代码示例来源:origin: vert-x3/vertx-examples
public void start() throws Exception {
ProtonClient client = ProtonClient.create(vertx);
client.connect("localhost", 5672, res -> {
if(!res.succeeded()) {
System.out.println("Connect failed: " + res.cause());
ProtonConnection connection = res.result();
connection.createReceiver(address).handler((delivery, msg) -> {
String content = (String) ((AmqpValue) msg.getBody()).getValue();
System.out.println("Received message with content: " + content);
// By default, receivers automatically accept (and settle) the delivery
// when the handler returns, if no other disposition has been applied.
// To change this and always manage dispositions yourself, use the
// setAutoAccept method on the receiver.
代码示例来源:origin: vert-x3/vertx-examples
Section body = msg.getBody();
if (body instanceof AmqpValue) {
String content = (String) ((AmqpValue) body).getValue();
代码示例来源:origin: eclipse/hono
* Checks if a message's body consists of an AMQP <em>Data</em> section.
* @param message The message to check.
* @return {@code true} if the body consists of a Data section, {@code false} otherwise.
* @throws NullPointerException If message is {@code null}.
public static boolean hasDataBody(final Message message) {
return message.getBody() instanceof Data;
代码示例来源:origin: Azure/azure-service-bus-java
public static Map getResponseBody(Message responseMessage)
return (Map)((AmqpValue)responseMessage.getBody()).getValue();
代码示例来源:origin: EnMasseProject/enmasse
public synchronized List<String> recvMessages(String address, int numMessages) {
Queue<Message> queue = queues.get(address);
if (queue == null) {
return null;
List<String> messages = new ArrayList<>();
while (numMessages > 0) {
Message message = queue.poll();
if (message == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("No more messages, " + numMessages + " remains");
return messages;
代码示例来源:origin: eclipse/hono
private void handleMessage(final String msgType, final Message msg) {
final Data body = (Data) msg.getBody();
LOG.debug("Type: [{}] and Message: [{}]", msgType, body != null ? body.getValue().toString() : "");
代码示例来源:origin: EnMasseProject/enmasse
private String doOperationWithStringResult(String resource, String operation, Object ... parameters) throws TimeoutException {
Message response = doOperation(resource, operation, parameters);
String payload = (String) ((AmqpValue)response.getBody()).getValue();
JsonArray json = new JsonArray(payload);
return json.getString(0);
代码示例来源:origin: EnMasseProject/enmasse
public long getQueueMessageCount(String queueName) throws TimeoutException {
log.info("Checking message count for queue {} on broker {}", queueName, syncRequestClient.getRemoteContainer());
Message response = doAttribute("queue." + queueName, "messageCount");
String payload = (String) ((AmqpValue)response.getBody()).getValue();
JsonArray json = new JsonArray(payload);
return json.getLong(0);
代码示例来源:origin: EnMasseProject/enmasse
public String getQueueAddress(String queueName) throws TimeoutException {
log.info("Checking queue address for queue {} on broker {}", queueName, syncRequestClient.getRemoteContainer());
Message response = doOperation("queue." + queueName, "getAddress");
String payload = (String) ((AmqpValue)response.getBody()).getValue();
JsonArray json = new JsonArray(payload);
return json.getString(0);
代码示例来源:origin: EnMasseProject/enmasse
public Set<String> getDivertNames() throws TimeoutException {
log.info("Retrieving divert names");
Message response = doOperation("broker", "getDivertNames");
Set<String> diverts = new LinkedHashSet<>();
JsonArray payload = new JsonArray((String)((AmqpValue)response.getBody()).getValue());
for (int i = 0; i < payload.size(); i++) {
JsonArray inner = payload.getJsonArray(i);
for (int j = 0; j < inner.size(); j++) {
return diverts;
代码示例来源:origin: EnMasseProject/enmasse
public List<String> getQueueNames(AmqpClient queueClient, Destination replyQueue, String topic) throws Exception {
Message requestMessage = Message.Factory.create();
Map<String, Object> appProperties = new HashMap<>();
appProperties.put(resourceProperty, "address." + topic);
appProperties.put(operationProperty, "getQueueNames");
requestMessage.setApplicationProperties(new ApplicationProperties(appProperties));
requestMessage.setBody(new AmqpValue("[]"));
Future<Integer> sent = queueClient.sendMessages(managementAddress, requestMessage);
assertThat(String.format("Sender failed, expected %d messages", 1), sent.get(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS), is(1));
log.info("request sent");
Future<List<Message>> received = queueClient.recvMessages(replyQueue.getAddress(), 1);
assertThat(String.format("Receiver failed, expected %d messages", 1),
received.get(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS).size(), is(1));
AmqpValue val = (AmqpValue) received.get().get(0).getBody();
log.info("answer received: " + val.toString());
String queues = val.getValue().toString();
queues = queues.replaceAll("\\[|]|\"", "");
return Arrays.asList(queues.split(","));
代码示例来源:origin: EnMasseProject/enmasse
private static List<List<String>> collectRouter(SyncRequestClient client, String entityType, List<String> attributeNames) throws Exception {
Map<String, Object> properties = new LinkedHashMap<>();
properties.put("operation", "QUERY");
properties.put("entityType", entityType);
