[英]Casts a number to the specified type. The target type can be one of Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double, BigInteger or BigDecimal. This method makes the following choice:
;代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.sis.core/sis-utility
* Constructs a range with the same values than the specified range, casted to the specified type.
* @param type the element type, usually one of {@link Byte}, {@link Short},
* {@link Integer}, {@link Long}, {@link Float} or {@link Double}.
* @param range the range to copy. The elements must be {@link Number} instances.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given type is not one of the primitive wrappers for numeric types.
NumberRange(final Class<E> type, final Range<? extends Number> range)
throws IllegalArgumentException
super(type, Numbers.cast(range.minValue, type), range.isMinIncluded,
Numbers.cast(range.maxValue, type), range.isMaxIncluded);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/sis
* Constructs a range with the same values than the specified range, casted to the specified type.
* @param type the element type, usually one of {@link Byte}, {@link Short},
* {@link Integer}, {@link Long}, {@link Float} or {@link Double}.
* @param range the range to copy. The elements must be {@link Number} instances.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given type is not one of the primitive wrappers for numeric types.
NumberRange(final Class<E> type, final Range<? extends Number> range)
throws IllegalArgumentException
super(type, Numbers.cast(range.minValue, type), range.isMinIncluded,
Numbers.cast(range.maxValue, type), range.isMaxIncluded);
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.sis.core/sis-utility
value = Numbers.cast(value, type);
if (minValue != null) {
final int c = ((Comparable) Numbers.cast(minValue, type)).compareTo(value);
if (isMinIncluded ? (c > 0) : (c >= 0)) {
return false;
final int c = ((Comparable) Numbers.cast(maxValue, type)).compareTo(value);
if (isMaxIncluded ? (c < 0) : (c <= 0)) {
return false;
代码示例来源:origin: apache/sis
value = Numbers.cast(value, type);
if (minValue != null) {
final int c = ((Comparable) Numbers.cast(minValue, type)).compareTo(value);
if (isMinIncluded ? (c > 0) : (c >= 0)) {
return false;
final int c = ((Comparable) Numbers.cast(maxValue, type)).compareTo(value);
if (isMaxIncluded ? (c < 0) : (c <= 0)) {
return false;
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.sis.core/sis-utility
* Converts the given value to the a {@link #elementType} type.
private Object convert(final Object value) throws UnconvertibleObjectException {
if (value == null || elementType.isInstance(value)) {
return value;
if (value instanceof Number && Number.class.isAssignableFrom(elementType)) {
return Numbers.cast((Number) value, (Class<? extends Number>) elementType);
throw new UnconvertibleObjectException(Errors.format(
Errors.Keys.IllegalClass_2, elementType, value.getClass()));
代码示例来源:origin: apache/sis
* Converts the given value to the a {@link #elementType} type.
private Object convert(final Object value) throws UnconvertibleObjectException {
if (value == null || elementType.isInstance(value)) {
return value;
if (value instanceof Number && Number.class.isAssignableFrom(elementType)) {
return Numbers.cast((Number) value, (Class<? extends Number>) elementType);
throw new UnconvertibleObjectException(Errors.format(
Errors.Keys.IllegalClass_2, elementType, value.getClass()));
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.sis.core/sis-utility
* Returns the increment between all consecutive values if this increment is constant, or {@code null} otherwise.
public Number increment(final double tolerance) {
Number inc = first.increment(tolerance);
if (inc != null) {
Number check = second.increment(tolerance);
if (check != null) {
final Class<? extends Number> type = Numbers.widestClass(inc.getClass(), check.getClass());
inc = Numbers.cast(inc, type);
check = Numbers.cast(check, type);
if (inc.equals(check)) {
return inc;
return null;
代码示例来源:origin: apache/sis
* Returns the increment between all consecutive values if this increment is constant, or {@code null} otherwise.
public Number increment(final double tolerance) {
Number inc = first.increment(tolerance);
if (inc != null) {
Number check = second.increment(tolerance);
if (check != null) {
final Class<? extends Number> type = Numbers.widestClass(inc.getClass(), check.getClass());
inc = Numbers.cast(inc, type);
check = Numbers.cast(check, type);
if (inc.equals(check)) {
return inc;
return null;
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.sis.core/sis-utility
public T apply(final S source) {
final double sourceValue = source.doubleValue();
T target = Numbers.cast(source, targetClass);
final double targetValue = target.doubleValue();
if (Double.doubleToLongBits(targetValue) != Double.doubleToLongBits(sourceValue)) {
if (!(delta < 0.5)) { // Use '!' for catching NaN.
