
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-23 转载在 其他  



[英]Returns a copy of this date plus the specified number of months.

This adds the specified number of months to the date. The addition may change the year, but the day-of-month is normally unchanged. If adding months makes the day-of-month invalid, it is adjusted to the last valid day in the month. This LocalDate instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.

The following three lines are identical in effect:

LocalDate added = dt.plusMonths(6); 
LocalDate added =; 
LocalDate added = dt.withFieldAdded(DurationFieldType.months(), 6);


LocalDate added = dt.plusMonths(6); 
LocalDate added =; 
LocalDate added = dt.withFieldAdded(DurationFieldType.months(), 6);


代码示例来源:origin: dlew/joda-time-android

private void sampleLocalDate() {
  List<String> text = new ArrayList<String>();
  LocalDate now =;
  text.add("Now: " + now);
  text.add("Now + 2 days: " + now.plusDays(2));
  text.add("Now + 3 months: " + now.plusMonths(3));
  addSample("LocalDate", text);

代码示例来源:origin: killbill/killbill

public LocalDate addToLocalDate(final LocalDate localDate) {
  if ((number == null) && (unit != TimeUnit.UNLIMITED)) {
    return localDate;
  switch (unit) {
    case DAYS:
      return localDate.plusDays(number);
    case WEEKS:
      return localDate.plusWeeks(number);
    case MONTHS:
      return localDate.plusMonths(number);
    case YEARS:
      return localDate.plusYears(number);
    case UNLIMITED:
      throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected duration unit " + unit);

代码示例来源:origin: joda-time/joda-time

} else {
  LocalDate date = (day == -1 ?
      new LocalDate(2001, month, 1).plusMonths(1) :
      new LocalDate(2001, month, day).plusDays(1));
  advance = (day != -1 && dayOfWeek != 0);

代码示例来源:origin: JodaOrg/joda-time

} else {
  LocalDate date = (day == -1 ?
      new LocalDate(2001, month, 1).plusMonths(1) :
      new LocalDate(2001, month, day).plusDays(1));
  advance = (day != -1 && dayOfWeek != 0);

代码示例来源:origin: konsoletyper/teavm

millis = parseTime("23:59:59.999");
} else {
  LocalDate date = day == -1 ? new LocalDate(2001, month, 1).plusMonths(1)
      : new LocalDate(2001, month, day).plusDays(1);
  advance = day != -1 && dayOfWeek != 0;

代码示例来源:origin: killbill/killbill

public LocalDate addToLocalDate(final LocalDate localDate) throws CatalogApiException {
  if ((number == null) && (unit != TimeUnit.UNLIMITED)) {
    return localDate;
  switch (unit) {
    case DAYS:
      return localDate.plusDays(number);
    case WEEKS:
      return localDate.plusWeeks(number);
    case MONTHS:
      return localDate.plusMonths(number);
    case YEARS:
      return localDate.plusYears(number);
    case UNLIMITED:
      throw new CatalogApiException(ErrorCode.CAT_UNDEFINED_DURATION, unit);

代码示例来源:origin: killbill/killbill

DateTime getEffectiveDateForNewBCD(final int bcd, @Nullable final LocalDate effectiveFromDate, final InternalCallContext internalCallContext) {
  if (internalCallContext.getAccountRecordId() == null) {
    throw new IllegalStateException("Need to have a valid context with accountRecordId");
  // Today as seen by this account
  final LocalDate startDate = effectiveFromDate != null ? effectiveFromDate : internalCallContext.toLocalDate(internalCallContext.getCreatedDate());
  // We want to compute a LocalDate in account TZ which maps to the provided 'bcd' and then compute an effectiveDate for when that BCD_CHANGE event needs to be triggered
  // There is a bit of complexity to make sure the date we chose exists (e.g: a BCD of 31 in a february month would not make sense).
  final int currentDay = startDate.getDayOfMonth();
  final int lastDayOfMonth = startDate.dayOfMonth().getMaximumValue();
  final LocalDate requestedDate;
  if (bcd < currentDay) {
    final LocalDate startDatePlusOneMonth = startDate.plusMonths(1);
    final int lastDayOfNextMonth = startDatePlusOneMonth.dayOfMonth().getMaximumValue();
    final int originalBCDORLastDayOfMonth = bcd <= lastDayOfNextMonth ? bcd : lastDayOfNextMonth;
    requestedDate = new LocalDate(startDatePlusOneMonth.getYear(), startDatePlusOneMonth.getMonthOfYear(), originalBCDORLastDayOfMonth);
  } else if (bcd == currentDay && effectiveFromDate == null) {
    // will default to immediate event
    requestedDate = null;
  } else if (bcd <= lastDayOfMonth) {
    requestedDate = new LocalDate(startDate.getYear(), startDate.getMonthOfYear(), bcd);
  } else /* bcd > lastDayOfMonth && bcd > currentDay */ {
    requestedDate = new LocalDate(startDate.getYear(), startDate.getMonthOfYear(), lastDayOfMonth);
  return requestedDate == null ? internalCallContext.getCreatedDate() : internalCallContext.toUTCDateTime(requestedDate);

代码示例来源:origin: camunda/camunda-bpm-platform

if (str.equals("24:00")) {
  LocalDate date = (day == -1 ?
      new LocalDate(2001, month, 1).plusMonths(1) :
      new LocalDate(2001, month, day).plusDays(1));
  advance = (day != -1);

