
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-24 转载在 其他  



[英]Processes the provided modify request.


代码示例来源:origin: com.unboundid/unboundid-ldapsdk-minimal-edition

 * Processes the provided modify request.
 * @param  modifyRequest  The modify request to be processed.  It must not be
 *                        {@code null}.
 * @return  The result of processing the modify operation.
 * @throws  LDAPException  If the server rejects the modify request, or if a
 *                         problem is encountered while sending the request or
 *                         reading the response.
public LDAPResult modify(final ReadOnlyModifyRequest modifyRequest)
    throws LDAPException
 return modify((ModifyRequest) modifyRequest);

代码示例来源:origin: com.unboundid/unboundid-ldapsdk-commercial-edition

 * Processes the provided modify request.
 * @param  modifyRequest  The modify request to be processed.  It must not be
 *                        {@code null}.
 * @return  The result of processing the modify operation.
 * @throws  LDAPException  If the server rejects the modify request, or if a
 *                         problem is encountered while sending the request or
 *                         reading the response.
public LDAPResult modify(final ReadOnlyModifyRequest modifyRequest)
    throws LDAPException
 return modify((ModifyRequest) modifyRequest);

代码示例来源:origin: com.redhat.lightblue.ldap/lightblue-ldap-hystrix

  protected LDAPResult run() throws Exception {
    return getConnection().modify(dn, mods);

代码示例来源:origin: com.unboundid/unboundid-ldapsdk-commercial-edition

 * Applies the provided set of modifications to the specified entry.
 * @param  dn    The DN of the entry to modify.  It must not be {@code null}.
 * @param  mods  The set of modifications to apply to the target entry.  It
 *               must not be {@code null} or empty.  *
 * @return  The result of processing the modify operation.
 * @throws  LDAPException  If the server rejects the modify request, or if a
 *                         problem is encountered while sending the request or
 *                         reading the response.
public LDAPResult modify(final String dn, final Modification... mods)
    throws LDAPException
 ensureNotNull(dn, mods);
 return modify(new ModifyRequest(dn, mods));

代码示例来源:origin: com.unboundid/unboundid-ldapsdk-minimal-edition

 * Applies the provided set of modifications to the specified entry.
 * @param  dn    The DN of the entry to modify.  It must not be {@code null}.
 * @param  mods  The set of modifications to apply to the target entry.  It
 *               must not be {@code null} or empty.  *
 * @return  The result of processing the modify operation.
 * @throws  LDAPException  If the server rejects the modify request, or if a
 *                         problem is encountered while sending the request or
 *                         reading the response.
public LDAPResult modify(final String dn, final Modification... mods)
    throws LDAPException
 ensureNotNull(dn, mods);
 return modify(new ModifyRequest(dn, mods));

代码示例来源:origin: com.unboundid/unboundid-ldapsdk-minimal-edition

 * Applies the provided modification to the specified entry.
 * @param  dn   The DN of the entry to modify.  It must not be {@code null}.
 * @param  mod  The modification to apply to the target entry.  It must not
 *              be {@code null}.
 * @return  The result of processing the modify operation.
 * @throws  LDAPException  If the server rejects the modify request, or if a
 *                         problem is encountered while sending the request or
 *                         reading the response.
public LDAPResult modify(final String dn, final Modification mod)
    throws LDAPException
 ensureNotNull(dn, mod);
 return modify(new ModifyRequest(dn, mod));

代码示例来源:origin: com.unboundid/unboundid-ldapsdk-minimal-edition

 * Applies the provided set of modifications to the specified entry.
 * @param  dn    The DN of the entry to modify.  It must not be {@code null}.
 * @param  mods  The set of modifications to apply to the target entry.  It
 *               must not be {@code null} or empty.
 * @return  The result of processing the modify operation.
 * @throws  LDAPException  If the server rejects the modify request, or if a
 *                         problem is encountered while sending the request or
 *                         reading the response.
public LDAPResult modify(final String dn, final List<Modification> mods)
    throws LDAPException
 ensureNotNull(dn, mods);
 return modify(new ModifyRequest(dn, mods));

