
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-25 转载在 其他  



[英]Casts a number to the specified type. The target type can be one of Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double, BigInteger or BigDecimal. This method makes the following choice:

  • If the given value is null or an instance of the given type, then it is returned unchanged.
  • Otherwise if the given type is Double.class, then this method returns Double#valueOf(double)(number.doubleValue());
  • Otherwise if the given type is Float.class, then this method returns Float#valueOf(float)(number.floatValue());
  • And likewise for all remaining known types.
    This method does not verify if the given type is wide enough for the given value, because the type has typically been calculated by #widestClass(Class,Class)or #narrowestClass(Number). If nevertheless the given type is not wide enough, then the behavior depends on the implementation of the corresponding Number.fooValue() method - typically, the value is just rounded or truncated.


代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.sis.core/sis-utility

 * Constructs a range with the same values than the specified range, casted to the specified type.
 * @param  type   the element type, usually one of {@link Byte}, {@link Short},
 *                {@link Integer}, {@link Long}, {@link Float} or {@link Double}.
 * @param  range  the range to copy. The elements must be {@link Number} instances.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given type is not one of the primitive wrappers for numeric types.
NumberRange(final Class<E> type, final Range<? extends Number> range)
    throws IllegalArgumentException
  super(type, Numbers.cast(range.minValue, type), range.isMinIncluded,
        Numbers.cast(range.maxValue, type), range.isMaxIncluded);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/sis

 * Constructs a range with the same values than the specified range, casted to the specified type.
 * @param  type   the element type, usually one of {@link Byte}, {@link Short},
 *                {@link Integer}, {@link Long}, {@link Float} or {@link Double}.
 * @param  range  the range to copy. The elements must be {@link Number} instances.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given type is not one of the primitive wrappers for numeric types.
NumberRange(final Class<E> type, final Range<? extends Number> range)
    throws IllegalArgumentException
  super(type, Numbers.cast(range.minValue, type), range.isMinIncluded,
        Numbers.cast(range.maxValue, type), range.isMaxIncluded);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.sis.core/sis-utility

value = Numbers.cast(value, type);
if (minValue != null) {
  final int c = ((Comparable) Numbers.cast(minValue, type)).compareTo(value);
  if (isMinIncluded ? (c > 0) : (c >= 0)) {
    return false;
  final int c = ((Comparable) Numbers.cast(maxValue, type)).compareTo(value);
  if (isMaxIncluded ? (c < 0) : (c <= 0)) {
    return false;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/sis

value = Numbers.cast(value, type);
if (minValue != null) {
  final int c = ((Comparable) Numbers.cast(minValue, type)).compareTo(value);
  if (isMinIncluded ? (c > 0) : (c >= 0)) {
    return false;
  final int c = ((Comparable) Numbers.cast(maxValue, type)).compareTo(value);
  if (isMaxIncluded ? (c < 0) : (c <= 0)) {
    return false;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.sis.core/sis-utility

 * Converts the given value to the a {@link #elementType} type.
private Object convert(final Object value) throws UnconvertibleObjectException {
  if (value == null || elementType.isInstance(value)) {
    return value;
  if (value instanceof Number && Number.class.isAssignableFrom(elementType)) {
    return Numbers.cast((Number) value, (Class<? extends Number>) elementType);
  throw new UnconvertibleObjectException(Errors.format(
      Errors.Keys.IllegalClass_2, elementType, value.getClass()));

代码示例来源:origin: apache/sis

 * Converts the given value to the a {@link #elementType} type.
private Object convert(final Object value) throws UnconvertibleObjectException {
  if (value == null || elementType.isInstance(value)) {
    return value;
  if (value instanceof Number && Number.class.isAssignableFrom(elementType)) {
    return Numbers.cast((Number) value, (Class<? extends Number>) elementType);
  throw new UnconvertibleObjectException(Errors.format(
      Errors.Keys.IllegalClass_2, elementType, value.getClass()));

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.sis.core/sis-utility

 * Returns the increment between all consecutive values if this increment is constant, or {@code null} otherwise.
public Number increment(final double tolerance) {
  Number inc = first.increment(tolerance);
  if (inc != null) {
    Number check = second.increment(tolerance);
    if (check != null) {
      final Class<? extends Number> type = Numbers.widestClass(inc.getClass(), check.getClass());
      inc   = Numbers.cast(inc,   type);
      check = Numbers.cast(check, type);
      if (inc.equals(check)) {
        return inc;
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/sis

