
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-25 转载在 其他  



[英]The collection of index deletions in the cluster.


代码示例来源:origin: org.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

private List<Index> indicesDeletedFromTombstones() {
  // We look at the full tombstones list to see which indices need to be deleted.  In the case of
  // a valid previous cluster state, indicesDeletedFromClusterState() will be used to get the deleted
  // list, so a diff doesn't make sense here.  When a node (re)joins the cluster, its possible for it
  // to re-process the same deletes or process deletes about indices it never knew about.  This is not
  // an issue because there are safeguards in place in the delete store operation in case the index
  // folder doesn't exist on the file system.
  List<IndexGraveyard.Tombstone> tombstones = state.metaData().indexGraveyard().getTombstones();

代码示例来源:origin: org.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

final List<IndexMetaData> indexMetaDataList = metaStateService.loadIndicesStates(excludeIndexPathIds::contains);
Map<Index, IndexMetaData> newIndices = new HashMap<>(indexMetaDataList.size());
final IndexGraveyard graveyard = metaData.indexGraveyard();
for (IndexMetaData indexMetaData : indexMetaDataList) {
  if (metaData.hasIndex(indexMetaData.getIndex().getName())) {

代码示例来源:origin: apache/servicemix-bundles

private List<Index> indicesDeletedFromTombstones() {
  // We look at the full tombstones list to see which indices need to be deleted.  In the case of
  // a valid previous cluster state, indicesDeletedFromClusterState() will be used to get the deleted
  // list, so a diff doesn't make sense here.  When a node (re)joins the cluster, its possible for it
  // to re-process the same deletes or process deletes about indices it never knew about.  This is not
  // an issue because there are safeguards in place in the delete store operation in case the index
  // folder doesn't exist on the file system.
  List<IndexGraveyard.Tombstone> tombstones = state.metaData().indexGraveyard().getTombstones();

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.elasticsearch

private List<Index> indicesDeletedFromTombstones() {
  // We look at the full tombstones list to see which indices need to be deleted.  In the case of
  // a valid previous cluster state, indicesDeletedFromClusterState() will be used to get the deleted
  // list, so a diff doesn't make sense here.  When a node (re)joins the cluster, its possible for it
  // to re-process the same deletes or process deletes about indices it never knew about.  This is not
  // an issue because there are safeguards in place in the delete store operation in case the index
  // folder doesn't exist on the file system.
  List<IndexGraveyard.Tombstone> tombstones = state.metaData().indexGraveyard().getTombstones();

代码示例来源:origin: com.strapdata.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

private List<Index> indicesDeletedFromTombstones() {
  // We look at the full tombstones list to see which indices need to be deleted.  In the case of
  // a valid previous cluster state, indicesDeletedFromClusterState() will be used to get the deleted
  // list, so a diff doesn't make sense here.  When a node (re)joins the cluster, its possible for it
  // to re-process the same deletes or process deletes about indices it never knew about.  This is not
  // an issue because there are safeguards in place in the delete store operation in case the index
  // folder doesn't exist on the file system.
  List<IndexGraveyard.Tombstone> tombstones = state.metaData().indexGraveyard().getTombstones();

代码示例来源:origin: com.strapdata.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

final List<IndexMetaData> indexMetaDataList = metaStateService.loadIndicesStates(excludeIndexPathIds::contains);
Map<Index, IndexMetaData> newIndices = new HashMap<>(indexMetaDataList.size());
final IndexGraveyard graveyard = metaData.indexGraveyard();
for (IndexMetaData indexMetaData : indexMetaDataList) {
  if (metaData.hasIndex(indexMetaData.getIndex().getName())) {

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.elasticsearch

final List<IndexMetaData> indexMetaDataList = metaStateService.loadIndicesStates(excludeIndexPathIds::contains);
Map<Index, IndexMetaData> newIndices = new HashMap<>(indexMetaDataList.size());
final IndexGraveyard graveyard = metaData.indexGraveyard();
for (IndexMetaData indexMetaData : indexMetaDataList) {
  if (metaData.hasIndex(indexMetaData.getIndex().getName())) {

代码示例来源:origin: apache/servicemix-bundles

final List<IndexMetaData> indexMetaDataList = metaStateService.loadIndicesStates(excludeIndexPathIds::contains);
Map<Index, IndexMetaData> newIndices = new HashMap<>(indexMetaDataList.size());
final IndexGraveyard graveyard = metaData.indexGraveyard();
for (IndexMetaData indexMetaData : indexMetaDataList) {
  if (metaData.hasIndex(indexMetaData.getIndex().getName())) {
