[英]Returns the best matching serializer for a class. This method can be overridden to implement custom logic to choose a serializer.
代码示例来源:origin: apache/storm
public Serializer getDefaultSerializer(Class type) {
if (_override) {
return new SerializableSerializer();
} else {
return super.getDefaultSerializer(type);
代码示例来源:origin: alibaba/jstorm
public Serializer getDefaultSerializer(Class type) {
if (_override) {
return new SerializableSerializer();
} else {
return super.getDefaultSerializer(type);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-dubbo
public Serializer getDefaultSerializer(Class type) {
if (type == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("type cannot be null.");
* Kryo requires every class to provide a zero argument constructor. For any class does not match this condition, kryo have two ways:
* 1. Use JavaSerializer,
* 2. Set 'kryo.setInstantiatorStrategy(new DefaultInstantiatorStrategy(new StdInstantiatorStrategy()));', StdInstantiatorStrategy can generate an instance bypassing the constructor.
* In practice, it's not possible for Dubbo users to register kryo Serializer for every customized class. So in most cases, customized classes with/without zero argument constructor will
* default to the default serializer.
* It is the responsibility of kryo to handle with every standard jdk classes, so we will just escape these classes.
if (!ReflectionUtils.isJdk(type) && !type.isArray() && !type.isEnum() && !ReflectionUtils.checkZeroArgConstructor(type)) {
if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) {
logger.warn(type + " has no zero-arg constructor and this will affect the serialization performance");
return new JavaSerializer();
return super.getDefaultSerializer(type);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-dubbo
public Serializer getDefaultSerializer(Class type) {
if (type == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("type cannot be null.");
* Kryo requires every class to provide a zero argument constructor. For any class does not match this condition, kryo have two ways:
* 1. Use JavaSerializer,
* 2. Set 'kryo.setInstantiatorStrategy(new DefaultInstantiatorStrategy(new StdInstantiatorStrategy()));', StdInstantiatorStrategy can generate an instance bypassing the constructor.
* In practice, it's not possible for Dubbo users to register kryo Serializer for every customized class. So in most cases, customized classes with/without zero argument constructor will
* default to the default serializer.
* It is the responsibility of kryo to handle with every standard jdk classes, so we will just escape these classes.
if (!ReflectionUtils.isJdk(type) && !type.isArray() && !type.isEnum() && !ReflectionUtils.checkZeroArgConstructor(type)) {
if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) {
logger.warn(type + " has no zero-arg constructor and this will affect the serialization performance");
return new JavaSerializer();
return super.getDefaultSerializer(type);
代码示例来源:origin: magro/memcached-session-manager
@SuppressWarnings( { "rawtypes" } )
public Serializer<?> getDefaultSerializer(final Class clazz) {
final Serializer<?> customSerializer = loadCustomSerializer( clazz, serializerFactories );
if ( customSerializer != null ) {
return customSerializer;
if ( copyCollectionsForSerialization ) {
// could also be installed via addDefaultSerializer
final Serializer<?> copyCollectionSerializer = loadCopyCollectionSerializer( clazz );
if ( copyCollectionSerializer != null ) {
return copyCollectionSerializer;
return super.getDefaultSerializer( clazz );
代码示例来源:origin: apache/tinkerpop
kryo.register(pair.getValue0(), new UnshadedSerializerAdapter(((ShadedSerializerAdapter) pair.getValue1()).getSerializerShim()));
kryo.register(pair.getValue0(), kryo.getDefaultSerializer(pair.getValue0()));
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.storm/storm-core
public Serializer getDefaultSerializer(Class type) {
if(_override) {
return new SerializableSerializer();
} else {
return super.getDefaultSerializer(type);
代码示例来源:origin: com.twitter.heron/heron-storm
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") // superclass doesn't use types
public Serializer getDefaultSerializer(Class type) {
if (override) {
return new SerializableSerializer();
} else {
return super.getDefaultSerializer(type);
代码示例来源:origin: com.n3twork.storm/storm-core
public Serializer getDefaultSerializer(Class type) {
if(_override) {
return new SerializableSerializer();
} else {
return super.getDefaultSerializer(type);
代码示例来源:origin: lmco/streamflow
public Serializer getDefaultSerializer(Class type) {
if (override) {
return new SerializableSerializer();
} else {
return super.getDefaultSerializer(type);
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.apex/apex-engine
public void registerExplicit(ClassIdPair pair) throws ClassNotFoundException
//logger.debug("registering class {} => {}", pair.classname, pair.id);
Class type = Class.forName(pair.classname, false, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());
register(new Registration(type, kryo.getDefaultSerializer(type), pair.id));
if (nextAvailableRegistrationId <= pair.id) {
nextAvailableRegistrationId = pair.id + 1;
代码示例来源:origin: com.esotericsoftware/kryo
/** Registers the class using the lowest, next available integer ID and the {@link Kryo#getDefaultSerializer(Class) default
* serializer}. If the class is already registered, no change will be made and the existing registration will be returned.
* Registering a primitive also affects the corresponding primitive wrapper.
