[英]Decides if the given source is newer than a class.
代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.groovy/groovy
if (source != null) {
if (oldClass == null || isSourceNewer(source, oldClass)) {
String name = source.toExternalForm();
代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.groovy/groovy-jdk14
* (Re)Compiles the given source.
* This method starts the compilation of a given source, if
* the source has changed since the class was created. For
* this isSourceNewer is called.
* @param source the source pointer for the compilation
* @param className the name of the class to be generated
* @param oldClass a possible former class
* @return the old class if the source wasn't new enough, the new class else
* @throws CompilationFailedException if the compilation failed
* @throws IOException if the source is not readable
* @see #isSourceNewer(URL, Class)
protected Class recompile(URL source, String className, Class oldClass) throws CompilationFailedException, IOException {
if (source != null) {
// found a source, compile it if newer
if ((oldClass != null && isSourceNewer(source, oldClass)) || (oldClass == null)) {
return parseClass(source.openStream(), className);
return oldClass;
代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.groovy/groovy-all-minimal
* (Re)Compiles the given source.
* This method starts the compilation of a given source, if
* the source has changed since the class was created. For
* this isSourceNewer is called.
* @param source the source pointer for the compilation
* @param className the name of the class to be generated
* @param oldClass a possible former class
* @return the old class if the source wasn't new enough, the new class else
* @throws CompilationFailedException if the compilation failed
* @throws IOException if the source is not readable
* @see #isSourceNewer(URL, Class)
protected Class recompile(URL source, String className, Class oldClass) throws CompilationFailedException, IOException {
if (source != null) {
// found a source, compile it if newer
if ((oldClass != null && isSourceNewer(source, oldClass)) || (oldClass == null)) {
return parseClass(source.openStream(), className);
return oldClass;
代码示例来源:origin: org.kohsuke.droovy/groovy
* (Re)Compiles the given source.
* This method starts the compilation of a given source, if
* the source has changed since the class was created. For
* this isSourceNewer is called.
* @param source the source pointer for the compilation
* @param className the name of the class to be generated
* @param oldClass a possible former class
* @return the old class if the source wasn't new enough, the new class else
* @throws CompilationFailedException if the compilation failed
* @throws IOException if the source is not readable
* @see #isSourceNewer(URL, Class)
protected Class recompile(URL source, String className, Class oldClass) throws CompilationFailedException, IOException {
if (source != null) {
// found a source, compile it if newer
if ((oldClass != null && isSourceNewer(source, oldClass)) || (oldClass == null)) {
return parseClass(source.openStream(), className);
return oldClass;
代码示例来源:origin: com.thinkaurelius.groovy-shaded-asm/groovy-shaded-asm
if (source != null) {
if ((oldClass != null && isSourceNewer(source, oldClass)) || (oldClass == null)) {
synchronized (sourceCache) {
String name = source.toExternalForm();