代码示例来源:origin: usnistgov/iheos-toolkit2
public File schemaFile() {
return new File(toolkitxFile(), "schema");
public File internalTestkitFile() {
代码示例来源:origin: usnistgov/iheos-toolkit2
public File getToolTabConfigFile(String toolId) {
if (toolId!=null)
return new File(toolkitxFile(), "tool-tab-configs" + sep + toolId + "Tabs.xml");
return null;
代码示例来源:origin: usnistgov/iheos-toolkit2
public File internalEnvironmentsFile() {
return new File(toolkitxFile(), "environment");
public File internalDatasetsFile() {
代码示例来源:origin: usnistgov/iheos-toolkit2
public File internalDatasetsFile() {
return new File(toolkitxFile(), "datasets");
public File internalResourceCacheFile() {
代码示例来源:origin: usnistgov/iheos-toolkit2
public File getInteractionSequencesFile() {
return new File(toolkitxFile(), "interaction-sequences" + sep + "InteractionSequences.xml");
代码示例来源:origin: usnistgov/iheos-toolkit2
public File internalResourceCacheFile() {
return new File(toolkitxFile(), "resourceCache");
代码示例来源:origin: usnistgov/iheos-toolkit2
public File internalActorsDir() { return new File(toolkitxFile(), "actors"); }
代码示例来源:origin: usnistgov/iheos-toolkit2
public File internalEnvironmentFile(String envName) {
return new File(new File(toolkitxFile(), "environment"), envName);
代码示例来源:origin: usnistgov/iheos-toolkit2
public File internalTestkitFile() {
File testkit = propertyServiceManager().getTestkit();
if (testkit != null) {
return testkit;
testkit = new File(toolkitxFile(), "testkit");
return testkit;
public File internalActorsDir() { return new File(toolkitxFile(), "actors"); }
代码示例来源:origin: usnistgov/iheos-toolkit2
static public TransactionErrorCodesDb LOAD() throws Exception {
File file = new File(Installation.instance().toolkitxFile(), "TransactionDefinedErrorCodes.txt");
return LOAD(file);
代码示例来源:origin: usnistgov/iheos-toolkit2
static public TestConfig testConfigWithTestMgmt() {
TestConfig tc = new TestConfig();
File toolkit = Installation.instance().toolkitxFile();
tc.testmgmt_dir = toolkit + File.separator + "xdstest";
return tc;
代码示例来源:origin: usnistgov/iheos-toolkit2
public List<Result> sendPidToRegistry(SiteSpec site, List<Pid> pid, String environmentName, TestSession testSession) throws Exception {
if (session != null)
logger.debug(session.id() + ": " + "sendPidToRegistry(" + pid + ")");
List<Result> results = new ArrayList<>();
Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>();
TestInstance testInstance = new TestInstance("PidFeed", testSession);
for (Pid aPid : pid) {
if (session.xt == null) {
TestKitSearchPath searchPath = new TestKitSearchPath(environmentName, testSession);
session.xt = new Xdstest2(Installation.instance().toolkitxFile(), searchPath, session, testSession);
params.put("$pid$", aPid.asString());
results.add(new UtilityRunner(this, TestRunType.UTILITY).run(session, params, null, null, testInstance, null, true));
return results;
代码示例来源:origin: usnistgov/iheos-toolkit2
public TestOverviewDTO runTest(String environmentName, TestSession mesaTestSession, SiteSpec siteSpec, TestInstance testInstance, List<String> sections,
Map<String, String> params, Map<String, Object> params2, boolean stopOnFirstFailure) throws Exception {
if (mesaTestSession == null)
throw new ToolkitRuntimeException("TestSession is null");
TestKitSearchPath searchPath = new TestKitSearchPath(environmentName, mesaTestSession);
session.xt = new Xdstest2(Installation.instance().toolkitxFile(), searchPath, session, testInstance.getTestSession());
new TestRunner(this).run(session, mesaTestSession, siteSpec, testInstance, sections, params, params2, stopOnFirstFailure);
return getTestOverview(mesaTestSession, testInstance);
代码示例来源:origin: usnistgov/iheos-toolkit2
* Wrapper around run to be used for using the test-client as a utility. The difference between using
* it as a utility or as a test is how and where the logs are stored. For tests they are stored in
* the external cache under TestLogCache and for utilities they are stored in war/SessionCache. Logs in
* TestLogCache are permanent (manually deleted) and in SessionCache they are delete when the session
* times out.
* @param testInstance
* @param sections
* @param params
* @param areas
* @param stopOnFirstFailure
* @return
public Result xdstest(TestInstance testInstance, List<String> sections,
Map<String, String> params, Map<String, Object> params2, String[] areas,
boolean stopOnFirstFailure) {
TestKitSearchPath searchPath = session.getTestkitSearchPath();
try {
session.xt = new Xdstest2(Installation.instance().toolkitxFile(), searchPath, session, testInstance.getTestSession());
} catch (Exception e) {
Result result = new Result();
result.addAssertion(e.getMessage(), false);
return result;
return new UtilityRunner(this, TestRunType.UTILITY).run(session, params, params2, sections, testInstance, areas,
代码示例来源:origin: usnistgov/iheos-toolkit2
* Run a testplan(s) as a utility within a session. This is different from
* run in that run stores logs in the external_cache and
* this call stores the logs within the session so they go away at the
* end of the end of the session. Hence the label 'utility'.
* @param params
* @param sections
* @param testInstance
* @param stopOnFirstFailure
* @return
// public Result runUtilityTest(Map<String, String> params, Map<String, Object> params2, List<String> SECTIONS,
// String testId, String[] areas, boolean stopOnFirstFailure) {
// return utilityRunner.run(session, params, params2, SECTIONS, testId, areas, stopOnFirstFailure);
// }
public List<Result> runMesaTest(String environmentName,TestSession testSession, SiteSpec siteSpec, TestInstance testInstance, List<String> sections,
Map<String, String> params, Map<String, Object> params2, boolean stopOnFirstFailure) throws Exception {
TestKitSearchPath searchPath = new TestKitSearchPath(environmentName, testSession);
session.xt = new Xdstest2(Installation.instance().toolkitxFile(), searchPath, session, testInstance.getTestSession());
List<Result> results = new TestRunner(this).run(session, testSession, siteSpec, testInstance, sections, params, params2, stopOnFirstFailure);
return results;