
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-24 转载在 其他  



[英]Logs the given record to the logger associated to the given class. This convenience method performs the following steps:

  • Unconditionally LogRecord#setSourceClassName(String)to the Class#getCanonicalName() of the given class;
  • Unconditionally LogRecord#setSourceMethodName(String)to the given value;
  • Get the logger for the LogRecord#getLoggerName() if specified, or for the classe package name otherwise;
  • LogRecord#setLoggerName(String) of the given record, if not already set;
  • Logger#log(LogRecord) the modified record.


代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.sis.core/sis-referencing

 * Logs the given record. This method pretend that the record has been logged by
 * {@code EPSGFactory.install(…)} because it is the public API using this class.
static void log(final LogRecord record) {
  Logging.log(EPSGFactory.class, "install", record);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.sis.core/sis-referencing

 * Do the logging of the warning prepared by the above methods.
 * This method declares {@code MultiAuthoritiesFactory.getAuthorityFactory(…)}
 * as the source of the log since it is the nearest public API.
private void log(final LogRecord record) {
  Logging.log(MultiAuthoritiesFactory.class, "getAuthorityFactory", record);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/sis

 * Logs the given record. This method pretend that the record has been logged by
 * {@code EPSGFactory.install(…)} because it is the public API using this class.
static void log(final LogRecord record) {
  Logging.log(EPSGFactory.class, "install", record);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/sis

 * Do the logging of the warning prepared by the above methods.
 * This method declares {@code MultiAuthoritiesFactory.getAuthorityFactory(…)}
 * as the source of the log since it is the nearest public API.
private void log(final LogRecord record) {
  Logging.log(MultiAuthoritiesFactory.class, "getAuthorityFactory", record);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.sis.core/sis-referencing

 * Logs the given exception at the given level. This method pretends that the logging come from
 * {@link CRS#getAuthorityFactory(String)}, which is the public facade for {@link #EPSG()}.
private static void log(final Exception e, final boolean isWarning) {
  String message = e.getMessage();        // Prefer the locale of system administrator.
  if (message == null) {
    message = e.toString();
  final LogRecord record = new LogRecord(isWarning ? Level.WARNING : Level.CONFIG, message);
  if (isWarning && !(e instanceof UnavailableFactoryException)) {
  Logging.log(CRS.class, "getAuthorityFactory", record);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/sis

 * Logs the given exception at the given level. This method pretends that the logging come from
 * {@link CRS#getAuthorityFactory(String)}, which is the public facade for {@link #EPSG()}.
private static void log(final Exception e, final boolean isWarning) {
  String message = e.getMessage();        // Prefer the locale of system administrator.
  if (message == null) {
    message = e.toString();
  final LogRecord record = new LogRecord(isWarning ? Level.WARNING : Level.CONFIG, message);
  if (isWarning && !(e instanceof UnavailableFactoryException)) {
  Logging.log(CRS.class, "getAuthorityFactory", record);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.sis.core/sis-referencing

   * Invoked when an exception occurred during the creation of a candidate from a code.
  private static void exceptionOccurred(final FactoryException exception) {
     * use 'getMessage()' instead of 'getLocalizedMessage()' for
     * giving preference to the locale of system administrator.
    final LogRecord record = new LogRecord(Level.FINER, exception.getMessage());
    Logging.log(IdentifiedObjectFinder.class, "find", record);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/sis

   * Invoked when an exception occurred during the creation of a candidate from a code.
  private static void exceptionOccurred(final FactoryException exception) {
     * use 'getMessage()' instead of 'getLocalizedMessage()' for
     * giving preference to the locale of system administrator.
    final LogRecord record = new LogRecord(Level.FINER, exception.getMessage());
    Logging.log(IdentifiedObjectFinder.class, "find", record);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.sis.core/sis-utility

 * Logs a message to the {@code "org.apache.sis.system"} logger.
private static void log(final Level level, final Exception e, final short key, final Object... parameters) {
  final LogRecord record = Messages.getResources(null).getLogRecord(level, key, parameters);
  if (e != null) {
  Logging.log(null, null, record);            // Let Logging.log(…) infers the public caller.

代码示例来源:origin: apache/sis

 * Logs a message to the {@code "org.apache.sis.system"} logger.
private static void log(final Level level, final Exception e, final short key, final Object... parameters) {
  final LogRecord record = Messages.getResources(null).getLogRecord(level, key, parameters);
  if (e != null) {
  Logging.log(null, null, record);            // Let Logging.log(…) infers the public caller.

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.sis.core/sis-feature

 * Registers the library implementation of the given name (JTS or ESRI) if present; ignore otherwise.
 * The given name shall be the simple name of a {@code Geometries} subclass in the same package.
 * The last registered library will be the default implementation.
private static void register(final String name) {
  String classname = Geometries.class.getName();
  classname = classname.substring(0, classname.lastIndexOf('.')+1).concat(name);
  try {
    implementation = (Geometries) Class.forName(classname).newInstance();
  } catch (ReflectiveOperationException | LinkageError e) {
    LogRecord record = Resources.forLocale(null).getLogRecord(Level.CONFIG,
        Resources.Keys.OptionalLibraryNotFound_2, name, e.toString());
    Logging.log(Geometries.class, "register", record);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/sis