代码示例来源:origin: com.unboundid/unboundid-ldapsdk-commercial-edition

 * Applies the provided modification to the specified entry.
 * @param  dn   The DN of the entry to modify.  It must not be {@code null}.
 * @param  mod  The modification to apply to the target entry.  It must not
 *              be {@code null}.
 * @return  The result of processing the modify operation.
 * @throws  LDAPException  If the server rejects the modify request, or if a
 *                         problem is encountered while sending the request or
 *                         reading the response.
public LDAPResult modify(final String dn, final Modification mod)
    throws LDAPException
 ensureNotNull(dn, mod);
 return modify(new ModifyRequest(dn, mod));

代码示例来源:origin: com.unboundid/unboundid-ldapsdk-commercial-edition

 * Applies the provided set of modifications to the specified entry.
 * @param  dn    The DN of the entry to modify.  It must not be {@code null}.
 * @param  mods  The set of modifications to apply to the target entry.  It
 *               must not be {@code null} or empty.
 * @return  The result of processing the modify operation.
 * @throws  LDAPException  If the server rejects the modify request, or if a
 *                         problem is encountered while sending the request or
 *                         reading the response.
public LDAPResult modify(final String dn, final List<Modification> mods)
    throws LDAPException
 ensureNotNull(dn, mods);
 return modify(new ModifyRequest(dn, mods));

代码示例来源:origin: com.unboundid/unboundid-ldapsdk-commercial-edition

 * Processes a modify request from the provided LDIF representation of the
 * changes.
 * @param  ldifModificationLines  The lines that comprise an LDIF
 *                                representation of a modify change record.
 *                                It must not be {@code null} or empty.
 * @return  The result of processing the modify operation.
 * @throws  LDIFException  If the provided set of lines cannot be parsed as an
 *                         LDIF modify change record.
 * @throws  LDAPException  If the server rejects the modify request, or if a
 *                         problem is encountered while sending the request or
 *                         reading the response.
public LDAPResult modify(final String... ldifModificationLines)
    throws LDIFException, LDAPException
 return modify(new ModifyRequest(ldifModificationLines));

代码示例来源:origin: com.unboundid/unboundid-ldapsdk-minimal-edition

 * Processes a modify request from the provided LDIF representation of the
 * changes.
 * @param  ldifModificationLines  The lines that comprise an LDIF
 *                                representation of a modify change record.
 *                                It must not be {@code null} or empty.
 * @return  The result of processing the modify operation.
 * @throws  LDIFException  If the provided set of lines cannot be parsed as an
 *                         LDIF modify change record.
 * @throws  LDAPException  If the server rejects the modify request, or if a
 *                         problem is encountered while sending the request or
 *                         reading the response.
public LDAPResult modify(final String... ldifModificationLines)
    throws LDIFException, LDAPException
 return modify(new ModifyRequest(ldifModificationLines));

代码示例来源:origin: com.unboundid/unboundid-ldapsdk-commercial-edition

 * Submits a request to cancel the task with the specified task ID.  Note that
 * some tasks may not support being canceled.  Further, for tasks that do
 * support being canceled it may take time for the cancel request to be
 * processed and for the task to actually be canceled.
 * @param  taskID      The task ID of the task to be canceled.
 * @param  connection  The connection to the Directory Server in which to
 *                     perform the operation.
 * @throws  LDAPException  If a problem occurs while communicating with the
 *                         Directory Server.
public static void cancelTask(final String taskID,
               final LDAPConnection connection)
    throws LDAPException
 // Note:  we should use the CANCELED_BEFORE_STARTING state when we want to
 // cancel a task regardless of whether it's pending or running.  If the
 // task is running, the server will convert it to STOPPED_BY_ADMINISTRATOR.
 final Modification mod =
    new Modification(ModificationType.REPLACE, Task.ATTR_TASK_STATE,
 connection.modify(getTaskDN(taskID), mod);

代码示例来源:origin: com.unboundid/unboundid-ldapsdk-commercial-edition

final LDAPResult result = conn.modify(modifyRequest);
return result;
 final LDAPResult result = newConn.modify(modifyRequest);
 return result;

