
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-19 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: looly/hutool

 * 获得一个文件读取器
 * @param path 文件Path
 * @return BufferedReader对象
 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
 * @since 4.0.0
public static BufferedReader getUtf8Reader(Path path) throws IORuntimeException {
  return getReader(path, CharsetUtil.CHARSET_UTF_8);

代码示例来源:origin: looly/hutool

 * 获得一个文件读取器
 * @param path 文件Path
 * @return BufferedReader对象
 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
 * @since 4.0.0
public static BufferedReader getUtf8Reader(Path path) throws IORuntimeException {
  return getReader(path, CharsetUtil.CHARSET_UTF_8);

代码示例来源:origin: looly/hutool

 * 获得一个文件读取器
 * @param path 文件路径
 * @return BufferedReader对象
 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
public static BufferedReader getUtf8Reader(String path) throws IORuntimeException {
  return getReader(path, CharsetUtil.CHARSET_UTF_8);

代码示例来源:origin: looly/hutool

 * 获得一个文件读取器
 * @param file 文件
 * @return BufferedReader对象
 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
public static BufferedReader getUtf8Reader(File file) throws IORuntimeException {
  return getReader(file, CharsetUtil.CHARSET_UTF_8);

代码示例来源:origin: looly/hutool

 * 获得一个文件读取器
 * @param file 文件
 * @return BufferedReader对象
 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
public static BufferedReader getUtf8Reader(File file) throws IORuntimeException {
  return getReader(file, CharsetUtil.CHARSET_UTF_8);

代码示例来源:origin: looly/hutool

 * 获得一个文件读取器
 * @param path 文件路径
 * @return BufferedReader对象
 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
public static BufferedReader getUtf8Reader(String path) throws IORuntimeException {
  return getReader(path, CharsetUtil.CHARSET_UTF_8);

代码示例来源:origin: looly/hutool

 * 获得一个文件读取器
 * @param path 绝对路径
 * @param charset 字符集
 * @return BufferedReader对象
 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
public static BufferedReader getReader(String path, Charset charset) throws IORuntimeException {
  return getReader(file(path), charset);

代码示例来源:origin: looly/hutool

 * 获得一个文件读取器
 * @param path 绝对路径
 * @param charsetName 字符集
 * @return BufferedReader对象
 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
public static BufferedReader getReader(String path, String charsetName) throws IORuntimeException {
  return getReader(file(path), charsetName);

代码示例来源:origin: looly/hutool

 * 获得一个文件读取器
 * @param path 绝对路径
 * @param charsetName 字符集
 * @return BufferedReader对象
 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
public static BufferedReader getReader(String path, String charsetName) throws IORuntimeException {
  return getReader(file(path), charsetName);

代码示例来源:origin: looly/hutool

 * 获得一个文件读取器
 * @param path 绝对路径
 * @param charset 字符集
 * @return BufferedReader对象
 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
public static BufferedReader getReader(String path, Charset charset) throws IORuntimeException {
  return getReader(file(path), charset);

代码示例来源:origin: looly/hutool

 * 按照行处理文件内容
 * @param lineHandler 行处理器
 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
 * @since 3.0.9
public void readLines(LineHandler lineHandler) throws IORuntimeException{
  BufferedReader reader = null;
  try {
    reader = FileUtil.getReader(file, charset);
    IoUtil.readLines(reader, lineHandler);
  } finally {

代码示例来源:origin: looly/hutool

 * 按照行处理文件内容
 * @param lineHandler 行处理器
 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
 * @since 3.0.9
public void readLines(LineHandler lineHandler) throws IORuntimeException{
  BufferedReader reader = null;
  try {
    reader = FileUtil.getReader(file, charset);
    IoUtil.readLines(reader, lineHandler);
  } finally {

代码示例来源:origin: looly/hutool

 * 通过文件初始化过滤器.
 * @param path 文件路径
 * @param charset 字符集
 * @throws IOException IO异常
public void init(String path, String charset) throws IOException {
  BufferedReader reader = FileUtil.getReader(path, charset);
  try {
    String line;
    while(true) {
      line = reader.readLine();
      if(line == null) {
  }finally {

代码示例来源:origin: looly/hutool

 * 从文件中读取每一行数据
 * @param <T> 集合类型
 * @param collection 集合
 * @return 文件中的每行内容的集合
 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
public <T extends Collection<String>> T readLines(T collection) throws IORuntimeException {
  BufferedReader reader = null;
  try {
    reader = FileUtil.getReader(file, charset);
    String line;
    while (true) {
      line = reader.readLine();
      if (line == null) {
    return collection;
  } catch (IOException e) {
    throw new IORuntimeException(e);
  } finally {

代码示例来源:origin: looly/hutool

 * 通过文件初始化过滤器.
 * @param path 文件路径
 * @param charset 字符集
 * @throws IOException IO异常
public void init(String path, String charset) throws IOException {
  BufferedReader reader = FileUtil.getReader(path, charset);
  try {
    String line;
    while(true) {
      line = reader.readLine();
      if(line == null) {
  }finally {

代码示例来源:origin: looly/hutool

 * 从文件中读取每一行数据
 * @param <T> 集合类型
 * @param collection 集合
 * @return 文件中的每行内容的集合
 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
public <T extends Collection<String>> T readLines(T collection) throws IORuntimeException {
  BufferedReader reader = null;
  try {
    reader = FileUtil.getReader(file, charset);
    String line;
    while (true) {
      line = reader.readLine();
      if (line == null) {
    return collection;
  } catch (IOException e) {
    throw new IORuntimeException(e);
  } finally {

代码示例来源:origin: looly/hutool

 * 读取CSV文件
 * @param path CSV文件
 * @param charset 文件编码,默认系统编码
 * @return {@link CsvData},包含数据列表和行信息
 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
public CsvData read(Path path, Charset charset) throws IORuntimeException {
  Assert.notNull(path, "path must not be null");
  try (Reader reader = FileUtil.getReader(path, charset)) {
    return read(reader);
  } catch (IOException e) {
    throw new IORuntimeException(e);

代码示例来源:origin: looly/hutool

 * 读取CSV文件
 * @param path CSV文件
 * @param charset 文件编码,默认系统编码
 * @return {@link CsvData},包含数据列表和行信息
 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
public CsvData read(Path path, Charset charset) throws IORuntimeException {
  Assert.notNull(path, "path must not be null");
  try (Reader reader = FileUtil.getReader(path, charset)) {
    return read(reader);
  } catch (IOException e) {
    throw new IORuntimeException(e);

代码示例来源:origin: looly/hutool

 * 按照给定的readerHandler读取文件中的数据
 * @param <T> 读取的结果对象类型
 * @param readerHandler Reader处理类
 * @return 从文件中read出的数据
 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
public <T> T read(ReaderHandler<T> readerHandler) throws IORuntimeException {
  BufferedReader reader = null;
  T result = null;
  try {
    reader = FileUtil.getReader(this.file, charset);
    result = readerHandler.handle(reader);
  } catch (IOException e) {
    throw new IORuntimeException(e);
  } finally {
  return result;

代码示例来源:origin: looly/hutool

 * 按照给定的readerHandler读取文件中的数据
 * @param <T> 读取的结果对象类型
 * @param readerHandler Reader处理类
 * @return 从文件中read出的数据
 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
public <T> T read(ReaderHandler<T> readerHandler) throws IORuntimeException {
  BufferedReader reader = null;
  T result = null;
  try {
    reader = FileUtil.getReader(this.file, charset);
    result = readerHandler.handle(reader);
  } catch (IOException e) {
    throw new IORuntimeException(e);
  } finally {
  return result;