* <p>
* Because the ID assigned is affected by the IDs registered before it, the order classes are registered is important when
* using this method. The order must be the same at deserialization as it was for serialization. */
public Registration register (Class type) {
Registration registration = classResolver.getRegistration(type);
if (registration != null) return registration;
return register(type, getDefaultSerializer(type));
代码示例来源:origin: com.esotericsoftware/kryo
/** Registers the class using the specified ID and the {@link Kryo#getDefaultSerializer(Class) default serializer}. If the
* class is already registered this has no effect and the existing registration is returned. Registering a primitive also
* affects the corresponding primitive wrapper.
* <p>
* IDs must be the same at deserialization as they were for serialization.
* @param id Must be >= 0. Smaller IDs are serialized more efficiently. IDs 0-8 are used by default for primitive types and
* String, but these IDs can be repurposed. */
public Registration register (Class type, int id) {
Registration registration = classResolver.getRegistration(type);
if (registration != null) return registration;
return register(type, getDefaultSerializer(type), id);
代码示例来源:origin: com.esotericsoftware.kryo/kryo
/** Registers the class using the specified ID and the {@link Kryo#getDefaultSerializer(Class) default serializer}. If the ID is
* already in use by the same type, the old entry is overwritten. If the ID is already in use by a different type, a
* {@link KryoException} is thrown. Registering a primitive also affects the corresponding primitive wrapper.
* <p>
* IDs must be the same at deserialization as they were for serialization.
* @param id Must be >= 0. Smaller IDs are serialized more efficiently. IDs 0-8 are used by default for primitive types and
* String, but these IDs can be repurposed. */
public Registration register (Class type, int id) {
Registration registration = classResolver.getRegistration(type);
if (registration != null) return registration;
return register(type, getDefaultSerializer(type), id);
代码示例来源:origin: com.esotericsoftware.kryo/kryo
/** Registers the class using the lowest, next available integer ID and the {@link Kryo#getDefaultSerializer(Class) default
* serializer}. If the class is already registered, the existing entry is updated with the new serializer. Registering a
* primitive also affects the corresponding primitive wrapper.
* <p>
* Because the ID assigned is affected by the IDs registered before it, the order classes are registered is important when
* using this method. The order must be the same at deserialization as it was for serialization. */
public Registration register (Class type) {
Registration registration = classResolver.getRegistration(type);
if (registration != null) return registration;
return register(type, getDefaultSerializer(type));
代码示例来源:origin: com.esotericsoftware/kryo-shaded
/** Registers the class using the specified ID and the {@link Kryo#getDefaultSerializer(Class) default serializer}. If the
* class is already registered this has no effect and the existing registration is returned. Registering a primitive also
* affects the corresponding primitive wrapper.
* <p>
* IDs must be the same at deserialization as they were for serialization.
* @param id Must be >= 0. Smaller IDs are serialized more efficiently. IDs 0-8 are used by default for primitive types and
* String, but these IDs can be repurposed. */
public Registration register (Class type, int id) {
Registration registration = classResolver.getRegistration(type);
if (registration != null) return registration;
return register(type, getDefaultSerializer(type), id);
代码示例来源:origin: com.esotericsoftware/kryo-shaded
/** Registers the class using the lowest, next available integer ID and the {@link Kryo#getDefaultSerializer(Class) default
* serializer}. If the class is already registered, no change will be made and the existing registration will be returned.
* Registering a primitive also affects the corresponding primitive wrapper.
* <p>
* Because the ID assigned is affected by the IDs registered before it, the order classes are registered is important when
* using this method. The order must be the same at deserialization as it was for serialization. */
public Registration register (Class type) {
Registration registration = classResolver.getRegistration(type);
if (registration != null) return registration;
return register(type, getDefaultSerializer(type));
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.apex/apex-engine
public Registration registerImplicit(Class type)
while (getRegistration(nextAvailableRegistrationId) != null) {
//logger.debug("adding new classid pair {} => {}", nextAvailableRegistrationId, type.getName());
pairs.add(new ClassIdPair(nextAvailableRegistrationId, type.getName()));
return register(new Registration(type, kryo.getDefaultSerializer(type), nextAvailableRegistrationId++));
代码示例来源:origin: de.javakaffee/kryo-serializers
public Serializer<?> getDefaultSerializer(@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") final Class type) {
final Serializer<?> result = super.getDefaultSerializer(type);
if(result instanceof FieldSerializer && ((FieldSerializer<?>) result).getFieldSerializerConfig().getIgnoreSyntheticFields()) {
// don't ignore synthetic fields so that inner classes work (see KryoTest.testInnerClass)
FieldSerializer<?> fieldSerializer = (FieldSerializer<?>) result;
return result;
代码示例来源:origin: magro/kryo-serializers
public Serializer<?> getDefaultSerializer(@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") final Class type) {
final Serializer<?> result = super.getDefaultSerializer(type);
if(result instanceof FieldSerializer && ((FieldSerializer<?>) result).getFieldSerializerConfig().getIgnoreSyntheticFields()) {
// don't ignore synthetic fields so that inner classes work (see KryoTest.testInnerClass)
FieldSerializer<?> fieldSerializer = (FieldSerializer<?>) result;
return result;