[英]Makes a fixed arity method handle which is otherwise equivalent to the current method handle.
If the current method handle is not of #asVarargsCollector, the current method handle is returned. This is true even if the current method handle could not be a valid input to asVarargsCollector.
Otherwise, the resulting fixed-arity method handle has the same type and behavior of the current method handle, except that #isVarargsCollectorwill be false. The fixed-arity method handle may (or may not) be the a previous argument to asVarargsCollector.
Here is an example, of a list-making variable arity method handle:
MethodHandle asListVar = publicLookup()try { asListFix.invoke((Object)1); }
catch (Exception ex) { caught = ex; }
assert(caught instanceof ClassCastException);
assertEquals("[two, too]", asListVar.invoke("two", "too").toString());
try { asListFix.invoke("two", "too"); }
catch (Exception ex) { caught = ex; }
assert(caught instanceof WrongMethodTypeException);
Object[] argv = { "three", "thee", "tee" };
assertEquals("[three, thee, tee]", asListVar.invoke(argv).toString());
assertEquals("[three, thee, tee]", asListFix.invoke(argv).toString());
assertEquals(1, ((List) asListVar.invoke((Object)argv)).size());
assertEquals("[three, thee, tee]", asListFix.invoke((Object)argv).toString());
否则,生成的固定arity方法句柄的类型和行为与当前方法句柄相同,只是#isvarargscollector将为false。fixed arity方法句柄可能是(也可能不是)asVarargsCollector的前一个参数。
MethodHandle asListVar = publicLookup()try { asListFix.invoke((Object)1); }
catch (Exception ex) { caught = ex; }
assert(caught instanceof ClassCastException);
assertEquals("[two, too]", asListVar.invoke("two", "too").toString());
try { asListFix.invoke("two", "too"); }
catch (Exception ex) { caught = ex; }
assert(caught instanceof WrongMethodTypeException);
Object[] argv = { "three", "thee", "tee" };
assertEquals("[three, thee, tee]", asListVar.invoke(argv).toString());
assertEquals("[three, thee, tee]", asListFix.invoke(argv).toString());
assertEquals(1, ((List) asListVar.invoke((Object)argv)).size());
assertEquals("[three, thee, tee]", asListFix.invoke((Object)argv).toString());
代码示例来源:origin: eclipse/golo-lang
public FunctionReference asFixedArity() {
return new FunctionReference(handle.asFixedArity(), this.parameterNames);
代码示例来源:origin: beanshell/beanshell
/** Appends varargs collector as appropriate to the MethodHandles lookup.
* The return pushes the cascade chaining result to the parent.
* {@inheritDoc} */
protected MethodHandle lookup(MethodHandle m) {
if (isVarArgs() && null != m)
return m.asFixedArity().asVarargsCollector(getVarArgsType());
return m;
代码示例来源:origin: eclipse/golo-lang
public MethodHandle coerce(MethodHandle target) {
if (target.isVarargsCollector() && isLastArgumentAnArray()) {
return target.asFixedArity().asType(type);
return target.asType(type);
代码示例来源:origin: org.dynalang/dynalink
OverloadedMethod(List<MethodHandle> methodHandles, OverloadedDynamicMethod parent, MethodType callSiteType,
LinkerServices linkerServices) {
this.parent = parent;
this.callSiteType = callSiteType;
this.linkerServices = linkerServices;
fixArgMethods = new ArrayList<>(methodHandles.size());
varArgMethods = new ArrayList<>(methodHandles.size());
final int argNum = callSiteType.parameterCount();
for(MethodHandle mh: methodHandles) {
if(mh.isVarargsCollector()) {
final MethodHandle asFixed = mh.asFixedArity();
if(argNum == asFixed.type().parameterCount()) {
} else {
final MethodHandle bound = SELECT_METHOD.bindTo(this);
final MethodHandle collecting = SingleDynamicMethod.collectArguments(bound, argNum).asType(
invoker = MethodHandles.foldArguments(MethodHandles.exactInvoker(callSiteType), collecting);
代码示例来源:origin: szegedi/dynalink
OverloadedMethod(final List<MethodHandle> methodHandles, final OverloadedDynamicMethod parent, final MethodType callSiteType,
final LinkerServices linkerServices) {
this.parent = parent;
final Class<?> commonRetType = getCommonReturnType(methodHandles);
this.callSiteType = callSiteType.changeReturnType(commonRetType);
this.linkerServices = linkerServices;
fixArgMethods = new ArrayList<>(methodHandles.size());
varArgMethods = new ArrayList<>(methodHandles.size());
final int argNum = callSiteType.parameterCount();
for(MethodHandle mh: methodHandles) {
if(mh.isVarargsCollector()) {
final MethodHandle asFixed = mh.asFixedArity();
if(argNum == asFixed.type().parameterCount()) {
} else {
final MethodHandle bound = SELECT_METHOD.bindTo(this);
final MethodHandle collecting = SingleDynamicMethod.collectArguments(bound, argNum).asType(
invoker = linkerServices.asTypeLosslessReturn(MethodHandles.foldArguments(
MethodHandles.exactInvoker(this.callSiteType), collecting), callSiteType);
代码示例来源:origin: anba/es6draft
handle = handle.asFixedArity();
代码示例来源:origin: baratine/baratine
type = type.changeReturnType(void.class);
mh = mh.asFixedArity();
mh = mh.asType(type);
代码示例来源:origin: eclipse/golo-lang
* Spread arguments over this function parameters.
* @param arguments arguments as an array.
* @return a return value.
* @throws Throwable ...because an exception can be thrown.
public Object spread(Object... arguments) throws Throwable {
int arity = arity();
if (this.handle.isVarargsCollector() && (arity > 0) && (arguments[arity - 1] instanceof Object[])) {
return this.handle
.asSpreader(Object[].class, arguments.length)
return this.handle
.asSpreader(Object[].class, arguments.length)
代码示例来源:origin: eclipse/golo-lang
handle = handle.asFixedArity().asType(type);
} else {
handle = handle.asType(type);
types = constructor.getParameterTypes();
if (constructor.isVarArgs() && TypeMatching.isLastArgumentAnArray(types.length, args)) {
handle = caller.unreflectConstructor(constructor).asFixedArity().asType(type);
} else {
handle = caller.unreflectConstructor(constructor).asType(type);
代码示例来源:origin: org.dynalang/dynalink
final int paramsLen = methodType.parameterCount();
final boolean varArgs = target.isVarargsCollector();
final MethodHandle fixTarget = varArgs ? target.asFixedArity() : target;
final int fixParamsLen = varArgs ? paramsLen - 1 : paramsLen;
final int argsLen = callSiteType.parameterCount();
代码示例来源:origin: szegedi/dynalink
final int paramsLen = methodType.parameterCount();
final boolean varArgs = target.isVarargsCollector();
final MethodHandle fixTarget = varArgs ? filteredTarget.asFixedArity() : filteredTarget;
final int fixParamsLen = varArgs ? paramsLen - 1 : paramsLen;
final int argsLen = callSiteType.parameterCount();
代码示例来源:origin: eclipse/golo-lang
invoker = invoker.asFixedArity().asType(callSite.type());
} else {
invoker = invoker.asCollector(