if (delta < 1) {
target = Numbers.cast(Math.round(sourceValue), targetClass);
} else {
代码示例来源:origin: apache/sis
public T apply(final S source) {
final double sourceValue = source.doubleValue();
T target = Numbers.cast(source, targetClass);
final double targetValue = target.doubleValue();
if (Double.doubleToLongBits(targetValue) != Double.doubleToLongBits(sourceValue)) {
if (!(delta < 0.5)) { // Use '!' for catching NaN.
if (delta < 1) {
target = Numbers.cast(Math.round(sourceValue), targetClass);
} else {
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.sis.core/sis-referencing
* Sets the parameter value as an integer.
* <p>The default implementation wraps the given integer in an object of the type specified by the
* {@linkplain #getDescriptor() descriptor}, then delegates to {@link #setValue(Object, Unit)}.</p>
* @param newValue the parameter value.
* @throws InvalidParameterValueException if the integer type is inappropriate for this parameter,
* or if the value is illegal for some other reason (for example a value out of range).
* @see #intValue()
public void setValue(final int newValue) throws InvalidParameterValueException {
Number n = newValue;
final Class<T> valueClass = descriptor.getValueClass();
if (Number.class.isAssignableFrom(valueClass)) {
final Number c = Numbers.cast(newValue, (Class<? extends Number>) valueClass);
if (c.intValue() == newValue) {
n = c;
setValue(n, unit);
// Use 'unit' instead than 'getUnit()' despite class Javadoc claims because units are not expected
// to be involved in this method. We just want the current unit setting to be unchanged.
代码示例来源:origin: apache/sis
* Sets the parameter value as an integer.
* <p>The default implementation wraps the given integer in an object of the type specified by the
* {@linkplain #getDescriptor() descriptor}, then delegates to {@link #setValue(Object, Unit)}.</p>
* @param newValue the parameter value.
* @throws InvalidParameterValueException if the integer type is inappropriate for this parameter,
* or if the value is illegal for some other reason (for example a value out of range).
* @see #intValue()
public void setValue(final int newValue) throws InvalidParameterValueException {
Number n = newValue;
final Class<T> valueClass = descriptor.getValueClass();
if (Number.class.isAssignableFrom(valueClass)) {
final Number c = Numbers.cast(newValue, (Class<? extends Number>) valueClass);
if (c.intValue() == newValue) {
n = c;
setValue(n, unit);
// Use 'unit' instead than 'getUnit()' despite class Javadoc claims because units are not expected
// to be involved in this method. We just want the current unit setting to be unchanged.
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.sis.core/sis-utility
* Constructs a range of the given type with values from the given annotation.
* This constructor does not verify if the given type is wide enough for the values of
* the given annotation, because those information are usually static. If nevertheless
* the given type is not wide enough, then the values are truncated in the same way
* than the Java language casts primitive types.
* @param type the element type, restricted to one of {@link Byte}, {@link Short},
* {@link Integer}, {@link Long}, {@link Float} or {@link Double}.
* @param range the range of values.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given type is not one of the primitive wrappers for numeric types.
public NumberRange(final Class<E> type, final ValueRange range) throws IllegalArgumentException {
super(type, Numbers.cast(valueOf("minimum", range.minimum(), Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY), type), range.isMinIncluded(),
Numbers.cast(valueOf("maximum", range.maximum(), Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY), type), range.isMaxIncluded());
代码示例来源:origin: apache/sis
* Tests {@link Numbers#cast(Number, Class)}.
public void testCast() {
final Integer value = new Integer(10); // Intentionally a new instance.
assertEquals(Byte .valueOf((byte) 10), cast(value, Byte .class));
assertEquals(Short .valueOf((short) 10), cast(value, Short .class));
assertSame (value, cast(value, Integer.class));
assertEquals(Long .valueOf((long) 10), cast(value, Long .class));
assertEquals(Float .valueOf((float) 10), cast(value, Float .class));
assertEquals(Double .valueOf((double) 10), cast(value, Double .class));
代码示例来源:origin: apache/sis
* Constructs a range of the given type with values from the given annotation.
