePath, parentDirDeletionFailure);