 * Returns the increment between all consecutive values if this increment is constant, or {@code null} otherwise.
public Number increment(final double tolerance) {
  Number inc = first.increment(tolerance);
  if (inc != null) {
    Number check = second.increment(tolerance);
    if (check != null) {
      final Class<? extends Number> type = Numbers.widestClass(inc.getClass(), check.getClass());
      inc   = Numbers.cast(inc,   type);
      check = Numbers.cast(check, type);
      if (inc.equals(check)) {
        return inc;
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.sis.core/sis-utility

public T apply(final S source) {
  final double sourceValue = source.doubleValue();
  T target = Numbers.cast(source, targetClass);
  final double targetValue = target.doubleValue();
  if (Double.doubleToLongBits(targetValue) != Double.doubleToLongBits(sourceValue)) {
    if (!(delta < 0.5)) { // Use '!' for catching NaN.
      if (delta < 1) {
        target = Numbers.cast(Math.round(sourceValue), targetClass);
      } else {

代码示例来源:origin: apache/sis

public T apply(final S source) {
  final double sourceValue = source.doubleValue();
  T target = Numbers.cast(source, targetClass);
  final double targetValue = target.doubleValue();
  if (Double.doubleToLongBits(targetValue) != Double.doubleToLongBits(sourceValue)) {
    if (!(delta < 0.5)) { // Use '!' for catching NaN.
      if (delta < 1) {
        target = Numbers.cast(Math.round(sourceValue), targetClass);
      } else {

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.sis.core/sis-referencing

 * Sets the parameter value as an integer.
 * <p>The default implementation wraps the given integer in an object of the type specified by the
 * {@linkplain #getDescriptor() descriptor}, then delegates to {@link #setValue(Object, Unit)}.</p>
 * @param  newValue  the parameter value.
 * @throws InvalidParameterValueException if the integer type is inappropriate for this parameter,
 *         or if the value is illegal for some other reason (for example a value out of range).
 * @see #intValue()
public void setValue(final int newValue) throws InvalidParameterValueException {
  Number n = newValue;
  final Class<T> valueClass = descriptor.getValueClass();
  if (Number.class.isAssignableFrom(valueClass)) {
    final Number c = Numbers.cast(newValue, (Class<? extends Number>) valueClass);
    if (c.intValue() == newValue) {
      n = c;
  setValue(n, unit);
  // Use 'unit' instead than 'getUnit()' despite class Javadoc claims because units are not expected
  // to be involved in this method. We just want the current unit setting to be unchanged.

代码示例来源:origin: apache/sis

 * Sets the parameter value as an integer.
 * <p>The default implementation wraps the given integer in an object of the type specified by the
 * {@linkplain #getDescriptor() descriptor}, then delegates to {@link #setValue(Object, Unit)}.</p>
 * @param  newValue  the parameter value.
 * @throws InvalidParameterValueException if the integer type is inappropriate for this parameter,
 *         or if the value is illegal for some other reason (for example a value out of range).
 * @see #intValue()
public void setValue(final int newValue) throws InvalidParameterValueException {
  Number n = newValue;
  final Class<T> valueClass = descriptor.getValueClass();
  if (Number.class.isAssignableFrom(valueClass)) {
    final Number c = Numbers.cast(newValue, (Class<? extends Number>) valueClass);
    if (c.intValue() == newValue) {
      n = c;
  setValue(n, unit);
  // Use 'unit' instead than 'getUnit()' despite class Javadoc claims because units are not expected
  // to be involved in this method. We just want the current unit setting to be unchanged.

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.sis.core/sis-utility

 * Constructs a range of the given type with values from the given annotation.
 * This constructor does not verify if the given type is wide enough for the values of
 * the given annotation, because those information are usually static. If nevertheless
 * the given type is not wide enough, then the values are truncated in the same way
 * than the Java language casts primitive types.
 * @param  type   the element type, restricted to one of {@link Byte}, {@link Short},
 *                {@link Integer}, {@link Long}, {@link Float} or {@link Double}.
 * @param  range  the range of values.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given type is not one of the primitive wrappers for numeric types.
public NumberRange(final Class<E> type, final ValueRange range) throws IllegalArgumentException {
  super(type, Numbers.cast(valueOf("minimum", range.minimum(), Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY), type), range.isMinIncluded(),
        Numbers.cast(valueOf("maximum", range.maximum(), Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY), type), range.isMaxIncluded());

代码示例来源:origin: apache/sis

 * Tests {@link Numbers#cast(Number, Class)}.
public void testCast() {
  final Integer value = new Integer(10); // Intentionally a new instance.
  assertEquals(Byte   .valueOf((byte)   10), cast(value, Byte   .class));
  assertEquals(Short  .valueOf((short)  10), cast(value, Short  .class));
  assertSame  (value,                        cast(value, Integer.class));
  assertEquals(Long   .valueOf((long)   10), cast(value, Long   .class));
  assertEquals(Float  .valueOf((float)  10), cast(value, Float  .class));
  assertEquals(Double .valueOf((double) 10), cast(value, Double .class));

