
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-21 转载在 其他  



[英]Method that can be called to get a node that is guaranteed not to allow changing of this node through mutators on this node or any of its children. This means it can either make a copy of this node (and all mutable children and grand children nodes), or node itself if it is immutable.

Note: return type is guaranteed to have same type as the node method is called on; which is why method is declared with local generic type.


代码示例来源:origin: redisson/redisson

public ArrayNode deepCopy()
  ArrayNode ret = new ArrayNode(_nodeFactory);
  for (JsonNode element: _children)
  return ret;

代码示例来源:origin: redisson/redisson

public ObjectNode deepCopy()
  ObjectNode ret = new ObjectNode(_nodeFactory);
  for (Map.Entry<String, JsonNode> entry: _children.entrySet())
    ret._children.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().deepCopy());
  return ret;

代码示例来源:origin: stagemonitor/stagemonitor

public void updateKibanaIndexPattern(final String indexName, final String indexPatternLocation) {
  final String elasticsearchKibanaIndexPatternPath = isElasticsearch6Compatible() ? "/.kibana/doc/index-pattern:" + indexName : "/.kibana/index-pattern/" + indexName;
  logger.debug("Sending index pattern {} to {}", indexPatternLocation, elasticsearchKibanaIndexPatternPath);
  try {
    ObjectNode stagemonitorPattern = JsonUtils.getMapper().readTree(IOUtils.getResourceAsStream(indexPatternLocation)).deepCopy();
    if (isElasticsearch6Compatible()) {
      ObjectNode indexPatternNode = (ObjectNode) stagemonitorPattern.get("index-pattern");
      indexPatternNode.put("fields", getFields(stagemonitorPattern.get("index-pattern").get("fields").asText()));
    } else {
      stagemonitorPattern.put("fields", getFields(stagemonitorPattern.get("fields").asText()));
    JsonNode currentPattern = fetchCurrentKibanaIndexPatternConfiguration(elasticsearchKibanaIndexPatternPath);
    JsonNode mergedDefinition = JsonMerger.merge(currentPattern, stagemonitorPattern,
        mergeStrategy().mergeEncodedObjects("fieldFormatMap").encodedArrayWithKey("fields", "name"));
    sendAsJson("PUT", elasticsearchKibanaIndexPatternPath, mergedDefinition);
  } catch (IOException e) {
    logger.warn("Error while updating kibana index pattern, definition = {}, pattern path = {}",
        indexPatternLocation, elasticsearchKibanaIndexPatternPath, e);
  } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
    logger.warn("Error while preparing data for kibana index pattern update, definition = {}, pattern path = {}",
        indexPatternLocation, elasticsearchKibanaIndexPatternPath);

代码示例来源:origin: joelittlejohn/jsonschema2pojo

ObjectNode typeNode = (ObjectNode)node.deepCopy();

代码示例来源:origin: line/centraldogma

 * Creates a new instance.
 * @param op operation name
 * @param path affected path
 * @param value JSON value
PathValueOperation(final String op, final JsonPointer path, final JsonNode value) {
  super(op, path);
  this.value = value.deepCopy();

代码示例来源:origin: com.linecorp.centraldogma/centraldogma-common

 * Creates a new instance.
 * @param op operation name
 * @param path affected path
 * @param value JSON value
PathValueOperation(final String op, final JsonPointer path, final JsonNode value) {
  super(op, path);
  this.value = value.deepCopy();

代码示例来源:origin: com.unboundid.product.scim2/scim2-sdk-common

 * {@inheritDoc}
public JsonNode getJsonNode()
 return value.deepCopy();

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

public JsonNode deepCopy( JsonNode jsonNode )
 if( jsonNode == null )
  return null;
 return jsonNode.deepCopy();

代码示例来源:origin: com.linecorp.centraldogma/centraldogma-common-shaded

 * Creates a new instance.
 * @param op operation name
 * @param path affected path
 * @param value JSON value
PathValueOperation(final String op, final JsonPointer path, final JsonNode value) {
  super(op, path);
  this.value = value.deepCopy();

代码示例来源:origin: io.swagger/swagger-compat-spec-parser

 * Constructor
 * @param node the node to transform (copied)
public MutableJsonTree(final JsonNode node) {
  Objects.requireNonNull(node, "node must not be null");
  baseNode = node.deepCopy();
  currentNode = baseNode;