Map<String, Object> body = new LinkedHashMap<>();
body.put("attributeNames", attributeNames);
Message message = Proton.message();
message.setApplicationProperties(new ApplicationProperties(properties));
message.setBody(new AmqpValue(body));
Message response = client.request(message, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
AmqpValue value = (AmqpValue) response.getBody();
Map<?,?> values = (Map<?,?>) value.getValue();
List<List<String>> results = (List<List<String>>) values.get("results");
return results;
代码示例来源:origin: EnMasseProject/enmasse
* Return an AMQP_UNSUBSCRIBE message from the raw AMQP one
* @param message raw AMQP message
* @return AMQP_UNSUBSCRIBE message
public static AmqpUnsubscribeMessage from(Message message) {
if (!message.getSubject().equals(AMQP_SUBJECT)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("AMQP message subject is no %s", AMQP_SUBJECT));
Section section = message.getBody();
if ((section != null) && (section instanceof AmqpValue)) {
List<String> topics = (List<String>) ((AmqpValue) section).getValue();
return new AmqpUnsubscribeMessage(AmqpHelper.getClientIdFromPublishAddress((String) message.getCorrelationId()),
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("AMQP message wrong body type");
代码示例来源:origin: EnMasseProject/enmasse
public Set<String> getQueueNames() throws TimeoutException {
log.info("Retrieving queue names for broker {}", syncRequestClient.getRemoteContainer());
Message response = doOperation("broker", "getQueueNames");
Set<String> queues = new LinkedHashSet<>();
JsonArray payload = new JsonArray((String)((AmqpValue)response.getBody()).getValue());
for (int i = 0; i < payload.size(); i++) {
JsonArray inner = payload.getJsonArray(i);
for (int j = 0; j < inner.size(); j++) {
String queueName = inner.getString(j);
if (!queueName.equals(syncRequestClient.getReplyTo())) {
return queues;
代码示例来源:origin: EnMasseProject/enmasse
public Set<String> getConnectorNames() throws TimeoutException {
log.info("Retrieving conector names for broker {}", syncRequestClient.getRemoteContainer());
Message response = doOperation("broker", "getConnectorServices");
Set<String> connectors = new LinkedHashSet<>();
JsonArray payload = new JsonArray((String)((AmqpValue)response.getBody()).getValue());
for (int i = 0; i < payload.size(); i++) {
JsonArray inner = payload.getJsonArray(i);
for (int j = 0; j < inner.size(); j++) {
String connector = inner.getString(j);
if (!connector.equals("amqp-connector")) {
return connectors;
代码示例来源:origin: io.vertx/vertx-amqp-bridge
private void doJSON_to_AMQP_VerifyStringBodyTestImpl(boolean setBodyType) {
String testContent = "myTestContent";
JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject();
jsonObject.put(AmqpConstants.BODY, testContent);
jsonObject.put(AmqpConstants.BODY_TYPE, AmqpConstants.BODY_TYPE_VALUE);
Message protonMsg = translator.convertToAmqpMessage(jsonObject);
assertNotNull("Expected converted msg", protonMsg);
Section body = protonMsg.getBody();
assertTrue("Unexpected body type", body instanceof AmqpValue);
assertEquals("Unexpected message body value", testContent, ((AmqpValue) body).getValue());
代码示例来源:origin: io.vertx/vertx-amqp-bridge
public void testJSON_to_AMQP_VerifyDataBody() {
String testContent = "myTestContent";
JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject();
jsonObject.put(AmqpConstants.BODY, testContent.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
jsonObject.put(AmqpConstants.BODY_TYPE, AmqpConstants.BODY_TYPE_DATA);
Message protonMsg = translator.convertToAmqpMessage(jsonObject);
assertNotNull("Expected converted msg", protonMsg);
Section body = protonMsg.getBody();
assertTrue("Unexpected body type", body instanceof Data);
assertNotNull("Unexpected body content", body);
assertEquals("Unexpected message body value", new Binary(testContent.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)),
((Data) body).getValue());
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.beam/beam-sdks-java-io-amqp
public void encodeDecodeLargeMessage() throws Exception {
Message message = Message.Factory.create();
String body = Joiner.on("").join(Collections.nCopies(32 * 1024 * 1024, " "));
message.setBody(new AmqpValue(body));
AmqpMessageCoder coder = AmqpMessageCoder.of();
Message clone = CoderUtils.clone(coder, message);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/activemq-artemis
private void validateMessage(byte[] expectedPayload, int msgNum, AmqpMessage message) {
assertNotNull("failed at " + msgNum, message);
Section body = message.getWrappedMessage().getBody();
assertNotNull("No message body for msg " + msgNum, body);
assertTrue("Unexpected message body type for msg " + body.getClass(), body instanceof Data);
assertEquals("Unexpected body content for msg", new Binary(expectedPayload, 0, expectedPayload.length), ((Data) body).getValue());
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.beam/beam-sdks-java-io-amqp
public void encodeDecode() throws Exception {
Message message = Message.Factory.create();
message.setBody(new AmqpValue("body"));
AmqpMessageCoder coder = AmqpMessageCoder.of();
Message clone = CoderUtils.clone(coder, message);
assertEquals("AmqpValue{body}", clone.getBody().toString());
assertEquals("address", clone.getAddress());
assertEquals("test", clone.getSubject());