代码示例来源:origin: apache/sis

 * Constructs a range of the given type with values from the given annotation.
 * This constructor does not verify if the given type is wide enough for the values of
 * the given annotation, because those information are usually static. If nevertheless
 * the given type is not wide enough, then the values are truncated in the same way
 * than the Java language casts primitive types.
 * @param  type   the element type, restricted to one of {@link Byte}, {@link Short},
 *                {@link Integer}, {@link Long}, {@link Float} or {@link Double}.
 * @param  range  the range of values.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given type is not one of the primitive wrappers for numeric types.
public NumberRange(final Class<E> type, final ValueRange range) throws IllegalArgumentException {
  super(type, Numbers.cast(valueOf("minimum", range.minimum(), Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY), type), range.isMinIncluded(),
        Numbers.cast(valueOf("maximum", range.maximum(), Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY), type), range.isMaxIncluded());

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.sis.core/sis-utility

 * Constructs a range using the smallest type of {@link Number} that can hold the given values.
 * This method performs the same work than {@link NumberRange#createBestFit
 * NumberRange.createBestFit(…)} with an additional {@code unit} argument.
 * <p>This method may return a shared instance, at implementation choice.</p>
 * @param  minValue       the minimal value, or {@code null} if none.
 * @param  isMinIncluded  {@code true} if the minimal value is inclusive, or {@code false} if exclusive.
 * @param  maxValue       the maximal value, or {@code null} if none.
 * @param  isMaxIncluded  {@code true} if the maximal value is inclusive, or {@code false} if exclusive.
 * @param  unit           the unit of measurement, or {@code null} if unknown.
 * @return the new range, or {@code null} if both {@code minValue} and {@code maxValue} are {@code null}.
 * @see NumberRange#createBestFit(Number, boolean, Number, boolean)
public static MeasurementRange<?> createBestFit(final Number minValue, final boolean isMinIncluded,
    final Number maxValue, final boolean isMaxIncluded, final Unit<?> unit)
  final Class<? extends Number> type = Numbers.widestClass(
      Numbers.narrowestClass(minValue), Numbers.narrowestClass(maxValue));
  if (type == null) {
    return null;
  return unique(new MeasurementRange(type,
      Numbers.cast(minValue, type), isMinIncluded,
      Numbers.cast(maxValue, type), isMaxIncluded, unit));

代码示例来源:origin: apache/sis

 * Constructs a range using the smallest type of {@link Number} that can hold the given values.
 * This method performs the same work than {@link NumberRange#createBestFit
 * NumberRange.createBestFit(…)} with an additional {@code unit} argument.
 * <p>This method may return a shared instance, at implementation choice.</p>
 * @param  minValue       the minimal value, or {@code null} if none.
 * @param  isMinIncluded  {@code true} if the minimal value is inclusive, or {@code false} if exclusive.
 * @param  maxValue       the maximal value, or {@code null} if none.
 * @param  isMaxIncluded  {@code true} if the maximal value is inclusive, or {@code false} if exclusive.
 * @param  unit           the unit of measurement, or {@code null} if unknown.
 * @return the new range, or {@code null} if both {@code minValue} and {@code maxValue} are {@code null}.
 * @see NumberRange#createBestFit(Number, boolean, Number, boolean)
public static MeasurementRange<?> createBestFit(final Number minValue, final boolean isMinIncluded,
    final Number maxValue, final boolean isMaxIncluded, final Unit<?> unit)
  final Class<? extends Number> type = Numbers.widestClass(
      Numbers.narrowestClass(minValue), Numbers.narrowestClass(maxValue));
  if (type == null) {
    return null;
  return unique(new MeasurementRange(type,
      Numbers.cast(minValue, type), isMinIncluded,
      Numbers.cast(maxValue, type), isMaxIncluded, unit));

代码示例来源:origin: apache/sis

return null;
final Number min = Numbers.cast(minValue, type);
final Number max = Objects.equals(minValue, maxValue) ? min : Numbers.cast(maxValue, type);
return unique(new NumberRange(type, min, isMinIncluded, max, isMaxIncluded));

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.sis.core/sis-utility

Numbers.narrowestClass(minValue), Numbers.narrowestClass(maxValue));
return (type == null) ? null : unique(new NumberRange(type,
    Numbers.cast(minValue, type), isMinIncluded,
    Numbers.cast(maxValue, type), isMaxIncluded));

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.sis.core/sis-utility

Numbers.cast(minimum, type), minInc,
Numbers.cast(maximum, type), maxInc, targetUnit);