 * Registers the library implementation of the given name (JTS or ESRI) if present; ignore otherwise.
 * The given name shall be the simple name of a {@code Geometries} subclass in the same package.
 * The last registered library will be the default implementation.
private static void register(final String name) {
  String classname = Geometries.class.getName();
  classname = classname.substring(0, classname.lastIndexOf('.')+1).concat(name);
  try {
    implementation = (Geometries) Class.forName(classname).newInstance();
  } catch (ReflectiveOperationException | LinkageError e) {
    LogRecord record = Resources.forLocale(null).getLogRecord(Level.CONFIG,
        Resources.Keys.OptionalLibraryNotFound_2, name, e.toString());
    Logging.log(Geometries.class, "register", record);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.sis.core/sis-referencing

 * Logs a message about a grid which is about to be loaded.
 * @param  caller  the provider to logs as the source class.
 *                 the source method will be set to {@code "createMathTransform"}.
 * @param  file    the grid file, as a {@link String} or a {@link Path}.
static void log(final Class<?> caller, final Object file) {
  final LogRecord record = Resources.forLocale(null).getLogRecord(Level.FINE, Resources.Keys.LoadingDatumShiftFile_1, file);
  Logging.log(caller, "createMathTransform", record);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/sis

 * Logs a message about a grid which is about to be loaded.
 * @param  caller  the provider to logs as the source class.
 *                 the source method will be set to {@code "createMathTransform"}.
 * @param  file    the grid file, as a {@link String} or a {@link Path}.
static void log(final Class<?> caller, final Object file) {
  final LogRecord record = Resources.forLocale(null).getLogRecord(Level.FINE, Resources.Keys.LoadingDatumShiftFile_1, file);
  Logging.log(caller, "createMathTransform", record);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.sis.core/sis-referencing

   * If we had any warnings during the loading process, report them now.
  void reportWarnings() {
    if (hasUnrecognized) {
      final StringBuilder keywords = new StringBuilder();
      for (final Map.Entry<String,Object> entry : header.entrySet()) {
        if (entry.getValue() == null) {
          if (keywords.length() != 0) {
            keywords.append(", ");
      final LogRecord record = Messages.getResources(null).getLogRecord(Level.WARNING,
          Messages.Keys.UnknownKeywordInRecord_2, file, keywords.toString());
      Logging.log(NTv2.class, "createMathTransform", record);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.sis.core/sis-referencing

   * Invoked when a factory failed to create an object.
   * After invoking this method, the caller will fallback on hard-coded values.
  static void failure(final Object caller, final String method, final FactoryException e, final int code) {
    String message = Resources.format(Resources.Keys.CanNotInstantiateGeodeticObject_1, (Constants.EPSG + ':') + code);
    message = Exceptions.formatChainedMessages(null, message, e);
    final LogRecord record = new LogRecord(Level.WARNING, message);
    if (!(e instanceof UnavailableFactoryException) || AuthorityFactories.failure((UnavailableFactoryException) e)) {
      // Append the stack trace only if the exception is the the one we expect when the factory is not available.
    Logging.log(caller.getClass(), method, record);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.sis.core/sis-metadata

 * Returns the connection to the database, creating a new one if needed. This method shall
 * be invoked inside a synchronized block wider than just the scope of this method in order
 * to ensure that the connection is used by only one thread at time. This is also necessary
 * for preventing the background thread to close the connection too early.
 * <p>Callers shall not close the connection returned by this method.
 * The connection will be closed by {@link #closeExpired()} after an arbitrary timeout.</p>
 * @return the connection to the database.
 * @throws SQLException if an error occurred while fetching the connection.
final Connection connection() throws SQLException {
  assert Thread.holdsLock(this);
  Connection c = connection;
  if (c == null) {
    connection = c = dataSource.getConnection();
    Logging.log(MetadataSource.class, "lookup", Initializer.connected(c.getMetaData()));
  return c;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/sis

   * Invoked when a factory failed to create an object.
   * After invoking this method, the caller will fallback on hard-coded values.
  static void failure(final Object caller, final String method, final FactoryException e, final int code) {
    String message = Resources.format(Resources.Keys.CanNotInstantiateGeodeticObject_1, (Constants.EPSG + ':') + code);
    message = Exceptions.formatChainedMessages(null, message, e);
    final LogRecord record = new LogRecord(Level.WARNING, message);
    if (!(e instanceof UnavailableFactoryException) || AuthorityFactories.failure((UnavailableFactoryException) e)) {
      // Append the stack trace only if the exception is the the one we expect when the factory is not available.
    Logging.log(caller.getClass(), method, record);

代码示例来源:origin: Geomatys/geotoolkit

 * Deletes this file. This method is invoked automatically when
 * a {@link File} object has been garbage-collected.
public void dispose() {
  if (delete()) {
     * Logs the message at the WARNING level because execution of this code
     * means that the application failed to delete itself the temporary file.
    Logging.log(TemporaryFile.class, "delete",
        Loggings.format(Level.WARNING, Loggings.Keys.TemporaryFileGc_1, this));

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.sis.core/sis-referencing

 * Compares the given CRS description with the authoritative description.
 * If the comparison produces a warning, a message will be recorded to the given logger.
 * @param  crs     the CRS to compare with the authoritative description.
 * @param  logger  the logger where to report warnings, if any.
 * @param  classe  the class to declare as the source of the warning.
 * @param  method  the method to declare as the source of the warning.
 * @throws FactoryException if an error occurred while querying the authority factory.
public static void withAuthority(final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs, final String logger,
    final Class<?> classe, final String method) throws FactoryException
  final DefinitionVerifier verification = DefinitionVerifier.withAuthority(crs, null, false);
  if (verification != null) {
    final LogRecord record = verification.warning(true);
    if (record != null) {
      Logging.log(classe, method, record);