代码示例来源:origin: hlavki/g-suite-identity-sync

public void updateAccount(LdapAccount account) throws LdapSystemException {
  try (LDAPConnection conn = ldapPool.getConnection()) {
    String entryDN = getAccountDN(account.getSubject());
    List<Modification> mods = new ArrayList<>();
    if (account.getPassword() != null) {
      mods.add(new Modification(REPLACE, "userPassword", account.getPassword()));
    mods.add(new Modification(REPLACE, "givenName", account.getGivenName()));
    mods.add(new Modification(REPLACE, "sn", account.getFamilyName()));
    mods.add(new Modification(REPLACE, "cn", account.getName()));
    mods.add(new Modification(REPLACE, "mail", account.getEmails().toArray(new String[0])));
    conn.modify(new ModifyRequest(entryDN, mods));
  } catch (LDAPException e) {
    throw new LdapSystemException(e);

代码示例来源:origin: com.unboundid/unboundid-ldapsdk-minimal-edition

final LDAPResult result = conn.modify(modifyRequest);
return result;
 final LDAPResult result = newConn.modify(modifyRequest);
 return result;

代码示例来源:origin: hlavki/g-suite-identity-sync

public void removeGroupMember(String accountDN, String groupName) throws LdapSystemException {
  try (LDAPConnection conn = ldapPool.getConnection()) {
    LdapGroup group = getGroup(groupName, conn);
    if (group == null || !group.getMembersDn().contains(accountDN)) {"Nothing to do. Account {} is not member of group {}", accountDN, groupName);
    } else {
      Modification mod = new Modification(DELETE, config.getLdapGroupsMemberAttr(), accountDN);
      conn.modify(new ModifyRequest(group.getDn(), mod));"Remove membership {} from {}", accountDN, group.getName());
      if (group.getMembersDn().size() == 1) {"Removing group {}", group.getName());
  } catch (LDAPException e) {
    throw new LdapSystemException(e);

代码示例来源:origin: com.unboundid/unboundid-ldapsdk-commercial-edition

 modifyResult = ldapConnection.modify(modifyRequest);

代码示例来源:origin: hlavki/g-suite-identity-sync

public void addGroupMember(String accountDN, String groupName) throws LdapSystemException {
  try (LDAPConnection conn = ldapPool.getConnection()) {
    LdapGroup group = getGroup(groupName, conn);
    if (group != null && group.getMembersDn().contains(accountDN)) {"Nothing to do. Account {} is already member of group {}", accountDN, group.getName());
    } else {
      if (group == null) {
        log.debug("Creating group {}", groupName);
        DN groupDN = new DN(new RDN(GROUP_NAME_ATTR, groupName), new DN(config.getLdapGroupsBaseDN()));
        Entry groupEntry = new Entry(groupDN);
        groupEntry.addAttribute("objectClass", config.getLdapGroupsObjectClass());
        groupEntry.addAttribute(config.getLdapGroupsMemberAttr(), accountDN);
        conn.add(groupEntry);"Group {} added", groupDN);
      } else {
        Modification mod = new Modification(ADD, config.getLdapGroupsMemberAttr(), accountDN);
        conn.modify(new ModifyRequest(group.getDn(), mod));"Added membership {} to {}", accountDN, group.getName());
  } catch (LDAPException e) {
    throw new LdapSystemException(e);

代码示例来源:origin: com.unboundid/unboundid-ldapsdk-commercial-edition

final LDAPResult result = conn.modify(modifyRequest);

代码示例来源:origin: hlavki/g-suite-identity-sync

public LdapGroup createOrUpdateGroup(LdapGroup group) throws LdapSystemException {
  try (LDAPConnection conn = ldapPool.getConnection()) {
    LdapGroup current = getGroup(group.getName(), conn);
    if (current != null) {
      Modification[] mods = new Modification[]{
        new Modification(REPLACE, GROUP_DESC_ATTR, group.getDescription()),
        new Modification(REPLACE, config.getLdapGroupsMemberAttr(), group.getMembersDn().toArray(new String[0]))
      conn.modify(current.getDn(), mods);
    } else {
      String dn = getGroupDN(group.getName());
      Entry entry = new Entry(dn);
      entry.setAttribute(GROUP_NAME_ATTR, group.getName());
      entry.setAttribute(GROUP_DESC_ATTR, group.getDescription());
      entry.setAttribute(config.getLdapGroupsMemberAttr(), group.getMembersDn());
      entry.setAttribute("objectClass", config.getLdapGroupsObjectClass());
      current = new LdapGroup(dn, group.getName(), group.getDescription(), group.getMembersDn());
    return current;
  } catch (LDAPException e) {
    throw new LdapSystemException(e);