代码示例来源:origin: line/centraldogma

SafeReplaceOperation(@JsonProperty("path") final JsonPointer path,
           @JsonProperty("oldValue") JsonNode oldValue,
           @JsonProperty("value") JsonNode newValue) {
  super("safeReplace", path);
  this.oldValue = oldValue.deepCopy();
  this.newValue = newValue.deepCopy();

代码示例来源:origin: com.linecorp.centraldogma/centraldogma-common

SafeReplaceOperation(@JsonProperty("path") final JsonPointer path,
           @JsonProperty("oldValue") JsonNode oldValue,
           @JsonProperty("value") JsonNode newValue) {
  super("safeReplace", path);
  this.oldValue = oldValue.deepCopy();
  this.newValue = newValue.deepCopy();

代码示例来源:origin: com.eclipsesource.jaxrs/jersey-all

public ArrayNode deepCopy()
  ArrayNode ret = new ArrayNode(_nodeFactory);
  for (JsonNode element: _children)
  return ret;

代码示例来源:origin: flipkart-incubator/zjsonpatch

public void copy(List<String> fromPath, List<String> toPath) {
  JsonNode parentNode = getParentNode(fromPath, Operation.COPY);
  String field = fromPath.get(fromPath.size() - 1).replaceAll("\"", "");
  JsonNode valueNode = parentNode.isArray() ? parentNode.get(Integer.parseInt(field)) : parentNode.get(field);
  JsonNode valueToCopy = valueNode != null ? valueNode.deepCopy() : null;
  add(toPath, valueToCopy);

代码示例来源:origin: com.reprezen.genflow/genflow-api

private static JsonNode deepCopy(JsonNode node, IdentityHashMap<JsonNode, JsonNode> copies) {
  if (copies.containsKey(node)) {
    return copies.get(node);
  if (node.isObject()) {
    return deepCopyObject((ObjectNode) node, copies);
  } else if (node.isArray()) {
    return deepCopyArray((ArrayNode) node, copies);
  } else {
    return node.deepCopy(); // all other node types are already safe

代码示例来源:origin: flipkart-incubator/zjsonpatch

private static Integer addRemaining(List<Diff> diffs, List<Object> path, JsonNode target, int pos, int targetIdx, int targetSize) {
  while (targetIdx < targetSize) {
    JsonNode jsonNode = target.get(targetIdx);
    List<Object> currPath = getPath(path, pos);
    diffs.add(Diff.generateDiff(Operation.ADD, currPath, jsonNode.deepCopy()));
  return pos;

代码示例来源:origin: java-json-tools/json-patch

private JsonNode addToObject(final JsonPointer path, final JsonNode node)
    final JsonNode ret = node.deepCopy();
    final ObjectNode target = (ObjectNode) path.parent().get(ret);
    target.put(Iterables.getLast(path).getToken().getRaw(), value);
    return ret;


public final Observable<JsonPipelineOutput> execute(JsonPipelineOutput previousStepOutput, JsonPipelineContext pipelineContext) {
 if (!previousStepOutput.getPayload().isObject()) {
  throw new JsonPipelineOutputException(ModifyResource.class.getName()
    + " expects the output of the previous step to be a JSON *object* output, but got " + previousStepOutput.getPayload().toString());
 ObjectNode state = previousStepOutput.getPayload().deepCopy();
 HalResource resource = new HalResource(state, selfHref);
 return Observable.just(previousStepOutput.withPayload(resource.getModel()));

代码示例来源:origin: line/centraldogma

@Test(dataProvider = "getOps")
  public final void operationsYieldExpectedResults(
      final JsonNode patch, final JsonNode node, final JsonNode expected) throws IOException {
    final JsonPatchOperation op = reader.readValue(patch);
    final JsonNode actual = op.apply(node.deepCopy());

    assertTrue(EQUIVALENCE.equivalent(actual, expected),
          "patched node differs from expectations: expected " + expected +
          " but found " + actual);

代码示例来源:origin: java-json-tools/json-patch

  public JsonNode apply(final JsonNode node)
    throws JsonPatchException
    final JsonNode dupData = from.path(node).deepCopy();
    if (dupData.isMissingNode())
      throw new JsonPatchException(BUNDLE.getMessage(
    return new AddOperation(path, dupData).apply(node);