代码示例来源:origin: yannecer/NCalendar

protected LocalDate getDate(LocalDate localDate, int count) {
  LocalDate date = localDate.plusMonths(count);
  return date;

代码示例来源:origin: yannecer/NCalendar

protected BaseCalendarView getView(Context context,int weekFirstDayType,LocalDate initializeDate,int curr,int position) {
  LocalDate date = initializeDate.plusMonths(position - curr);
  MonthView monthView = new MonthView(context, date, weekFirstDayType, mOnClickMonthViewListener);
  return monthView;

代码示例来源:origin: fluxtream/fluxtream-app

public TreeSet<String> getDatesForMonth(final int year, final int month) {
  LocalDate dayOfMonth = TimeUtils.getBeginningOfMonth(year, month);
  final LocalDate nextMonthStart = dayOfMonth.plusMonths(1);
  TreeSet<String> dates = new TreeSet<String>();
  while(dayOfMonth.isBefore(nextMonthStart)) {
    final String date = TimeUtils.dateFormatterUTC.print(dayOfMonth);
    dayOfMonth = dayOfMonth.plusDays(1);
  return dates;

代码示例来源:origin: yannecer/NCalendar

 * 第一个是不是第二个的上一个月,只在此处有效
 * @param date1
 * @param date2
 * @return
public static boolean isLastMonth(LocalDate date1, LocalDate date2) {
  LocalDate date = date2.plusMonths(-1);
  return date1.getMonthOfYear() == date.getMonthOfYear();

代码示例来源:origin: yannecer/NCalendar

 * 第一个是不是第二个的下一个月,只在此处有效
 * @param date1
 * @param date2
 * @return
public static boolean isNextMonth(LocalDate date1, LocalDate date2) {
  LocalDate date = date2.plusMonths(1);
  return date1.getMonthOfYear() == date.getMonthOfYear();

代码示例来源:origin: com.ning.billing/killbill-invoice

public static BigDecimal calculateProRationAfterLastBillingCycleDate(final LocalDate endDate, final LocalDate previousBillThroughDate,
                                   final BillingPeriod billingPeriod) {
  // Note: assumption is that previousBillThroughDate is correctly aligned with the billing cycle day
  final LocalDate nextBillThroughDate = previousBillThroughDate.plusMonths(billingPeriod.getNumberOfMonths());
  return calculateProrationBetweenDates(previousBillThroughDate, endDate, previousBillThroughDate, nextBillThroughDate);

代码示例来源:origin: org.flowable/flowable-dmn-engine

public static Date addDate(Object startDate, Object years, Object months, Object days) {
  LocalDate currentDate = new LocalDate(startDate);
  currentDate = currentDate.plusYears(intValue(years));
  currentDate = currentDate.plusMonths(intValue(months));
  currentDate = currentDate.plusDays(intValue(days));
  return currentDate.toDate();

代码示例来源:origin: com.ning.billing/killbill-invoice

@Test(groups = "fast")
public void testSinglePlan_ExactlyOnePeriodAfterStart() throws InvalidDateSequenceException {
  final LocalDate startDate = invoiceUtil.buildDate(2011, 2, 15);
  final LocalDate targetDate = startDate.plusMonths(getBillingPeriod().getNumberOfMonths());
  testCalculateNumberOfBillingCycles(startDate, targetDate, 15, TWO);

代码示例来源:origin: com.ning.billing/killbill-invoice

@Test(groups = "fast")
public void testSinglePlan_StartingMidFebruaryOfLeapYear() throws InvalidDateSequenceException {
  final LocalDate startDate = invoiceUtil.buildDate(2012, 2, 15);
  final LocalDate targetDate = startDate.plusMonths(getBillingPeriod().getNumberOfMonths());
  testCalculateNumberOfBillingCycles(startDate, targetDate, 15, TWO);

代码示例来源:origin: net.objectlab.kit/datecalc-joda

public DateCalculator<LocalDate> moveByMonths(final int months) {
  if (getHolidayHandler() != null) {
  return this;

代码示例来源:origin: com.ning.billing/killbill-invoice

@Test(groups = "fast")
public void testSinglePlan_SlightlyMoreThanOnePeriodAfterStart() throws InvalidDateSequenceException {
  final LocalDate startDate = invoiceUtil.buildDate(2011, 2, 15);
  final LocalDate targetDate = startDate.plusMonths(getBillingPeriod().getNumberOfMonths()).plusDays(1);
  testCalculateNumberOfBillingCycles(startDate, targetDate, 15, TWO);

代码示例来源:origin: com.ning.billing/killbill-invoice

@Test(groups = "fast")
public void testSinglePlan_CrossingYearBoundary() throws InvalidDateSequenceException {
  final LocalDate startDate = invoiceUtil.buildDate(2011, 12, 15);
  final LocalDate oneCycleLater = startDate.plusMonths(getBillingPeriod().getNumberOfMonths());
  // test just before the billing cycle day
  testCalculateNumberOfBillingCycles(startDate, oneCycleLater.plusDays(-1), 15, ONE);
  // test on the billing cycle day
  testCalculateNumberOfBillingCycles(startDate, oneCycleLater, 15, TWO);
  // test just after the billing cycle day
  testCalculateNumberOfBillingCycles(startDate, oneCycleLater.plusDays(1), 15, TWO);