* This constructor does not verify if the given type is wide enough for the values of
* the given annotation, because those information are usually static. If nevertheless
* the given type is not wide enough, then the values are truncated in the same way
* than the Java language casts primitive types.
* @param type the element type, restricted to one of {@link Byte}, {@link Short},
* {@link Integer}, {@link Long}, {@link Float} or {@link Double}.
* @param range the range of values.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given type is not one of the primitive wrappers for numeric types.
public NumberRange(final Class<E> type, final ValueRange range) throws IllegalArgumentException {
super(type, Numbers.cast(valueOf("minimum", range.minimum(), Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY), type), range.isMinIncluded(),
Numbers.cast(valueOf("maximum", range.maximum(), Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY), type), range.isMaxIncluded());
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.sis.core/sis-utility
* Constructs a range using the smallest type of {@link Number} that can hold the given values.
* This method performs the same work than {@link NumberRange#createBestFit
* NumberRange.createBestFit(…)} with an additional {@code unit} argument.
* <p>This method may return a shared instance, at implementation choice.</p>
* @param minValue the minimal value, or {@code null} if none.
* @param isMinIncluded {@code true} if the minimal value is inclusive, or {@code false} if exclusive.
* @param maxValue the maximal value, or {@code null} if none.
* @param isMaxIncluded {@code true} if the maximal value is inclusive, or {@code false} if exclusive.
* @param unit the unit of measurement, or {@code null} if unknown.
* @return the new range, or {@code null} if both {@code minValue} and {@code maxValue} are {@code null}.
* @see NumberRange#createBestFit(Number, boolean, Number, boolean)
public static MeasurementRange<?> createBestFit(final Number minValue, final boolean isMinIncluded,
final Number maxValue, final boolean isMaxIncluded, final Unit<?> unit)
final Class<? extends Number> type = Numbers.widestClass(
Numbers.narrowestClass(minValue), Numbers.narrowestClass(maxValue));
if (type == null) {
return null;
return unique(new MeasurementRange(type,
Numbers.cast(minValue, type), isMinIncluded,
Numbers.cast(maxValue, type), isMaxIncluded, unit));
代码示例来源:origin: apache/sis
* Constructs a range using the smallest type of {@link Number} that can hold the given values.
* This method performs the same work than {@link NumberRange#createBestFit
* NumberRange.createBestFit(…)} with an additional {@code unit} argument.
* <p>This method may return a shared instance, at implementation choice.</p>
* @param minValue the minimal value, or {@code null} if none.
* @param isMinIncluded {@code true} if the minimal value is inclusive, or {@code false} if exclusive.
* @param maxValue the maximal value, or {@code null} if none.
* @param isMaxIncluded {@code true} if the maximal value is inclusive, or {@code false} if exclusive.
* @param unit the unit of measurement, or {@code null} if unknown.
* @return the new range, or {@code null} if both {@code minValue} and {@code maxValue} are {@code null}.
* @see NumberRange#createBestFit(Number, boolean, Number, boolean)
public static MeasurementRange<?> createBestFit(final Number minValue, final boolean isMinIncluded,
final Number maxValue, final boolean isMaxIncluded, final Unit<?> unit)
final Class<? extends Number> type = Numbers.widestClass(
Numbers.narrowestClass(minValue), Numbers.narrowestClass(maxValue));
if (type == null) {
return null;
return unique(new MeasurementRange(type,
Numbers.cast(minValue, type), isMinIncluded,
Numbers.cast(maxValue, type), isMaxIncluded, unit));
代码示例来源:origin: apache/sis
return null;
final Number min = Numbers.cast(minValue, type);
final Number max = Objects.equals(minValue, maxValue) ? min : Numbers.cast(maxValue, type);
return unique(new NumberRange(type, min, isMinIncluded, max, isMaxIncluded));
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.sis.core/sis-utility
Numbers.narrowestClass(minValue), Numbers.narrowestClass(maxValue));
return (type == null) ? null : unique(new NumberRange(type,
Numbers.cast(minValue, type), isMinIncluded,
Numbers.cast(maxValue, type), isMaxIncluded));
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.sis.core/sis-utility
Numbers.cast(minimum, type), minInc,
Numbers.cast(maximum, type), maxInc, targetUnit);