
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-20 转载在 其他  



[英]Adds a hint value to the set of GeoTools#getDefaultHints. Default hints can be added by call to this putDefaultHint method, to the GeoTools#init method or by System#getPropertieswith keys defined by the String constants in the GeoTools class.



File f = new File ( "world.shp" );
 ShapefileDataStore dataStore = new ShapefileDataStore ( f.toURI ().toURL () );
 FeatureSource<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature> featureSource = 
   dataStore.getFeatureSource ();
 String geomAttrName = featureSource.getSchema ()
   .getGeometryDescriptor ().getLocalName ();
 ResourceInfo resourceInfo = featureSource.getInfo ();
 CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = resourceInfo.getCRS ();
 Hints hints = GeoTools.getDefaultHints ();
 hints.put ( Hints.JTS_SRID, 4326 );
 hints.put ( Hints.CRS, crs );
 FilterFactory2 ff = CommonFactoryFinder.getFilterFactory2 ( hints );
 GeometryFactory gf = JTSFactoryFinder.getGeometryFactory ( hints );
 Coordinate land = new Coordinate ( -122.0087, 47.54650 );
 Point pointLand = gf.createPoint ( land );
 Coordinate water = new Coordinate ( 0, 0 );
 Point pointWater = gf.createPoint ( water );
 Intersects filter = ff.intersects ( ( geomAttrName ), 
   ff.literal ( pointLand ) );
 FeatureCollection<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature> features = featureSource
     .getFeatures ( filter );
 filter = ff.intersects ( ( geomAttrName ), 
   ff.literal ( pointWater ) );
 features = featureSource.getFeatures ( filter );

代码示例来源:origin: org.geotools/gt2-coverage

 * Sets the GRID_COVERAGE_PROCESSOR hint to the specified value.
 * This is used by {@link BufferedProcessor} only.
final void setProcessor(final AbstractProcessor processor) {
  hints.put(Hints.GRID_COVERAGE_PROCESSOR, processor);

代码示例来源:origin: org.geotools/gt2-coverage

 * Constructs a default coverage processor. The {@link #scanForPlugins} method will be
 * automatically invoked the first time an operation is required. Additional operations
 * can be added by subclasses with the {@link #addOperation} method. Rendering hints will
 * be initialized with the following hints:
 * <p>
 * <ul>
 *   <li>{@link JAI#KEY_REPLACE_INDEX_COLOR_MODEL} set to {@link Boolean#FALSE}.</li>
 *   <li>{@link JAI#KEY_TRANSFORM_ON_COLORMAP} set to {@link Boolean#FALSE}.</li>
 * </ul>
 * @param hints A set of additional rendering hints, or {@code null} if none.
public DefaultProcessor(final RenderingHints hints) {
  registry = new FactoryRegistry(Collections.singleton(Operation.class));
  this.hints = new Hints(hints);
  this.hints.put(JAI.KEY_TRANSFORM_ON_COLORMAP,     Boolean.FALSE);
  this.hints.put(Hints.GRID_COVERAGE_PROCESSOR,     this); // Must overwrites user setting.

代码示例来源:origin: org.geotools/gt2-geometry

/** Just the defaults, use GeometryFactoryFinder for the rest */
public ComplexFactoryImpl( Hints hints ) {
  if (hints == null) { = DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84;
    hints = GeoTools.getDefaultHints();
    hints.put(Hints.CRS, crs );
  else { = (CoordinateReferenceSystem) hints.get( Hints.CRS );
    if( crs == null ){
      throw new NullPointerException("A CRS Hint is required in order to use ComplexFactoryImpl");
  hintsWeCareAbout.put(Hints.CRS, crs );

代码示例来源:origin: org.geotools/gt2-geometry

 * @param crs
public PrimitiveFactoryImpl(CoordinateReferenceSystem crs, PositionFactory positionFactory) { = crs;
  if( crs == null ){
    throw new NullPointerException("A non null crs is required in order to use PrimitiveFactoryImpl");
  if (positionFactory == null) {
    Hints hints = GeoTools.getDefaultHints();
    hints.put(Hints.CRS, crs );
    this.positionFactory = GeometryFactoryFinder.getPositionFactory(hints);
  else {
    this.positionFactory = positionFactory;
  geomValidate = true;
  hintsWeCareAbout.put(Hints.CRS, crs );
  hintsWeCareAbout.put(Hints.POSITION_FACTORY, positionFactory );
  hintsWeCareAbout.put(Hints.GEOMETRY_VALIDATE, geomValidate );

