代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.dnsjava-osgi/dnsjava-osgi
* Determines if an RRset with the given name and type is already
* present in any section.
* @see RRset
* @see Section
public boolean
findRRset(Name name, int type) {
return (findRRset(name, type, Section.ANSWER) ||
findRRset(name, type, Section.AUTHORITY) ||
findRRset(name, type, Section.ADDITIONAL));
代码示例来源:origin: org.littleshoot/dnsjava
* Determines if an RRset with the given name and type is already
* present in any section.
* @see RRset
* @see Section
public boolean
findRRset(Name name, int type) {
return (findRRset(name, type, Section.ANSWER) ||
findRRset(name, type, Section.AUTHORITY) ||
findRRset(name, type, Section.ADDITIONAL));
代码示例来源:origin: dnsjava/dnsjava
* Determines if an RRset with the given name and type is already
* present in any section.
* @see RRset
* @see Section
public boolean
findRRset(Name name, int type) {
return (findRRset(name, type, Section.ANSWER) ||
findRRset(name, type, Section.AUTHORITY) ||
findRRset(name, type, Section.ADDITIONAL));
代码示例来源:origin: tiandawu/IotXmpp
* Determines if an RRset with the given name and type is already
* present in any section.
* @see RRset
* @see Section
public boolean
findRRset(Name name, int type) {
return (findRRset(name, type, Section.ANSWER) ||
findRRset(name, type, Section.AUTHORITY) ||
findRRset(name, type, Section.ADDITIONAL));
代码示例来源:origin: dnsjava/dnsjava
addRRset(Name name, Message response, RRset rrset, int section, int flags) {
for (int s = 1; s <= section; s++)
if (response.findRRset(name, rrset.getType(), s))
if ((flags & FLAG_SIGONLY) == 0) {
Iterator it = rrset.rrs();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Record r = (Record) it.next();
if (r.getName().isWild() && !name.isWild())
r = r.withName(name);
response.addRecord(r, section);
if ((flags & (FLAG_SIGONLY | FLAG_DNSSECOK)) != 0) {
Iterator it = rrset.sigs();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Record r = (Record) it.next();
if (r.getName().isWild() && !name.isWild())
r = r.withName(name);
response.addRecord(r, section);
代码示例来源:origin: org.jboss.resteasy/resteasy-eagledns-fork
private void addRRset(Name name, Message response, RRset rrset, int section, int flags) {
for (int s = 1; s <= section; s++) {
if (response.findRRset(name, rrset.getType(), s)) {
if ((flags & FLAG_SIGONLY) == 0) {
Iterator<?> it = rrset.rrs();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Record r = (Record) it.next();
if (r.getName().isWild() && !name.isWild()) {
r = r.withName(name);
response.addRecord(r, section);
if ((flags & (FLAG_SIGONLY | FLAG_DNSSECOK)) != 0) {
Iterator<?> it = rrset.sigs();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Record r = (Record) it.next();
if (r.getName().isWild() && !name.isWild()) {
r = r.withName(name);
response.addRecord(r, section);
代码示例来源:origin: org.echocat.jomon.net/common
void addRRset(Name name, Message response, RRset rrset, int section, int flags) {
for (int s = 1; s <= section; s++) {
if (response.findRRset(name, rrset.getType(), s)) {
if ((flags & FLAG_SIGONLY) == 0) {
final Iterator<?> it = rrset.rrs();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Record r = (Record) it.next();
if (r.getName().isWild() && !name.isWild()) {
r = r.withName(name);
response.addRecord(r, section);
if ((flags & (FLAG_SIGONLY | FLAG_DNSSECOK)) != 0) {
final Iterator<?> it = rrset.sigs();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Record r = (Record) it.next();
if (r.getName().isWild() && !name.isWild()) {
r = r.withName(name);
response.addRecord(r, section);
代码示例来源:origin: OpenNMS/opennms
void addRRset(final Name name, final Message response, final RRset rrset, final int section, final int flags) {
for (int s = 1; s <= section; s++) {
if (response.findRRset(name, rrset.getType(), s)) return;
if ((flags & FLAG_SIGONLY) == 0) {
final Iterator<Record> it = rrset.rrs();
while (it.hasNext()) {
final Record r = it.next();
if (r.getName().isWild() && !name.isWild()) {
response.addRecord(r.withName(name), section);
} else {
response.addRecord(r, section);
if ((flags & (FLAG_SIGONLY | FLAG_DNSSECOK)) != 0) {
final Iterator<Record> it = rrset.sigs();
while (it.hasNext()) {
final Record r = it.next();
if (r.getName().isWild() && !name.isWild()) {
response.addRecord(r.withName(name), section);
} else {
response.addRecord(r, section);
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-yarn-registry
int flags) {
for (int s = 1; s <= section; s++) {
if (response.findRRset(name, rrset.getType(), s)) {