[英]Returns true if the container initiated the termination of the web application.
代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins
private boolean terminating() {
return Jenkins.getInstance().isTerminating();
代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins
* During Jenkins start-up, before {@link InitMilestone#PLUGINS_STARTED} the extensions lists will be empty
* and they are not guaranteed to be fully populated until after {@link InitMilestone#EXTENSIONS_AUGMENTED},
* similarly, during termination after {@link Jenkins#isTerminating()} is set, it is no longer safe to access
* the extensions lists.
* If you attempt to access the extensions list from a UI thread while the extensions are being loaded you will
* hit a big honking great monitor lock that will block until the effective extension list has been determined
* (as if a plugin fails to start, all of the failed plugin's extensions and any dependent plugins' extensions
* will have to be evicted from the list of extensions. In practical terms this only affects the
* "Jenkins is loading" screen, but as that screen uses the generic layouts we provide this utility method
* so that the generic layouts can avoid iterating extension lists while Jenkins is starting up.
* If you attempt to access the extensions list from a UI thread while Jenkins is being shut down, the extensions
* themselves may no longer be in a valid state and could attempt to revive themselves and block termination.
* In actual terms the termination only affects those views required to render {@link HudsonIsRestarting}'s
* {@code index.jelly} which is the same set as the {@link HudsonIsLoading} pages so it makes sense to
* use both checks here.
* @return {@code true} if the extensions lists have been populated.
* @since 1.607
public static boolean isExtensionsAvailable() {
final Jenkins jenkins = Jenkins.getInstanceOrNull();
return jenkins != null && jenkins.getInitLevel().compareTo(InitMilestone.EXTENSIONS_AUGMENTED) >= 0
&& !jenkins.isTerminating();
代码示例来源:origin: org.jenkins-ci.main/jenkins-core
private boolean terminating() {
return Jenkins.getInstance().isTerminating();
代码示例来源:origin: Netflix-Skunkworks/dynaslave-plugin
public void afterDisconnect(SlaveComputer computer, TaskListener listener) {
if (!Jenkins.getInstance().isTerminating()) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Error removing slave", e);
代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/openstack-cloud-plugin
public Collection<NodeProvisioner.PlannedNode> provision(Label label, int excessWorkload) {
Queue<JCloudsSlaveTemplate> templateProvider = getAvailableTemplateProvider(label);
List<PlannedNode> plannedNodeList = new ArrayList<>();
while (excessWorkload > 0 && !Jenkins.getActiveInstance().isQuietingDown() && !Jenkins.getActiveInstance().isTerminating()) {
final JCloudsSlaveTemplate template = templateProvider.poll();
if (template == null) {
LOGGER.info("Instance cap exceeded on all available templates");
LOGGER.fine("Provisioning slave for " + label + " from template " + template.name);
int numExecutors = template.getEffectiveSlaveOptions().getNumExecutors();
ProvisioningActivity.Id id = new ProvisioningActivity.Id(this.name, template.name);
Future<Node> task = Computer.threadPoolForRemoting.submit(new NodeCallable(this, template, id));
plannedNodeList.add(new TrackedPlannedNode(id, numExecutors, task));
excessWorkload -= numExecutors;
return plannedNodeList;
代码示例来源:origin: org.jenkins-ci.main/jenkins-core
* During Jenkins start-up, before {@link InitMilestone#PLUGINS_STARTED} the extensions lists will be empty
* and they are not guaranteed to be fully populated until after {@link InitMilestone#EXTENSIONS_AUGMENTED},
* similarly, during termination after {@link Jenkins#isTerminating()} is set, it is no longer safe to access
* the extensions lists.
* If you attempt to access the extensions list from a UI thread while the extensions are being loaded you will
* hit a big honking great monitor lock that will block until the effective extension list has been determined
* (as if a plugin fails to start, all of the failed plugin's extensions and any dependent plugins' extensions
* will have to be evicted from the list of extensions. In practical terms this only affects the
* "Jenkins is loading" screen, but as that screen uses the generic layouts we provide this utility method
* so that the generic layouts can avoid iterating extension lists while Jenkins is starting up.
* If you attempt to access the extensions list from a UI thread while Jenkins is being shut down, the extensions
* themselves may no longer be in a valid state and could attempt to revive themselves and block termination.
* In actual terms the termination only affects those views required to render {@link HudsonIsRestarting}'s
* {@code index.jelly} which is the same set as the {@link HudsonIsLoading} pages so it makes sense to
* use both checks here.
* @return {@code true} if the extensions lists have been populated.
* @since 1.607
public static boolean isExtensionsAvailable() {
final Jenkins jenkins = Jenkins.getInstanceOrNull();
return jenkins != null && jenkins.getInitLevel().compareTo(InitMilestone.EXTENSIONS_AUGMENTED) >= 0
&& !jenkins.isTerminating();
代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jclouds-plugin
List<PlannedNode> plannedNodeList = new ArrayList<PlannedNode>();
while (excessWorkload > 0 && !Jenkins.getInstance().isQuietingDown() && !Jenkins.getInstance().isTerminating()) {