代码示例来源:origin: org.geotools/gt2-main

 * Create a new FeatureTypeFactory with the given typeName.
 * @param name The typeName of the feature to create.
 * @return A new FeatureTypeFactory instance.
 * @throws FactoryConfigurationError If there exists a configuration error.
public static FeatureTypeFactory newInstance(String typeName)
  throws FactoryConfigurationError {
  // warning not sure if CommonFactoryFinder is going to cache the instance or not?
  Hints hints = GeoTools.getDefaultHints();
  if( hints == null ){
    hints = new Hints( Hints.FEATURE_TYPE_FACTORY_NAME, typeName );
  else {
    hints.put( Hints.FEATURE_TYPE_FACTORY_NAME, typeName );
  hints.put( Hints.FEATURE_TYPE_FACTORY_NAME, typeName );
  return CommonFactoryFinder.getFeatureTypeFactory( hints );

代码示例来源:origin: org.geotools/gt-coverage

 * Constructs a default coverage processor. The {@link #scanForPlugins} method will be
 * automatically invoked the first time an operation is required. Additional operations
 * can be added by subclasses with the {@link #addOperation} method. Rendering hints will
 * be initialized with the following hints:
 * <p>
 * <ul>
 *   <li>{@link JAI#KEY_REPLACE_INDEX_COLOR_MODEL} set to {@link Boolean#FALSE}.</li>
 *   <li>{@link JAI#KEY_TRANSFORM_ON_COLORMAP} set to {@link Boolean#FALSE}.</li>
 * </ul>
 * @param hints A set of additional rendering hints, or {@code null} if none.
public CoverageProcessor(final RenderingHints hints) {
  registry = new FactoryRegistry(Arrays.asList(new Class<?>[] {
  this.hints = new Hints();
  this.hints.put(JAI.KEY_TRANSFORM_ON_COLORMAP,     Boolean.FALSE);
  // override with user hints

代码示例来源:origin: org.geotools/gt2-geometry

/** Just the defaults, use GeometryFactoryFinder for the rest */
public GeometryFactoryImpl( Hints hints ) {
  if (hints == null) { = DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84;
    hints = GeoTools.getDefaultHints();
    hints.put(Hints.CRS, crs );
  else { = (CoordinateReferenceSystem) hints.get( Hints.CRS );
    if( crs == null ){
      throw new NullPointerException("A CRS Hint is required in order to use GeometryFactoryImpl");
  this.positionFactory = GeometryFactoryFinder.getPositionFactory(hints);
  hintsWeCareAbout.put(Hints.CRS, crs );
  hintsWeCareAbout.put(Hints.POSITION_FACTORY, positionFactory );

代码示例来源:origin: org.geotools/gt-legacy

 * Create a new FeatureTypeFactory with the given typeName.
 * @param name The typeName of the feature to create.
 * @return A new FeatureTypeFactory instance.
 * @throws FactoryRegistryException If there exists a configuration error.
public static FeatureTypeFactory newInstance(String typeName)
  throws FactoryRegistryException {
  // warning not sure if CommonFactoryFinder is going to cache the instance or not?
  Hints hints = GeoTools.getDefaultHints();
  if( hints == null ){
    hints = new Hints( Hints.FEATURE_TYPE_FACTORY_NAME, typeName );
  else {
    hints.put( Hints.FEATURE_TYPE_FACTORY_NAME, typeName );
  hints.put( Hints.FEATURE_TYPE_FACTORY_NAME, typeName );
  return new DefaultFeatureTypeFactory();

代码示例来源:origin: org.geotools/gt2-geometry

/** Just the defaults, use GeometryFactoryFinder for the rest */
public PrimitiveFactoryImpl( Hints hints ) {
  if (hints == null) { = DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84;
    hints = GeoTools.getDefaultHints();
    hints.put(Hints.CRS, crs );
    geomValidate = true;
    hints.put(Hints.GEOMETRY_VALIDATE, geomValidate);
  else { = (CoordinateReferenceSystem) hints.get( Hints.CRS );
    if( crs == null ){
      throw new NullPointerException("A CRS Hint is required in order to use PrimitiveFactoryImpl");
    geomValidate = (Boolean) hints.get( Hints.GEOMETRY_VALIDATE );
    if (geomValidate == null) {
      geomValidate = true;
  this.positionFactory = GeometryFactoryFinder.getPositionFactory(hints);
  hintsWeCareAbout.put(Hints.CRS, crs );
  hintsWeCareAbout.put(Hints.POSITION_FACTORY, positionFactory );
  hintsWeCareAbout.put(Hints.GEOMETRY_VALIDATE, geomValidate );

代码示例来源:origin: org.geotools/gt-coverage

 * Creates a new instance of GeoTiffMetadata2CRSAdapter
 * @param hints
 *            a map of hints to locate the authority and object factories.
 *            (can be null)
public GeoTiffMetadata2CRSAdapter(Hints hints) {
  final Hints tempHints = hints != null ? new Hints(hints) : DEFAULT_HINTS;
  this.hints = (Hints) tempHints.clone();
  allAuthoritiesFactory = hints != null ? new AllAuthoritiesFactory(this.hints):
  // factory = new ThreadedEpsgFactory(hints);
  datumObjFactory = ReferencingFactoryFinder.getDatumFactory(this.hints);
  crsFactory = ReferencingFactoryFinder.getCRSFactory(this.hints);
  csFactory = ReferencingFactoryFinder.getCSFactory(this.hints);
  tempHints.put(Hints.DATUM_AUTHORITY_FACTORY, allAuthoritiesFactory);
  tempHints.put(Hints.CS_FACTORY, csFactory);
  tempHints.put(Hints.CRS_FACTORY, crsFactory);
  tempHints.put(Hints.MATH_TRANSFORM_FACTORY, mtFactory);
  factories = ReferencingFactoryContainer.instance(tempHints);

代码示例来源:origin: locationtech/geowave

public Query invertQuery(
     name = "outputBBOX",
     description = "Georeferenced bounding box of the output") final ReferencedEnvelope argOutputEnv,
     name = "outputWidth",
     description = "Width of the output raster") final Integer argOutputWidth,
     name = "outputHeight",
     description = "Height of the output raster") final Integer argOutputHeight,
     name = "pixelSize",
     description = "The pixel size to base subsampling on") final Double pixelSize,
   final Query targetQuery,
   final GridGeometry targetGridGeometry) throws ProcessException {

  // add to the query hints
  targetQuery.getHints().put(SUBSAMPLE_ENABLED, true);
  targetQuery.getHints().put(OUTPUT_WIDTH, argOutputWidth);
  targetQuery.getHints().put(OUTPUT_HEIGHT, argOutputHeight);
  targetQuery.getHints().put(OUTPUT_BBOX, argOutputEnv);
  if (pixelSize != null) {
   targetQuery.getHints().put(PIXEL_SIZE, pixelSize);
  return targetQuery;

代码示例来源:origin: locationtech/geowave

public Query invertQuery(
     name = "outputBBOX",
     description = "Georeferenced bounding box of the output") final ReferencedEnvelope argOutputEnv,
     name = "outputWidth",
     description = "Width of the output raster") final Integer argOutputWidth,
     name = "outputHeight",
     description = "Height of the output raster") final Integer argOutputHeight,
     name = "pixelSize",
     description = "The pixel size to decimate by") final Double pixelSize,
   final Query targetQuery,
   final GridGeometry targetGridGeometry) throws ProcessException {

  // add to the query hints
  targetQuery.getHints().put(OUTPUT_WIDTH, argOutputWidth);
  targetQuery.getHints().put(OUTPUT_HEIGHT, argOutputHeight);
  targetQuery.getHints().put(OUTPUT_BBOX, argOutputEnv);
  if (pixelSize != null) {
   targetQuery.getHints().put(PIXEL_SIZE, pixelSize);
  return targetQuery;

代码示例来源:origin: org.geotools/gt-metadata

 * Adds a hint value to the set of {@linkplain GeoTools#getDefaultHints default hints}.
 * Default hints can be added by call to this {@code putDefaultHint} method, to the
 * {@link GeoTools#init} method or by {@linkplain System#getProperties system properties}
 * with keys defined by the {@link String} constants in the {@link GeoTools} class.
 * @param key   The hint key.
 * @param value The hint value.
 * @return The previous value of the specified key, or {@code null} if none.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException If {@link Hints.Key#isCompatibleValue()}
 *         returns {@code false} for the specified value.
 * @since 2.4
public static Object putSystemDefault(final RenderingHints.Key key, final Object value) {
  final boolean changed;
  final Object old;
  synchronized (GLOBAL) {
    changed = ensureSystemDefaultLoaded();
    old = GLOBAL.put(key, value);
  if (changed || !Utilities.equals(value, old)) {
  return old;

代码示例来源:origin: org.geotools/gt2-metadata

 * Adds a hint value to the set of {@linkplain GeoTools#getDefaultHints default hints}.
 * Default hints can be added by call to this {@code putDefaultHint} method, to the
 * {@link GeoTools#init} method or by {@linkplain System#getProperties system properties}
 * with keys defined by the {@link String} constants in the {@link GeoTools} class.
 * @param key   The hint key.
 * @param value The hint value.
 * @return The previous value of the specified key, or {@code null} if none.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException If {@link Hints.Key#isCompatibleValue()}
 *         returns {@code false} for the specified value.
 * @since 2.4
public static Object putSystemDefault(final RenderingHints.Key key, final Object value) {
  final boolean changed;
  final Object old;
  synchronized (GLOBAL) {
    changed = ensureSystemDefaultLoaded();
    old = GLOBAL.put(key, value);
  if (changed || !Utilities.equals(value, old)) {
  return old;

代码示例来源:origin: org.geoserver.csw/csw-core

adapted.getHints().put(GetRecords.KEY_BASEURL, request.getBaseUrl());

代码示例来源:origin: org.locationtech.geogig/geogig-datastore

public void testRespectsSuppliedGeometryFactory() throws Exception {
  SimpleFeatureSource source = this.linesSource;
  Query query = new Query();
  GeometryFactory suppliedGeomFac = new GeometryFactory(
      new PrecisionModel(PrecisionModel.FLOATING_SINGLE));
  query.getHints().put(Hints.JTS_GEOMETRY_FACTORY, suppliedGeomFac);
  SimpleFeature[] collection = (SimpleFeature[]) source.getFeatures(query).toArray();
  assertEquals(3, collection.length);
  for (SimpleFeature f : collection) {
    Geometry g = (Geometry) f.getDefaultGeometry();
    assertSame(suppliedGeomFac, g.getFactory());

代码示例来源:origin: locationtech/geogig

public void testRespectsSuppliedGeometryFactory() throws Exception {
  SimpleFeatureSource source = this.linesSource;
  Query query = new Query();
  GeometryFactory suppliedGeomFac = new GeometryFactory(
      new PrecisionModel(PrecisionModel.FLOATING_SINGLE));
  query.getHints().put(Hints.JTS_GEOMETRY_FACTORY, suppliedGeomFac);
  SimpleFeature[] collection = (SimpleFeature[]) source.getFeatures(query).toArray();
  assertEquals(3, collection.length);
  for (SimpleFeature f : collection) {
    Geometry g = (Geometry) f.getDefaultGeometry();
    assertSame(suppliedGeomFac, g.getFactory());

代码示例来源:origin: locationtech/geogig

public void testScreenMap() throws Exception {
  // Test a single point to make sure the feature tree itself (with the same bounds as the
  // point it contains) doesn't write to the ScreenMap
  geogig.command(CommitOp.class).setMessage("drop to 1 point").call();
  Query query = new Query(pointsName);
  ScreenMap screenMap = new ScreenMap(-180, -90, 360, 180);
  screenMap.setSpans(1.0, 1.0);
  query.getHints().put(Hints.SCREENMAP, screenMap);
  SimpleFeatureIterator iter = pointsSource.getFeatures(query).features();

代码示例来源:origin: org.locationtech.geogig/geogig-datastore

public void testScreenMap() throws Exception {
  // Test a single point to make sure the feature tree itself (with the same bounds as the
  // point it contains) doesn't write to the ScreenMap
  geogig.command(CommitOp.class).setMessage("drop to 1 point").call();
  Query query = new Query(pointsName);
  ScreenMap screenMap = new ScreenMap(-180, -90, 360, 180);
  screenMap.setSpans(1.0, 1.0);
  query.getHints().put(Hints.SCREENMAP, screenMap);
  SimpleFeatureIterator iter = pointsSource.getFeatures(query).features();
